[Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Talk about creating Grimrock 1 levels and mods here. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by LiamKerrington »

Dr.Disaster wrote:
Mutman wrote:I am stuck with puzzle synchronicity, am i right that all bolts must splash receptors simultaneously?
You're right. Yet it's enough when it's almost simultaneously.
What is "almost"? ;)
I tried it - I don't know how many times ... But I tried hard. And yet I don't get passed it ... Looks like this is kind of an effort I have to invest.

I just started playing this mod. And I must say: It. Is. A. Blast. I like the riddles. I like the new tileset. I. Just. Like. It. But I need to take a break, 'cause "Synchronicity" took me a while in this afternoon already. And I think it is better to take a break for now. Maybe later in the evening or tomorrow might be better to get involved with it again. ;)

All the best! And thank you very much for this mod. It really is awesome. I like it.
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by LiamKerrington »

Hi there,

it is such a long time since I played LoG the first times ... Now I am on this excellent Mod, and something happened that didn't occur during my LoG games back in the beginning: I am stuck, and I have only kind of an imagination what I am supposed to do. Am describing the situation I am in with the following lines; might include spoilers.

I am in lvl 2 or 3. Lvl 2 starts with a spider and two huge chambers with deep ravines or chasms or whatever. And the second chasm-room ends at a gate I cannot open. Left and right of it are two pressure plates - not reachable by foot; but I may be able to throw stuff on it. The left pressure plate I can deal with; but the right one troubles me a lot. When I try to throw something heavy (a pick, a shield, a mace) on it, it falls into the chasm; and when I choose something lighter (rocks, knifes, food,...), then I throw it beyond the plate. Thus I don't hit the plate itself. And I think Both plates are required to be pushed in order to open the gate.

I checked the halls and walls for secret buttons or whatnot. But up until now I missed everything or nothing, 'cause there probably is nothing that could be missed?

Visiting lvl 2 allows me to find two pressure plates, whose purposes are not revealed to me yet. And the two buttons seem to open the gates to the teleporters which drop me either at the entrance of lvl 2 chasm room 1 or lvl 2 chasm room 2 ...

What am I supposed to do?

Best wishes!
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by Dr.Disaster »

LiamKerrington wrote:I am in lvl 2 or 3. Lvl 2 starts with a spider and two huge chambers with deep ravines or chasms or whatever. And the second chasm-room ends at a gate I cannot open. Left and right of it are two pressure plates - not reachable by foot; but I may be able to throw stuff on it. The left pressure plate I can deal with; but the right one troubles me a lot. When I try to throw something heavy (a pick, a shield, a mace) on it, it falls into the chasm; and when I choose something lighter (rocks, knifes, food,...), then I throw it beyond the plate. Thus I don't hit the plate itself. And I think Both plates are required to be pushed in order to open the gate.
Correct. Identify items which mouse-thrown fly 2 respective 3 squares to open that gate.
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by Komag »

some things will go "medium" distance
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by LiamKerrington »

Yeah. Finally I managed to do it. Accidentally I throw the Axe of my Minotaur, and hit bull's-eyed immediately. This dungeon is really awesome. And the spiders of Grimlock ... They still give me the creeps ... Am at the end of lvl 3 now and trying to wrap my mind around the (most likely) final riddle at the end of it ... But this' ll wait till the days to come. For today this was enough. Was sweet to get into Grimrock again and to enjoy such an awesome work.
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by LiamKerrington »


Couldn'T help it, needed the fix. Played it this evening ... And what am I supposed to say? WHAT.A.BLAST!

Cool idea for the boss-fight. Really sweet things for da brainz and da quick fingarrRRSS! Thank you very much.
The Notes by Malik tell a very sweet story. Won't spoil anything, but had my share of laugh. :)

Best wishes!
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by DeserterKalak »

Just finished it. Absolutely fantastic. My favourite mod so far. Well done, sir! :)
Man, Malik is a dick. I half expected there to be a secret where he's actually still around and the note was some kind of fake out.
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by RuySan »

Fantastic mod so far, some puzzles, like the pitfall one, were absolutely brilliant.

I'm stumped at the music puzzle in level 5. Supposedly there should be 4 pressure plates, one for each cardinal direction, but i only can find 3. Should i look for some hidden pressure plate in the south, or am i looking at it wrong.
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by Phitt »

Thanks for the comments, glad you liked it!
RuySan wrote:Fantastic mod so far, some puzzles, like the pitfall one, were absolutely brilliant.

I'm stumped at the music puzzle in level 5. Supposedly there should be 4 pressure plates, one for each cardinal direction, but i only can find 3. Should i look for some hidden pressure plate in the south, or am i looking at it wrong.
There are indeed only three pressure plates, the entrance to the southern plate is collapsed. But you only need three since you will know the fourth one automatically when you know the first three. In case you misunderstand how the puzzle works here is a spoiler:
Each pressure plate represents one of the buttons in the organ pipe room. You need to find out which button triggers which tone (north, south, east, west) and then play the organ accordingly. You don't need to activate the pressure plates to solve the puzzle itself (eg you don't need to walk from the northern plate to the southern plate etc, you need to push the organ buttons instead in the correct order to open the door).
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by Phitt »

Since I couldn't resist and bought the Indie Humble Bundle I also got the Steam version of Grimrock now, so I decided to upload the mod there as well (a slightly updated version, currently upload to Nexus as well - only bugs left should now be the ballista string and the iron doors not counting in the statistics).

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =116990543

Does anyone know how I can change the $%§$% preview image? Right now it's just a gray nothing.

- fixed minor bug with pickaxe, in the inventory it would show a required axe skill of 0 (which is pointless)
- short bow now has a required missile weapons skill of 5 (instead of no requirement)
- fixed bug where you could shoot projectiles through the destructible wall in the boss room before destroying it
- made the 'from midnight to noon' puzzle easier by adding a hint
- made the 'pitfall' puzzle a bit easier by slightly increasing the time the trapdoors stay closed
- added a note in front of the gate in the chasm area on level 2 to make 100% sure the player notices the two pressure plates
- fixed bug where ogre couldn't reach a spot
- reduced number of steps in step sequence puzzle on level 4 from 25 to 19
- slightly improved visuals for step sequence puzzle on level 4
- placed ballista arrow in front of the ballista so you can't miss it anymore
- fixed 'known issue' where looping sound effects from level 4 could be heard on level 5 as well unless you reload (thanks to Batty for finding a better approach)
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