Hello all!
I have owned LOG for some time now on PC but have just purchased it again on MAC with the Humble Indie Bundle (I would hope everybody has done this anyway!)
Now my question - Is there anyway to transfer my save games from the PC version to my OSX copy and if so how?
Thanks in advance!
Savegame from PC to Mac
Re: Savegame from PC to Mac
should just be a simple case of copying over the save file from your documents/Almost Human/Legend of Grimrock folder on windows to whatever the equivalent mac folder is
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
Re: Savegame from PC to Mac
I thought as much. However, I am unsure as to where to place it in the mac folder?
Re: Savegame from PC to Mac
Save games are stored in: ~/Library/Application Support/Almost Human/Legend of Grimrock
Re: Savegame from PC to Mac
Worked fine for me. It even unlocked my Steam achievements in OS X Steam
I was playing in a wrapper before.