Dungeon Editor (and game) - critique

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Dungeon Editor (and game) - critique

Post by DrMadolite »

I've been using the Dungeon Editor for some time and it's looking supertight. Great job, guys. However, as with all new releases there are bound to be some things here and there that simply don't work.

One of the things that really vexes me, is the fact that I can't control the random placement of floor grating in the Dungeon wallset. Is there any way of turning this off? Why did you add it to the randomizer? As a rule of thumb, all such specific features shouldn't be randomized (because it may break the lore concept that you intended for a given room/level). Plus, it's already available as a placable asset.

I have yet to find much else of importance that annoys me, at least with regards to giving you guys some slack (knowing what I know about programming and development). But what about it? What are your future plans for the game and its dungeon editor? I read about Antti and "This Rotten Place" - a solid decision to make some kind of extensive editor tutorial mod. Great idea, and it's awesome to see that modelling tool up and running as well. But what about the really big things?

Clearly, Almost Human can't just reveal all the plans they've ever made. But I'm personally getting more and more excited about the future potential of game and I would love to hear some general hopes and desires up on their "wall of crazy". Does anyone have any links to such interviews or similar, for that matter? Cause the way I see it, Almost Human has got the engine and tools nailed down and can just start pumping out tons of new assets and other content, while at the same time grooming the modding community so that more people get interested in the game. Bugs need ever fixing and new content needs playtesting. But all in all, I think we're gonna see some wonderful things coming up.

Anyone wanna share their thoughts about this?
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Re: Dungeon Editor (and game) - critique

Post by flatline »

You can control how often the random gratings appear. It's in the modding guide, at work so can't look it up now.
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Re: Dungeon Editor (and game) - critique

Post by Neikun »

Currently they're at work on the Mac Release while tracking down current Dungeon Editor bugs (and suggested features?) for them to fix in a major update down the road.
It is assumed that at the same time, they are deep in their work on their next game release.
Considering the fact that they just hired a new artist to the team recently, I would assume that they are somewhere deep in the concept stages of production of that game.
Meanwhile, they released a second mod, Cows on Wheels with source files here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =100596362
Furthermore, it's rumoured that one of or all of the devs are taking part in the final room of the "One Room Round Robin" but shhh. It's a secret to everyone.
And after all that, we must also appreciate that they have lives of their own apart from their work.

It is possible to change the random generation in your wallset.

You will need to copy the existing wallsets to your own wallsets.lua and remove any mention of floor drainages.

Should you want to keep an eye on their mods, follow http://steamcommunity.com/id/peeba/mywo ... pid=207170
on the Steamworkshop.

If you are not a Steam user, you should at least be able to download the source code and export a .dat for yourself to play.
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Re: Dungeon Editor (and game) - critique

Post by Brodie301 »

Another place of AH source files for those that don't have Steam is:

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Re: Dungeon Editor (and game) - critique

Post by Komag »

I also use modifies wallsets without floor drains and just place them manually
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Re: Dungeon Editor (and game) - critique

Post by DrMadolite »

Neikun wrote:You will need to copy the existing wallsets to your own wallsets.lua and remove any mention of floor drainages.
How do I do that, syntax-wise? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Dungeon Editor (and game) - critique

Post by flatline »

Look at the original asset descriptions, copy the wall definitions to your dungeons scripts. Here's from the modding guide:

Defines a new wallset or replaces an existing wallset. The function takes the following named parameters:

name: the name of the wallset to define or replace.
randomFloorFacing: a boolean flag which enables random floor model rotation.
floors: a table of floor models and their relative probabilities. See below.
walls: a table of wall models and their relative probabilities. See below.
pillars: a table of pillar models and their relative probabilities. See below.
ceilings: a table of ceiling models and their relative probabilities. See below.
ceilingShafts: a table of ceiling shaft models and their relative probabilities. See below.
floorDecorations: a table of floor decoration models and their relative probabilities. See below. -- This is what you need!
wallDecorations: a table of wall decoration models and their relative probabilities. See below.
pillarDecorations: a table of pillar decoration models and their relative probabilities. See below.
The tables referred above contain lists of models and their probabilities that are used to randomly pick up pieces for generating the levels. At every odd table index there must be a valid asset reference ending with a “.fbx”. At every even table index there must be a number that indicates the relative probability of the model.

