Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

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Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Post by hyteria »

ninja must be punish by instant kill ! :p

Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Post by Ixnatifual »

The redesigns typically consisted of moving alcoves etc. a tile further back rather than implementing instakill death traps. I'm harsh but fair :)
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Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Post by Komag »

I've had to also adjust some puzzles due to this "feature" of being able to very quickly grab something, such as just before being teleported away or falling or whatever
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Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Post by Wanderer »

Nonono I think you guys misunderstood completly what I am was talking about (shame on me for my poor english when I try to explain things sometimes :mrgreen: )

I wasnt talking about any glitches in the engine or cheats or tricks or ninjathings (or if this is so, I misunderstood it completly, but I think what I tried to explain is so intended by the devloper)

I will try to explain it again with screenhots:
Well, do you see any Items to grab on the floor in this scene?

No, right? Well, now I look down at the same square I am standing on. I look down with using the right-mouse-button on to my feet:

Do you now see the spear there (lying on the same square I am standing on) ? Well now I release the right-mouse-button and...
...grab the Item. And this is a cheat? Sure I could also walk a square onward, turn around to see the Item, then grab it, but this is just another way to do it. If this was misunderstood by me, then my question is: Why slows the cam down if not for giving the player time to just make this what i did with the spear? All the time I thought, this is the use for slowing down the cam, and if I had my controls-buttons on the center of the screen like I posted in Shots before, I would do the same for unreachable Items to my feet (on the same square) wich are probably not to see because of the Portraits/Arrow-Icons.

At last, this was what I wanted to explain before and not any Ninja-Behaviour or such :mrgreen:
I hate cheating because it makes the whole game (and the effort of the devlopers/modders) down. :mrgreen:
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Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Post by Ixnatifual »

Neither of those things are really cheating. The ninja-grabbing and other stuff is just something you need to be aware of when designing puzzles.
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Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Post by Wanderer »

Good to know :mrgreen:
I will make a workaround something like this: If there is really anny Ninja-Grabbing available, I would place a "Fake-Key" on the other side of the pit or wherever needed, the key looks exactly the same like the original key but when the player enters the pit or the trapfield and falls through it (like he/she should) I would destroy/remove the fake and place the right key. And even when the player Ninja-Grabs the key, it was a fake, and he/she hear a demonic laughter, while he/she falls down. Or anything like this :mrgreen:
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Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Post by Neikun »

Also, about this solution, it won't work for people who disable mouse look.
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Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Post by Isaac »

Wanderer wrote:...
An example would be... a pit with a key on the other side; the puzzle being required to close the pit and make access to the key possible; yet it's possible to grab the key as you fall down the pit. There is a button in the official LoG campaign that is like this. Quick players can press the button as they fall down the pit, rather than solve the puzzle to close the pit (as was intended).
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Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Post by Komag »

I never really paid attention to this in when I first played, but I just tried a couple spots, wow, what a cheat! The biggest may be the 5 pillars in the NW section of level 10, you can nab the ornate key in the alcove by the pit without having adjusted the levers to match the pillars, thus you never spring the big trap of a bunch of goromorgs on the way back!
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Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Post by Wanderer »

I also never paid attention to this, and it seems best to activate the buttons/keys ect. when closing the Pit via the button or whatever is needed to close the pit before reaching the Key/the Button on the otherside. And until the player found the correct way to close the pit, place fake Keys / Levers /Buttons wich looks like but is not the original. To give the player a clue what lies beyond the open pit without be able to use it until closing the pit or do whatever needed to fullfil to reach the things on the otherside.

Edit: Or in case of Buttons/Levers there could also be a counter like in the "press 2 Buttons to open the door" puzzle in Komags Tutorial. So if the player presses the Button on the other side of the pit (via cheating), nothing happens and only when pressed the button to close the pit + the button beyond the pit something happens. Or make a dmg-field under the pit with enough dmg to kill the player and destroy it when player pushes the button (or whatever needed) to close the pit. :mrgreen:

Edit2: You could also define a decoration-object with the model of the key, wich is not pickable by the player and destroy it and place the right key when the player has fulfilled what needed. I think there are several work-arrounds one could use in this very special cases where the player shoudnt grab or push something with Ninja-grabbing.
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