The Tomb of Zarthos (released+Source)

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Re: The Tomb of Zarthos (released+Source)

Post by Skuggasveinn »

remanufactory wrote:One question about the assets: I did not understand how you created those beautiful pitfalls. Are they in the source file package?
Yes they are, you are looking for the di_temple_pit
Thats the wall around the pit, It can be rotated so you can create all the sides.

Code: Select all

	name = "di_temple_pit",
	class = "Pit",
	model = "mod_assets/models/env/di_temple_pit.fbx",
	trapDoorModel = "mod_assets/models/env/temple_pit_trapdoor.fbx",
	openAnim = "assets/animations/env/temple_pit_trapdoor_open.fbx",
	closeAnim = "assets/animations/env/temple_pit_trapdoor_close.fbx",
	placement = "floor",
	editorIcon = 40,
Then you are looking for the di_temple_floor_low, that is the floor far beneath.

Code: Select all

	name = "di_temple_floor_low",
	class = "Pit",
	model = "mod_assets/models/env/di_temple_floor_low.fbx",
	trapDoorModel = "mod_assets/models/env/temple_pit_trapdoor.fbx",
	openAnim = "assets/animations/env/temple_pit_trapdoor_open.fbx",
	closeAnim = "assets/animations/env/temple_pit_trapdoor_close.fbx",
	placement = "floor",
	editorIcon = 40,
I never intended them to be closed, but in order to fall they have to be in the Pit class, thats why they have open and close animation assigned to them, but if you create one and make it closed you will get some funky results.

Link to all my LoG 2 assets on Nexus.
Link to all my LoG 1 assets on Nexus.
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Re: The Tomb of Zarthos (released+Source)

Post by leewroy »

Hey, dude.

Finished your module. Took me less than 3 hours. I't's good, but too short. I could find 3 or 4 secrets, don't remember right now. But it was a good job, got the middle door ending too.
If you planning to make other modules, what about to make then longer? ;)
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Re: The Tomb of Zarthos (released+Source)

Post by Skuggasveinn »

Thanks for playing it Leewroy, glad you liked it.

The feedback from this module has been great, its well over 2000 subscribers on the workshop and the people there are vocal (one of the reasons I like the workshop better then the nexus, people seem to leave comments or send you PM's on regual basis on steam)

the verdict is clear
1. it's to short
2. it was a mistake mixing the keys (iron lock for golden key etc etc)
3. both the pit-trap and the fire-ball trap are lagging a lot in older laptops
4. the story element stops on lower levels and it gets more combat focused.
5. there wasn't any loot at the end, or any riches, just an exit.

To be fair, many missed half the dungeon, since I designed it in a way that secrets did not just open a room, but whole sections :)
Maybe that was also a mistake, but I wanted to reward people that take the time to find hard secrets with more than just a room with nice boots.

I'm working on another module thats a monster, and its biting my head off :D
I post in this thread with updates from time to time, but things are moving slowly since I'm making 6 tilesets and many of them are outdoors.

Link to all my LoG 2 assets on Nexus.
Link to all my LoG 1 assets on Nexus.
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Re: The Tomb of Zarthos (released+Source)

Post by Phitt »

Skuggasveinn wrote:[...]
I played your mod as well some time ago and I really liked it, but then I got stuck. I think it was because
I missed a secret/not-so-secret area somewhere and only found two of the three (golden IIRC) skulls I needed to 'activate' the tomb of Zarthos. I looked around in the level above Zarthos tomb for quite some time, but I didn't find anything. Since I didn't want to look for the skull in all the other levels (especially since the maze was between me and the other levels) I quit . Not sure whether I simply missed something close to the tomb or whether there was really another skull on one of the previous levels.
Regarding your notes:

1. Don't think 'short' means 'bad'. I really enjoyed 'The big friendly Warden', and that mod was really short. Quality is so much more important than quantity, I rather have one hour of fun than 100 hours of boredom (which would equal half an hour of boredom since I would quit afterwards).

2. Didn't notice it that much, though I personally would also only use round keys on round locks etc.

3. I generally think you overdid it a bit with lighting effects. The slime area had too many lights for my taste, though my computer is not the best (ATI 4890, Core2Duo e8400). But the mod was definitely a lot slower than the original game.

4. Personally I don't care that much for the story in dungeon crawlers. With the new UI features this may change since you can actually implement a decent, interactive storyline, but other than that it mostly boils down to 'evil guy is evil, kill him' anyway.

5. I absolutely don't care whether I find a few golden somethings in the end or not.

Look forward to your next mod, the screenshots look really nice! 6 tilesets is insane though. :)
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Re: The Tomb of Zarthos (released+Source)

Post by leewroy »

Half of the this is terrible news, lol. I barely can think about what differnt things I could do to reach the secrets I missed. what about a post with spoilers, or at least clues? If I knew that there was a possibility to find new areas making the whole experience almost new I´d try again. :mrgreen:
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Re: The Tomb of Zarthos (released+Source)

Post by Dr.Disaster »

leewroy wrote:Half of the this is terrible news, lol. I barely can think about what differnt things I could do to reach the secrets I missed.
Heh yeah that's what makes this dungeon quite entertaining: finding all the secrets.

First of all: the Statistics page lies to you!
It states there is a total of 9 secrets but according to the on-screen messages of the game there are "only" 8.

Second (me thinks this was said here before):
Some secrets can be closed off, so depending on what you're doing some can't be found!
leewroy wrote:what about a post with spoilers, or at least clues? If I knew that there was a possibility to find new areas making the whole experience almost new I´d try again. :mrgreen:
k, checking my maps; let's see what i can tell you. Hints are in the order of secrets encountered.
There are 6 secrets on level 2 and 2 secrets on level 4.
Secret 1: it will close and open a wall behind you.

Secret 2: the lever that seems to serve no purpose reveals another lever elsewhere.

Secret 3: one plate held down reveals a passage, two plates held down reveal another

Secret 4: 42 pits cover more then 1 exit

Secret 5: buttons cause the maze to change

Secret 6: solve the "Greed and Murder" "Betrayal and Death" puzzle

Secret 7: before running in circles look at the center

Secret 8: gold and gems go well together
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Re: The Tomb of Zarthos (released+Source)

Post by leewroy »

Hmm... I see. Once i finished that twisted evil dungeon of 70 levels, I´ll do another walkabout. Some thing you said rings some bells, the memories are still fresh ;)

Thanks for replying :)
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Re: The Tomb of Zarthos (released+Source)

Post by Feerieland »

Great mod with a creepy atmosphere. I'm a little bit stuck at the ogre level, i can't defeat him since he one shot me if i didn't avoid a hit from him. I'm only level 5 and maybe i missed some parts of the dungeon in the previous levels. I guess he loots a key, and it's the only way to pursue the adventure
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