[MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

I have version 1.3.6 from steam.

I did manage to get past the room by
move the dragon once, step on the plate to open the door and step on the plate to stop the lightning but NOT take the key (or it would crash on next button push).
move the dragon to block the firebolts, step on the plate to open the door and step on the plate to stop the fire but NOT take the key or crash on next button push.
move the staue to stop the fire from the demon head by the buttons, then and only then could I take the keys.
The mirror room was awesome.

Think I must be around room 7 or 8 now so I got a ways to go, but I have only found 2 snail slices and my party is hungry.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Numberouane »

Yes same here than thwo posts before about the sequence of the rooms...

I must redo fews rooms because I was trapped in the blue/red skeletons rooms with no way back. Solving this puzzle should open both doors just in case.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by mahric »

Grimfan wrote:Okay, I'm going to appear like an idiot here. :oops:
Idiot? Nah.

That spot got me stumped too for a long while before
I found the secret button somewhere on the wall with the torchholder.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

Yeah, that one was hard to spot, took me a while as well :)
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Grimwold »

Ryeath_Greystalk wrote:Grimwold,
I have version 1.3.6 from steam.

I did manage to get past the room by
move the dragon once, step on the plate to open the door and step on the plate to stop the lightning but NOT take the key (or it would crash on next button push).
move the dragon to block the firebolts, step on the plate to open the door and step on the plate to stop the fire but NOT take the key or crash on next button push.
move the staue to stop the fire from the demon head by the buttons, then and only then could I take the keys.
This is most perplexing as I cannot duplicate the crash.. even following your sequence above and doing the things you mention that did crash the game it doesn't for me.

I wonder if anyone else who has 1.3.6 can comment on whether they have the same problem with my room... My version claims to be 1.3.7, probably because I opted-in to the public beta. If you're not already, could you possibly try opting-in for the beta and see if it updates your LoG to 1.3.7?? then try the room again?
(to opt-in right-click the game in your steam library choose properties and go to the "betas" tab. then in the drop-down select public betas).
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

you could put in a tiny timer delay maybe? Or some extra debug texts printing so he can test it further
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Grimwold »

Komag wrote:you could put in a tiny timer delay maybe? Or some extra debug texts printing so he can test it further
I could do... it kinda depends if he's bothered now that he's past the room... as no-one else seems to have had the crash. It's frustrating because I've pretty much stopped modding Grimrock... partly due to having other things take up time and energy, and partly because pretty much everything I've done has been superseded either by changes to the engine, or by other modders... even my one-room pales by comparison to a lot of the others.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

I get where you're coming from, but I think this mod will live as a classic, and I'm sure a certain small percentage of players will face the same issue. It might not be a timing issue, hard to say.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »


Can you upload a savegame before solving Grimwold's room to somewhere like dropbox or something and give us the link ?

Actually something similar happened to me with Pyramid of Xafi where I just couldn't kill a specific spider and as soon as I killed that the game would crash complaining of some duplicate id in torches :?
I remember I checked with the author and my savegame was able to crash in his machine too (where his mod worked perfectly of course).
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Dungeon - Round 1 - RELEASED

Post by Grimfan »

Sorry to hear you've stopped modding for LoG Grimwold, but expect a big congratulations from me if my mod ever comes out because your spells help liven things up a great deal (in fact I'm relying on players to utilize your AOE spells to stay alive). I know that there are more advanced spell scripts out there but I feel that they can break the game a bit too much to my liking while your spells don't go overboard in their execution. :)

As for this mod, I'm a bit frustrated with the last room because I'm terrible at certain types of games, but the rest of the mod has been wonderful. I can't wait to see some of you guys mods for LotNR's. They are going to blow people away! :D
Last edited by Grimfan on Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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