That's the nature of the gaming industry I'm afraid! Regarding the download market nearly every game released will be in at least one 10%-25% off sale somewhere between 4-12 months after release, a 50% off sale between 6-18 months and a 75% off sale between 8-24 months after release. Many indie games will also appear in a Bundle somewhere in this cycle too. Eventually (years) the games will $3-$5 dollars on GOG.
You pay more to play newer games. People pay more, because often (more with AAA games) by the time you've waited 18 months for game X to come out, there are new games that are more advanced (esp. graphically) in the same genre that you'd rather have over the old one.
I'm more than happy to pay for some games at full price, the rest I just decide how much I think they're worth (the £1/hr rule) and just wait!
A humble bundle with LoG in it though - that's nice to see