For example,

walls = {
"assets/models/env/dungeon_wall_01.fbx", 50,
"assets/models/env/dungeon_wall_drainage.fbx", 1,
Would indicate that statistically every 50th generated wall would be a wall drainage.

Floors, walls, pillars, ceilings and ceilingShafts are the basic building blocks of a dungeon. FloorDecorations, wallDecorations, pillarDecorations are additional decorative objects that are placed after floors, walls and pillars have been placed.
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Re: Dungeon Editor (and game) - critique

Post by Neikun »

DrMadolite wrote:
Neikun wrote:You will need to copy the existing wallsets to your own wallsets.lua and remove any mention of floor drainages.
How do I do that, syntax-wise? Thanks in advance.
All you have to do is delete the line the mentions floor_drainage and it will no longer be randomly generated.

Keep in mind that this will act like an entirely new wallset in the editor unless you name it exactly the same as the original wallset (98% sure of that)
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Re: Dungeon Editor (and game) - critique

Post by DrMadolite »

Neikun wrote:All you have to do is delete the line the mentions floor_drainage and it will no longer be randomly generated.
The wall_sets.lua of my mod is completely empty, there's only a default text "-- This file has been generated by Dungeon Editor 1.3.1..."
What line are you referring to, that I'm supposed to delete?

flatline wrote:Look at the original asset descriptions, copy the wall definitions to your dungeons scripts. Here's from the modding guide:

Defines a new wallset or replaces an existing wallset. The function takes the following named parameters:

name: the name of the wallset to define or replace.
randomFloorFacing: a boolean flag which enables random floor model rotation.
floors: a table of floor models and their relative probabilities. See below.
walls: a table of wall models and their relative probabilities. See below.
pillars: a table of pillar models and their relative probabilities. See below.
ceilings: a table of ceiling models and their relative probabilities. See below.
ceilingShafts: a table of ceiling shaft models and their relative probabilities. See below.
floorDecorations: a table of floor decoration models and their relative probabilities. See below. -- This is what you need!
wallDecorations: a table of wall decoration models and their relative probabilities. See below.
pillarDecorations: a table of pillar decoration models and their relative probabilities. See below.
The tables referred above contain lists of models and their probabilities that are used to randomly pick up pieces for generating the levels. At every odd table index there must be a valid asset reference ending with a “.fbx”. At every even table index there must be a number that indicates the relative probability of the model.
Yeah but the modding guide doesn't explain the actual syntax for anything. I don't want to show 1 drainage per 50 wall, I want to show 0 per any number. I guess I could try to type 1 and 0 to represent 0 spawns per wall. Like this:

walls = {
"assets/models/env/dungeon_wall_01.fbx", 1,
"assets/models/env/dungeon_wall_drainage.fbx", 0,

I think I understand the polymorphism of the code, it's just the language itself that is confusing and where I find what files etc. I'm using steam, so I can't seem to find any gamefiles on my computer for some reason (except for save files and dungeon editor files, in the case of LoG).

I think I'm gonna spend some extra time with researching things, I guess. The mod can wait, it's not a big deal.
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Re: Dungeon Editor (and game) - critique

Post by Daniv »


You're after the scripts folder, where you'll find the lua file defining all of the original LoG wall sets. You can then copy/paste the wall set(s) you'd like to modify into your own mod's lua file.
I'd give the wall set a slightly different name, such as "drainless_dungeon" or something, and then simply delete the lines that call the drainage assets into use.
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