iPad Running LoG?

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iPad Running LoG?

Post by JohnWordsworth »

I just posted this at the bottom of another thread, but I thought this deserved more space. Is this a hidden teaser from Almost Human about an upcoming build of Grimrock for iPad (or a possible mistake, but it seems too obvious for that!).


It's almost definitely an iPad (see the folded iPad case acting as a triangular stand at the back) and it's almost definitely an image from Legend of Grimrock. Surely...?
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Re: iPad Running LoG?

Post by Komag »

Oh I have no doubt it's running in some half buggy form while they're working on things. Hopefully it will all get sorted sooner rather than later :)
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Re: iPad Running LoG?

Post by antti »

Hey, who left it there?! :evil:
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Re: iPad Running LoG?

Post by Brodie301 »

All I can say is: wow wow wow
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Re: iPad Running LoG?

Post by Neikun »

I thought that was just a piece of paper.

...It's been too long since I played the original game. I've forgotten how much these devs love to hide things in plain sight.
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Re: iPad Running LoG?

Post by Soorg »

I don't understand how some players can be so fan of ipad games. For dev the first point is there's no similar story than on iphone games with some game selling a lot during a lot of time. For users, the storage capacity size is just a lot too limited for players fan. And it's a total nuisance to manage this.

I have the first ipad and saw new models not adding more storage capacity so skipped them. The trouble is that games require more and more storage capacity on ipad and use a hacked version of the OS is a lot of troubles and use the OS and uninstall a game is lost all saves. So 64Gb capacity is a disaster for a gamer, I stopped play entirely on iPad because of all the troubles involved by the limited storage capacity.

I'm still waiting OSX version but not at all iPad version.
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Re: iPad Running LoG?

Post by JohnWordsworth »

I was considering feeding the debate or just letting it drop, but I just have to say that the 3.4 million people (more likely 4-5 million, given sales) that contributed to Infinity Blade 1 making $23 million probably disagree! Granted, there are fewer hardcore than casual iPad gamers, but there is definitely a market for 'real games' on the iPad. We'll see how Baldur's Gate does on the iPad which I'm eagerly awaiting next week :).

The storage capacity argument is tosh. iCloud and wireless backup to a PC make it trivial to keep hold of saved games. By the same argument the Xbox is a failure for gamers vs the PC due to storage capacity - Hitman on PC was 30Gb, and it was probably 2DVDs on Xbox. Developers will compress / downsize textures and content to fit the platform. Deleting an iPad app with a good saving strategy and re-installing it months later retains your saved games, so switching your games around every few months is trivial. Grimrock is always going to be a relatively niche game - the Call of Duty crowd aren't yearning for a Dungeon Crawler, but there's nothing wrong being niche on a platform shifting 10-15 million units a quarter.
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Re: iPad Running LoG?

Post by Soorg »

Infinity blade has been released on iphone, numbers you quote aren't for an ipad game.

Saves of a game are deleted when you remove the game. Backup is for the whole ipad not for one game, using it to restore saves of a game is non sense. Few games has cloud save or documents managements allowing not lost saves when you remove the game but it's rare. If you really have a way to remove one game and restore it and still have old saves and not using a hacked OS, please describe it

That 64Gb limit has become even more weird with the new ipad with retina display involving bigger games.

I wonder how much free space you have on your ipad, Sooner or later it becomes fill and then each time you want try new games you have to think what to remove, it's totally boring.
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Re: iPad Running LoG?

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Ok, you're lured me in for one more post!

1. Apologies, I wasn't clear. You're right, deleting an app deletes the save data if it's not iCloud. By 'good saving strategy', I meant iCloud games (which quite a few of my modern ones are), or putting game saves in the Documents directory for easy backup from iTunes.

2. However, I backup game data to PC/OSX from ANY game using iFunBox. No jailbreak required. Simply drag/drop game saves to/from device. You can also get a peak inside the .app files too if you fancy a look at the GFX for some games!

3. It's very hard to find sales figures for iPad only games, so consider. Infinity Blade has 220,000 US reviews, and ~4 million players (1 US review per 19 players). Assume (conservatively) 10 players per US review. Real Racing 2 HD has 14,000 reviews ~= 140,000 players. PGA Tour 2012 (iPad Edition) has 34,000 reviews ~= 340,000 players. Galaxy on Fire 2 HD 5,100 reviews ~= 51,000 players. My estimates are intentionally low, but I doubt Almost Human would be too upset if they get 51,000 sales at £4-5 a shot. Not saying it's guaranteed money - but I'm also saying that there are a lot of cases where people have clearly made money out of iPad games!
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Re: iPad Running LoG?

Post by Brodie301 »

I play "The Quest" on my iPad 2 and I manage my saves since I save so often the way John described.
I am going to buy LoG on iPad but I also have a 4S and was playing Quest on it and it just didnt feel right. I would really not consider playing LoG on that device. I think it too small and would break some of the immersion that a bigger screen would give.
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