On Bethesda's Skyrim forum a post was started about Legend of Grimrock, one of Bethesda's forum moderators posted a reply to it promoting it Awesome. The word on Legend of Grimrock is getting everywhere, which can only be good!
That was fun reading that. Grimrock steps: oblivious to it, learn of it, inquire about it, get so excited you just have to order it within the next 30 seconds!!
I'd take one of the four wooden clubs I was carrying and just bash open doors with it.
- if life were like Dungeon Master
I'd click FIREBALL much more on New Year's Eve
- if life were like Eye of the Beholder
Not sure why this is noteworthy. If a Bethesda developer made a comment like that, it would be cool because it's always good to see devs being humble and appreciative of the work of their competitors.
Not sure why this is noteworthy. If a Bethesda developer made a comment like that, it would be cool because it's always good to see devs being humble and appreciative of the work of their competitors.
Competitor. Haha. That's really funny.
Both the style and the games are much too different, and they compete in dramatically different categories (AAA vs. indie). Almost Human has a niche, Bethesda doesn't. No competition.
You know Bethesda's Terminator 2029 was very dungeon crawler like. It'd be hilarious if they tried to bring something like that back, I remember playing and beating both it and the Operation Scour expansion in the early 90s, good times.
Not sure why this is noteworthy. If a Bethesda developer made a comment like that, it would be cool because it's always good to see devs being humble and appreciative of the work of their competitors.
They're really not competitors as much as they're fellow PC devs/gamers, (It's the console devs/publishers who are competitors) hell, even Todd Howard is an old-school cRPG geek, so yeah, he's definitely gonna be playing this as well!
Assumptions are the practical logic of the ignorant.
It's like comparing Basketball to American Football. Sure both are games based around balls and teams scoring against each other by getting to the other side of the court/field and putting their respective balls through a hoop/goal posts, but at their core they are completely different. Hell that football isn't even cylindrical.