[MOD] The MASTER key.

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Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.

Post by vismut »

Pandafox wrote:for all the players who have the problem at level 9 : "45 seconds to find the good way"
You can send to me your savegame, I will teleport your party just after this damn corridor and send to you back the savegame, then you can continue

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Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.

Post by Pandafox »

vismut wrote:
done !
have fun ;)
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Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.

Post by vismut »

i send you another mail) i have fogot about one secret... 3 books)

Sory)) i reached it)
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Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.

Post by Komag »

Just open the console and type:

Code: Select all

In this example a teleporter with the id tele will suddenly teleport the party to coordinates 15,16 on level 1, facing north. Then with the console still open it's usually a good idea to get rid of the teleporter by typing:

Code: Select all

If you are not sure what coordinates you need to go to but you know it's just on the other side of a door for example, then you can use the console to get your own current coordinates and then adjust accordingly (or estimate as best you can)

Code: Select all

Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
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Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.

Post by leewroy »

Just finished your dungeon dude. In my opinion it's one of the top 3 dungeons :)
Found 10/11 secrets, but there's other things that still remain secrets.
1) found an iron key that doesn't fit anywhere
2) don't know what you guys are talking about this 45 seconds problems on level 9...don't remember going through a place like this. Unless my first question is connected...

Also, the only door I left locked (at least I mean doors I could see was one of those with advices for getting the blue or the green gem, cause of course I´ve got both.

Funny thing is getting back to the start to finish the game. also liked the fog, the sounds and that place for the glory of Satan and his soundtrack was awesome.
I have to agree with you, no matter the "plot", what really matters is the dungeon, and your is very, very good. My congatulations and thanks for this great module.
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Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.

Post by Pandafox »

leewroy wrote:Just finished your dungeon dude. In my opinion it's one of the top 3 dungeons :)
I have to agree with you, no matter the "plot", what really matters is the dungeon, and your is very, very good. My congatulations and thanks for this great module.
Thanks for this very good comment :P

Today I just started a new dungeon : The CHAOS Key :D
With my first dungeon experience I am sure to make a better one. This time I will use a lot of assets made by the people of the forum.
I already spent 5 hours and I only made 3 small rooms... Maybe I am too much perfectionist... I really want a perfect dungeon!
1. I don't understand why you still have an iron key... strange... Maybe you didn't used it at level 5 (the prison level) with the door just before the stairs down.

2. Probably you didn't see the "45 seconds" part because you have the first version of the dungeon.
I added this part in the 2012b version (and I made the 2012c version because of a bug with it!)
Anyway you missed nothing. It was only a time limit for an existing part.

There are engouh brass keys to open all the doors with the advices for the gems, just go back to your feets and try to find :roll:

I am happy you like the surprise of "Glory of Satan" :mrgreen:
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Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.

Post by astronautical »

I just finished it. Hands down the best dungeon I've played. 90% of the puzzles blow anything in the original Grimrock out of the water. I'm still marveling at your creativity.
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Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Just gave it a try and right in the second room comes a first request:

Please!!! EITHER set this really horrible self-made ambient music to be an ambient so it can be properly disabled OR remove it!

Right now it's a really annoying sound effect overlay alongside the regular ambient sounds of LoG. To turn your ambient off one has to turn all sound effects off which is a no-no in a game that requires to listen to the surroundings! For my own sake (before my ears start to bleed) i'll halt playing this mod until it's properly defined as ambient.
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Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.

Post by Pandafox »

Dr.Disaster wrote:Just gave it a try and right in the second room comes a first request:

Please!!! EITHER set this really horrible self-made ambient music to be an ambient so it can be properly disabled OR remove it!

Right now it's a really annoying sound effect overlay alongside the regular ambient sounds of LoG. To turn your ambient off one has to turn all sound effects off which is a no-no in a game that requires to listen to the surroundings! For my own sake (before my ears start to bleed) i'll halt playing this mod until it's properly defined as ambient.
ahahah !
then stop to play because I won't change anything now ;)
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Re: [MOD] The MASTER key.

Post by Pandafox »

astronautical wrote:I just finished it. Hands down the best dungeon I've played. 90% of the puzzles blow anything in the original Grimrock out of the water. I'm still marveling at your creativity.
Thanks a lot dude !
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