Final thoughts after finishing LoG

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Final thoughts after finishing LoG

Post by Michelle911 »

First thing, I never would have finished without reading some of the walkthroughs when I got stuck. Would be nice to see a clue system for the easier difficulty levels. I can think of at least two times where I thought there's no WAY I would have ever figured it out. One I remember quite well, near the end where
You had to turn out all the lights to receive the item on the altar :) what the ??? LOL I was so stumped and when I read the walkthrough I was still :?: :!:
The final Boss
Wow! Awesome :D WTG there guys :) I didn't get it at first but when I realized I had to disassemble what I just put together.... Brilliant! Kudos! I spent a long time throwing myself at those pesky adds!
One Thing I was hoping throughout the whole game that I didn't actually get to see was
an encounter with Toorum, I wanted so badly to talk with him and learn more of his story. Even when I was taking his remains back to the Life Stone I was hoping he would come to life, or I'd see his ghost and have a bit of conversation.
I can't say how much I enjoyed all the Steam Accomplishments! These are of great replay vaule! I got all of them first play through except Beat the game on hard difficulty, Find all the Secrets (just missing one or two and I suspect they might be near the start when I was less aware, and Doing it Old School. The addition of the graph paper LOL :D another win for your dev team :) I have to mention too that Finishing Level 1 in under 4 minutes was really fun :)

The only thing I'd criticize is there was too much mouse movement for me :? I have tennis elbow and at times my elbow was on fire. If there was an option in the Keymapping for attacks I'd would not even be mentioning it.

Overall you guys rock :) I'm so on board for the next game from you I'd pre-order if it was up for sale :)

Rating: Five Mr. Greens :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Final thoughts after finishing LoG

Post by Asteroth »

Michelle911 wrote: Overall you guys rock :) I'm so on board for the next game from you I'd pre-order if it was up for sale :)
One simple fact on this site.

Sorry but it's true. Most people here are in fact begging for these guys to take their money, I myself would have no objections. But they just don't seem interested/ :shock: :?:
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Re: Final thoughts after finishing LoG

Post by Numberouane »

In the meantime, waiting for future games, there are many outstanding mods you can play...


Re: Final thoughts after finishing LoG

Post by Ixnatifual »

I figured out the
lights out
puzzle instantly, but I recall there was one puzzle I probably would never have figured out in a hundred years, and still had me confounded when I looked up the solution. Which puzzle that was eludes me now, however :)

EDIT: Oh yeah I think I remember:
It was the pillared hallway. I tried to move the gobelins by clicking on them, which does nothing. I never suspected it would be possible to attack them. Thus I never found the clue to the pillared hallway. Cursed be those rigid, immovable yet susceptible to sharp objects gobelins! :D
In general I think the puzzles are well done and fair, something I can't say for a lot of old-school puzzle games. I think AH can be proud of this.
Last edited by Ixnatifual on Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Final thoughts after finishing LoG

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Michelle911 wrote:One Thing I was hoping throughout the whole game that I didn't actually get to see was
an encounter with Toorum, I wanted so badly to talk with him and learn more of his story. Even when I was taking his remains back to the Life Stone I was hoping he would come to life, or I'd see his ghost and have a bit of conversation.
Oh you did not check out
Toorum Mode
Michelle911 wrote:The only thing I'd criticize is there was too much mouse movement for me :? I have tennis elbow and at times my elbow was on fire. If there was an option in the Keymapping for attacks I'd would not even be mentioning it.
I can understand your "too much mouse movement" argument up to a certain degree.

Personally i like to keep mouse movement to a minimum needed. The longer paths i have to travel fast the less precise i do hit/click thus i like the LoG's action hands being located so close to each other and place weapons on the inner hands and shields, compass, torches or bow/xbow ammo on the outer hands:


This way i only have to move my mouse hand within combat.

Re: Final thoughts after finishing LoG

Post by Ixnatifual »

Yep that's good advice. I use the same weapon setup.
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Re: Final thoughts after finishing LoG

Post by Komag »

Michelle911 wrote:
You had to turn out all the lights to receive the item on the altar :) what the ??? LOL I was so stumped and when I read the walkthrough I was still :?: :!:
The final Boss
Wow! Awesome :D WTG there guys :) I didn't get it at first but when I realized I had to disassemble what I just put together.... Brilliant! Kudos! I spent a long time throwing myself at those pesky adds!
Both of these are talked about in the scrolls in the Tomb of Designers, about the weapon being "hidden in the shadows of this tomb" or something like that, and disassembling the cube is pretty much spelled out word for word. So maybe you missed those scrolls
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