Eye of the Dragon is dungeon level inspired by Eye of the Beholder 2. It´s quite oldschool, full of creatures, treasures and traps. And hell yes, it is also quite hard !
https://www.dropbox.com/s/puozl95n1quln ... c.zip?dl=0
- Try avoid placing notes on your minimap, as it is causing many lua scripts to not work at all
Solitary Drake´s playtrough
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPBcLSHq ... 0ybnweg6zA
- about 40 levels
- intro and ending (original EOB2 screens used)
- EOB2 similar storyline and some dungeon map layouts as well as some puzzles
- interior and outerior levels
- lots of custom content made by me and other people
tips for gameplay:
- Toorum mode not supported
- if you are not REALLY experienced player, choose EASY option !
- do not import old party, start with new one !
- potion brewing is necessary !
- search dead creatures
- if you do not see any way forward, just backtrack
- have fun and save often

Phitt - Mine tilesets, Cozy dungeon objects, script inspiration, overall HUGE THANKS !
thomson - GUI scripting "toolkit"
JohnWordsworth - model toolkit for creating custom objects and modified creatures
aaneton -- scripting moving colored lights
akroma222 -- general scripting help
Batty -- looping sound control script
Diarmuid -- general scripting help
Grimwold / Ixnatifual -- learning spells from scrolls script
Marble Mouth -- general scripting help
msyblade -- general scripting help
Komag - general scripting help
Daniv/Sutekh - Northern and Temple / High elf wallset
Asteroth6 - Skull Wallset
Skuggasveinn - gravestone objects, stars, flooded dungeon aspects
Neikun - Lots of objects and creatures (Isgardian, Slimes)
liv2dieat8 - ranged spell spiders
Tursas - cultist creature
akroma222 - recolored monsters (spiders, bees)
FrEEsi - Dragon creature
pandafoxfr - ghost skeleton
Leki - slugomorg, skeleton with sword
germanny - dm objects tileset
Germanny - carpets
Merethif - custom gobelins tilesets
LordYig - Glass Walls & Secret Doors and keys lock pack
montagneyaya - giant spider webs
Asteroth - glass walls
python79, msyblade - grammar check and corrections
testing and suggestions for improvements: legendaza, python79
and everybody on the forum of course, thanks guys !
As many players asked me for some hints, secrets etc. here are some spoilers and walktrough, which you can use in case you will be stucked somewhere:
- trees on X20 Y27 could be walked trough (visible on minimap)
- chain opening gate to the courtyard is hidden under tree branch
- you can enter the Dragon Temple by pressing secret button near dragon statue
Mines - Level 1
- there is secret button on X17 Y20 (near corpse with scroll)
Temple Basement
- secret button leading to Ressurection chamber X6 Y6 (near Barrack entrance)
- Golden Orb could be stolen quite easily - just pick it up from any altair side (not front / back). There is no other use for Orb, which is creators "bug", because all treasures should activate purple altairs

- to avoid death by fireballs you will need HOLD four water orbs (each member should hold one)
Temple Underground level 1
- you can fall into fist pit you will enconter to reach Prison, where is dead Sheila. There is secret button on the wall, which will let you out.
- Blue --- Green riddle means you have to place blue gem on altair, which will transform it for green one. You need green gem to get into Three colored chamber later in game for some good stuff
- In room where is note about spiders, you can place torch to open secret area
- In case you release Insal and let him join into your party, he will after some time leave your party and steal some food and items. What you need Insal for is to open special lock in Level 16 (Clerics Baracks). Only Insal Dagger can unlock this lock, so you need to be quick in case you want get some special staff
Temple Underground Level 3
- in the southern area in the main "chamber" with evil cleric is secret button (X17 Y 28)
- you can open door in southern area by pressing iron ring or the wall (X15 Y22). San-Raal bones could be resurrected with Crystal
- to open massive iron door( X12 Y23) you need just burden all four plates around
- cave-in where you find note could be really digged in to reach second water orb
Temple Underground Level 4
- no special meaning for teleporters
- you need press all the buttons (and fight all the creatures) to open door leading to skull locks
- to solve the plate riddle, you need burden plates into shape X
- first button after plates riddle will open corrridor, which is leading to skull locks as well, so you do not need fight the creatures before
- secret button in southern area (X14 Y28) is leading to room with purple alair. When you place Goromorg golden statue on it, you can teleport yourself to clerics barracks, where you can rest
- invisible wall (X10 Y28) visible on minimap
- secret area (X7 Y 24) could be opened by iron ring nearby
Clerics Barracks
- Iam Hungry - you need three Golden coins you will get them later in the game
- Three colored chamber - you need red, green and blue gem. You wil get them trough the game. Green gem could be obtained only by transforming blue one in Temple Underground 1
- Special lock - you need Insals dagger to open this, which could be quite difficult
- X17 Y11 secret button (right main corridor)
- X13 Y18 statue cold be destroyed, there is secret button on the wall leading to Treasure room
- Rainbow Pain room - best way is to go to right side of the room, till High Clerics are released and then backtrack back to the entrance and just wait till they die.
- Weight your sins and unburden yourself riddle - you need put in each alcove precise amount of item/s ic correct weight. Number of weight is correct answer for each riddle. For numbers its easy. for abc, just transalte it to numbers. a=1, b=2, c=3 etc... as for animals, you can use for example row of incorrect animal.
- if you solve this riddle, there is another secret inside - put both torches on
- secret button behind first spider eggs
- catch three impriosned riddle - you need imprison three skeletons on the floor triggrers
- saphire key. You can shoot button over the pit, then there is secret button on the wall to get back
History versions
Version 5c - 18.4.2014
Version 5b - 25.10.2013
Version 5a - 13.6.2013
version 5 - 17.5.2013
version 4
version 3b
Version 3
Version 2a
version 2
Version 1 - 10.1.2013