[DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit

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Re: [WIP] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by Komag »

Ah, good to hear things are looking up! Your lives have been all shook up, so it should be nice to get back to some sort of stability soon :)

(minor request - GMT to remember recent save folder for animations!)
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by germanny »

GREAT news, john! Many thx for your work.
With grimfbx i´m in hope that i can import animated characters from blender.

BTW john, if i import a blender created obj model into GMT with your importer (not assimp), the mesh is mirrored at X-axis.
To prevent that, i have to x-mirror the model and flip normals before export to obj. format. Tis confuse me sometimes.
A bug i guess?

Again, you do great! You are the base of all mods here.
I think i love you :lol: :shock:
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by LordGarth »

Let know if you get animations to work and how.


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Re: [WIP] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by JohnWordsworth »

I thought I would get back into it with something simple, so after gratuitously commenting the code in preparation for throwing it onto GitHub one day, I've added a 5-step Undo feature. The undo will only affect changes 'to the model' (as opposed to adding lights to the scene for instance), but it also supports 'Redo' in case you undo something you don't want too. I need to reinstall Install Shield and the like so that I can actually package this up for others to use - but when that's done I'll release another version of the GMT.

Then I'll get back to tackling animation. I was quietly hoping that Assimp might have magically added FBX support by now - but that was wishful thinking! While I've had some success importing animations in .X format with the current Assimp importer - it's an old file format and it would be nice to have full FBX support.
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by tymur »

Hi, very nice work the Toolkit.
I try use it for simple thing such is revert direction of secret door open (I want to open to the floor instead in the ceiling) but there is not tutorials and help (or I cant find it) so I could not did this. :(
Is there some basic manual for toolkit? There is many text fields and no hint what is they for, on top of English is not my native language and I need dictionary for normal communication, let alone for this...
Thanx for the answer.
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Hi Tymur,

There is a help file packaged with the toolkit. It is far from finished though. Go to Help -> User Guide.

For work with animation I would suggest using Xanathar's animation toolkit. The GMT isn't really for animation.

Above all else, feel free to ask questions here on the forums about specific things. Everyone here is friendly and many have probably used the GMT more than I have!
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by tymur »

Hi JohnWordsworth
I try open MineSecretWall.model (from mine tile set http://grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/145 )in animation editor, but nothings open.
I believe the dungeon_secret_door_under_floor.model from Elevator test ( viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3931&p=40578&hilit ... nky#p40539 ) is edited by your model toolkit and just changed some coordinates.

So my my bright idea is MineSecretWall.model closing from floor (to up) instead from ceiling (to down).
Can somebody help me with this?

Thank you very much.
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Hi Tymur,

.model files store only model information (nodes and meshes).

.animation files store the actual animation information that the Animation Editor will edit.

.lua files contain object definitions which tie the two together in game.

I've not really played much with animation yet, but it should just be a case of making a new .animation file with a different set of keyframes, and then making a new object in lua to use that animation. I'm afraid that I've not played with animation for some time, so while I could figure it out with some time - I can't give you a solution off the top of my head!
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by tymur »

sorry, but that is not true. If I open MineSecretWall.model , chose Node3 Gate and rotate it by Z axis two times and save, the door are now open from floor, but slowly, there must be something...
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by JohnWordsworth »

I expect that by rotating the gate node 180 degrees you are essentially changing the coordinate system the animation is running. Ie. As the gate is upside down, it is still animating up in it's coordinate system it is just that up in the rotated space is actually down!
My Grimrock Projects Page with links to the Grimrock Model Toolkit, GrimFBX, Atlas Toolkit, QuickBar, NoteBook and the Oriental Weapons Pack.
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