There are SO many talented people on this forum, that makes beautiful stuff for LoG
But I have completly lost track of all the new objects, sounds, wall sets etc
Is there a collection of these somewhere to be found? Some thread on these forum that links to them all?
I remember reading somewhere that someone was working on some garden-objects...I would like those for my little project, but now I cant find the thread again, and I dont know if they are finished or not...
Collection or overview of fan-made objects etc
Re: Collection or overview of fan-made objects etc
a lot (maybe most) are linked from the Editing Superthread under the Custom Items section:
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
Re: Collection or overview of fan-made objects etc
2 nice answers - thanks very much! 

Re: Collection or overview of fan-made objects etc
Grimrock Community 'FrankenDungeon 2012. Submit your entry now!:
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Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!:
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.):
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!: