Good point! There might be a way to trigger teleportation to the next section by using a hidden pressure plate viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4563 This way while you are walking and step on one of these, you are automatically moved to the next section fairly seamlessly—no more stupid rocks! LOL. For people who don’t want to travel the entire distance from the Xafi desert to Grotto of Xazarra (you probably already wiped out all the creatures in the Toll Islands getting to the Xafi desert), we could have a teleportation room, which has telerporters to major cities around the LoG world.With our relatively small inventories, this item idea could become a problem. And it feels a little funny, realism-wise. Why would you need to pick up a rock to take another step along what should be a seamless path?
I think over time, people that may start out with boxy looking corridors will improve them; this isn’t Halo 4is decent looking "outside" areas...hard to keep everything from looking like boxes and corridors given the engine.

I’m new to modding; just bought the game only a couple weeks ago. A scripting framework file may be required; I’m hoping someone with more experience and time will volunteer to take over the task of compiling everyone’s dungeon into one. People creating the dungeons just need to collaborate with the person in charge of compiling everyones’ dungeons on how and where they want their dungeon connected to the LoG world: hidden/regular teleporter or stairs. So, someone with a new dungeon wanting to connect to the Hidden Hills or Storm Peaks would submit their work to the person in charge of compiling the dungeons, and they would both work out the details on where the entrance points would be.Something like this may require a scripting framework file, in addition to the various dungeons and textures and such.
So far, I think how this whole thing would work is that the LoG world would be completely modularized—dungeons connected together (compiled into one dungeon) by hidden pressure plate teleporters (mentioned above), regular teleporters, and stairs. Everyone is in charge of their own dungeon, which textures, tilesets, etc. that go in them. So, it is really just a matter of connecting them together. Example: an outdoor environment tileset dungeon would have a stairs entrance or teleporter entrance to a dungeon like The Mine of Malan Vael which has completely custom tilesets. How this would start: an outdoor environment dungeon may take up 10 levels; there are no stairs in the levels 1-9 though, just hidden pressure plate teleporters that go from one level to the next. From the players point of view, you are still walking down the same path in that outdoor dungeon. On the tenth level (from the editor’s point of view) there would be stairs or a regular teleporter to a traditional dungeon; the traditional dungeon may have 8 levels. So, the main compiled dungeon now has 18 levels in the editor—10 levels that are on the same flat plain from a player’s point a view and 8 levels that go up/down from both the editor’s and player’s point of view. When you finish the 8th level of the traditional dungeon, you just get teleported out to another area, which could be levels 19, 20, etc. in the editor. We would just keep piecing it together like that—hopefully

Any volunteers to be the person in charge of compiling the dungeons?