[MOD] The Unquiet Mountain

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[MOD] The Unquiet Mountain

Post by vorebane »

I finished it! Nine levels of probable death for you and your fledgling party! Puzzles that will get you killed!

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =113413801

Explore the ruins of a mountain fortress, hoping for a chance at escape. With luck, you can avoid whatever caused all this horror...

I'm confident there aren't any showstoppers hidden in here, and I've enjoyed testing it. I haven't gotten any other eyes on it, but I think I've made a halfway decent dungeon. Me, I'm just happy I finished it, for now.

Edit: My hubris in expecting a pristine and flawless publishing has been revealed! Following are some hints that might not be readable for you in my first version!

Level 2:
Hasten to Residence. Weigh beneath the room paralleled yet
not neighboured bed to end the lockdown. We may yet see sun.
Level 3:
The sleeper's keepsake all that remains to find.
Remember - NOT A SNACK.
Level 4, south:
Blooddrop, cave nettle, grim cap stew
tar bead, slime bell, chicken soup lore
cave nettle, cave nettle, don't dare to pour
milkreed, blossom, all kitten new
Level 4, north:
Clues wizard etched he erased - they were
Set aflame
Set aflame and be ready
Immolate thy neighbours all from a spark
Immolation from buttons
Checkering neighbours in flame
Level 5:
if you read, you are stuck as we.
This place connects passages from deeper caverns.
from there, up, and forges. We leave to escape.
four streams from south shafts
to north drains, drain every room.
lighted rooms are important for that.
room of statues unlocks from east to west.
luck and fortune.
do not trust that damned wizard.
Level 8:
that thing trapped. somewhat. our vast gambit failed.
it runs loose. the pit untrusted. damn not our children's children.
please please please do not open gate for it.
it is smash. all that it is.
Last edited by vorebane on Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD] The Unquiet Mountain

Post by Phitt »

Started playing, here is some feedback:
1. Entry puzzle with fireballs...at first I thought 'meh, is this trial and error? Finding the correct plates to step/put rocks on while constantly dying?', but then I figured it out. Nice puzzle! What is the 'left plate' wall text about though?

2. The 'outline the valley' text is on top of a secret button, which results in z-fighting (flickering). I think it would be better to either move the text somewhere else or make a custom model that has both the text and the secret button in one model.

3. Didn't know what the 'outline the valley' puzzle was about. I tried to 'outline a valley' by pressing the outer buttons first and the middle button last, then I thought maybe the buttons are 'v, a, l, e, y', so I pressed them in order (from left to right, middle button twice). But nothing. At some point I simply clicked around and eventually I was teleported to the next area.

4. The 'continue removal reminders' note is unreadable since the whole note is in one line. The \n line breaks should only be used if you script notes (when placing them in alcoves/altars), but not when you place them and write the text in the text field of the editor. In the text field you can format the text without any 'code'.

5. Right now I'm stuck as I don't know what to do with the levers and the torch/torch holder. Tried all kind of combinations (levers up/down, torch in holder or not), but nothing happens. Looked for a secret button to the right ('farm entrance'?). No idea. Maybe it's because I can't read the note?

EDIT: Just realized that the 'farm entrance' note was behind a secret door, which was opened by the levers. So I guess I'm done with the lever part of the puzzle, now I have to figure out where the farm entrance is. I think the torch holder's event may be set to 'activate' instead of 'any' by the way as it behaves unreliably when I remove/add a torch (depending on whether a torch is inside it closes or opens the door when I put in a torch).

EDIT2: Nope, I'm stuck. No idea what else to do in the lever room, I looked for secret buttons, I tried to walk through walls, kept pulling levers. No idea where the farm entrance is supposed to be and how to open it. Couldn't find anything in the secret area with the note either.


6. Finally opened the other secret door, though I have absolutely no idea why it opened. Just pulled levers back and forth, inserted/removed torch and at some point it opened.

7. I'm now in a large level with a lot of corridors, found tons of ingredients, but no mortar so far. The only weapons I found are a cudgel (which I have no use for), a hand axe, a crossbow and a knife. No secrets so far (there are 24 of them, so I guess I missed a few already?).

