EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Isaac »

Quick stuff then...

* Pit targets. An optionally alternate (X,Y,lvl) for where the party falls into the next floor; (which could be the same floor).

*Portcullis option to not stop projectiles / or (if that's not possible) a way to use ShootProjectile() and (aside from setting it to ignore portcullis doors) have it fire offset (like thrown weapons) and return XP to the champion that used the weapon >> that called ShootProjectile().

* A hook of the Party that gets called when the party attempts to move; such that the function knows the attempted direction. It should get called even if they walk into a wall and cannot proceed.

** Edit: (one too many) :o
I'd like it if the standard locks all had the option for an additional "Opened By" object ~preferably with an 'onUseItem()' hook like the Alcoves have. This would greatly simplify the hoops one has to jump though to have functional lock picks.
petri wrote:Folks! I'm out of beer and the missus just arrived, so our time tonight is unfortunately up! :-D This was fun, we have to do this again!
Looks like I came late to the party. :cry:
Next time then. The changes made look really cool.

I'm surprised nobody asked for a script function to assign the hard-coded Uggardian flame effect to a cloned monster.
Something like assignFlameEffect("MyMonster_01"), or an added property like flameEffect = true.
Last edited by Isaac on Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:18 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by cromcrom »

please please please
A throwable = false boolean for items (would make the item fall in the same square as the party, party.facing);
Possibility to setItemProperty(property,amount)/getItemProperty(property) for spawned items would incredibly facilitate some modding stuff (like set the attackPower/accuracy/protection/weight/coolDownTime.... of items, when appropriate).
Some new ways to "tell things to the player". Right now, AFAIK, you can use note items, hudPrint, and wall text to transmit informations to the player. Maybe some kind of log or anything else like it so people can gain more informations.
Some insights into creatures brains, or at least a few more brain types (cowardly, neutral...)
In the onAttack for party, add a "what was hit if it was hit" parameter. Right now, I can't connect a monster taking damage to the party or a champion.
Or it could be a onDamage from the monster, that returns not only the type, but also the weapon/champion doing the damage (or nil)
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Batty »

oooh entity.class will be super useful and of course, getFood() is pure genius 8-) :lol:
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Komag »

I second the excitement for entity class, that would have been very useful to me many times! And all those other things added, so awesome!

I hope it's not too forever long before we get to use all this good stuff :)
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Grimwold »

I missed the flurry of changes, but from the list, it looks like we've got some great new features to look forward to in the next patch... especially excited about isWall() and entity.class

Thanks a ton Petri!
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Decayer »

Thanks, Petri!
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by cromcrom »

o well, I guess I arrived a little to late, thanks a lot anyways ^^
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by petri »

About the schedule, I think we need to sync the release date of the patch with the mac version launch so that these new features will be out at the same time on all platforms. Otherwise mods would become incompatible until all versions are patched.

I'd like to do one more session of "Petri drinks beer and codes with you" before the release! Stay tuned!
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by petri »

Isaac wrote:A hook of the Party that gets called when the party attempts to move; such that the function knows the attempted direction. It should get called even if they walk into a wall and cannot proceed.
Doesn't onPartyMove work?
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Isaac »

petri wrote:
Isaac wrote:A hook of the Party that gets called when the party attempts to move; such that the function knows the attempted direction. It should get called even if they walk into a wall and cannot proceed.
Doesn't onPartyMove work?
Well... Sort of, but not as I'd like (unless I'm misunderstanding it or something about it).
I do have it working in one part of a multi-floor dungeon for one script. The hook equals a function that passes the direction to that script when they move. The problem that I ran into was that the hook only called that one script; and re-reading that script I just had to laugh at what I had written....

I consider myself a novice at lua; but at the time that I wrote that I'd been lua scripting all of one week, and the script works, but it actually toggles a specific pair of teleporters on/off every time they move North or South anywhere in the dungeon. :lol:

This is what I am using if for (at the moment):
It just occurred to me as I write this, that I could have had the hook's function call a dozen such scripts each checking the directions at a given place; each with an 'If block' location check to bypass the instructions if they are not where they should be. I'll try this a bit later... Would the hook's calling a dozen or more functions be a noticeable performance hit? (Perhaps for a low end machine?)
*Is there a better way than this?

Edit: I have my answer... It does make a noticeable performance hit. I added an 'If' block to exclude the code unless they stood on the exact spot where it was really needed, and it slowed down just enough to hit the wall (with the sound effect) before the teleporter swapped locations. That is enough to ruin the illusion. :( There might not be a fix for this; but it works the way I had it before.
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