8. The slimes are pretty boring to fight right now as my party is level 3 and I have only the aforementioned weapons. Means 'hit and strafe' for a few minutes to kill each slime. Maybe I should try to find some better weapons and avoid them until I did, but I fear they may surround me when I don't expect it.


9. Cleared the level and found some better weapons (battle axe, assassins dagger, fist dagger), no swords yet though.

10. Again stuck. Found another note (scroll in this case) that is hardly readable since the whole sentence is in one line. Says 'weigh beneath bed', guess it's meant to be 'wait'? Anyway, tried to remember where the note was and waited next to all beds close to it...though, like I already said, I'm not 100% sure where the note was exactly. But nothing happened. No idea what to do, I can hardly sleep next to all the ~50+ beds on that level and hope that something happens.
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Re: [MOD] The Unquiet Mountain

Post by vorebane »

Damn, I thought I got the notes fixed. That needs a new version and I should have fixed it before any release.

The full text of that note is
Hasten to Residence. Weigh beneath the room paralleled yet not neighboured bed to end the lockdown. We may yet see sun.
Which hopefully is enough of a hint to make a decent puzzle!

From what you've said, it is at a pretty rough state for puzzles still. The 'left plate' comment is the hint on how to solve it, remember that left is going to be different for someone inside the fortress. I do feel on your third point you're overthinking it a bit - the text states that time is actions stacking.

I'm going to be thinking about what loot is available and how tough that makes my monsters, I may drop some of their difficulty.

Thank you for playing, and telling me your thoughts! I'll be making sure my notes actually damn well work and making monsters less of a slog when I can get a chance.

And don't worry about secrets, I only put those in as markers for my sake for a later puzzle.
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Re: [MOD] The Unquiet Mountain

Post by msyblade »

Remember that with notes/scrolls u can just use spacebar and enter to get the lines/staggering you want :)
Currently conspiring with many modders on the "Legends of the Northern Realms"project.

"You have been captured by a psychopathic diety who needs a new plaything to torture."
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Re: [MOD] The Unquiet Mountain

Post by vorebane »

I already had a script to change text to something well formatted but it looks like that only works in the editor, and not the exported dungeon file. My stopgap solution will be lots of little one line notes. I'll also have an edit for all the long notes here in the forum for all those crazy people who don't want to restart their save.
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Re: [MOD] The Unquiet Mountain

Post by Hustin »

Definitely a tricky one...
I got a round key in the lever room (secret button just outside it), but it doesn't appear to open anything. I used the scroll to get to the ogre on level 2. I killed the ogre and picked up the iron key on the floor, but the portcullis doesn't open when I put it in the lock. I appear to be stuck.

I have no idea what the note from level 1 is supposed to mean, unless it relates to that special plate behind the dragon statue (I figured out what that does).
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Re: [MOD] The Unquiet Mountain

Post by vorebane »

Hustin wrote:Definitely a tricky one...
I'm not at all sure where you got the round key from - I don't remember putting one in and can't find it on my editor, do you remember where you picked it up? And the door to level 3 should be unlocked by that iron key, ex- I didn't make the connection so the damn thing could be unlocked.. I will upload a new version now, and do my own runthrough to try and run out ahead and catch any more dumb mistakes like this. :(

Clearly more playtesting was required on my part. Uploaded to Steam, and Nexus Mods now, and sorry to anyone who downloaded an earlier version.
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Re: [MOD] The Unquiet Mountain

Post by Hustin »

I found the round key on the floor under the torch in the lever room, right after I pushed the button just outside it.

I just downloaded v. 147-1-02, and the iron key still doesn't work.
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Re: [MOD] The Unquiet Mountain

Post by vorebane »

Ok i found the round key at least, I believe it's a leftover from an older design, meant to drop off a herder. I have been able to open the iron key door on the second level. I've uploaded another version, but I'm going to bed now, I will figure this out in the morning.
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Re: [MOD] The Unquiet Mountain

Post by vorebane »

Ok I've hopefully gotten everything that needed to be changed. I've ADDED a file that will have all the fixes that I should have put in already. I am really embarassed about this, I thought all of this things I had already covered.
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