A PC is made up of multiple physical components that are all fitted together in a certain way to make up the base computer unit. Now once this is done and it can be switched on, you will then have what's called a dumb computer.badhabit wrote:Well, you seems to enjoy a good arguingjamie wrote:DJK wrote: No problem![]()
Just always find it amusing to read about mac and linux limitations.. people posting they so love their macs while in the same post describing how they had to "emulate" this or that on some windows emulator (wine it's called I believe)... I mean, just get a pc... it's cheaper, easier to upgrade and runs way more applications...
you mean operating system,,,, A PC is what the OS is running on...... Sorry there are better things to spend money on then a MS license. Anyways i believe there is a mac os version out now Im prob necroing this thread.
Wine is not a emulator it translates Direct X api calls to Open GL / AL calls that linux and mac os can understand. Sence they are both POSIX based operating systems.![]()
So, I challenge your point of view that PC is just the hardware. The PC was primarly a groundbreaking concept in the 80/90s whcih superseded the workstation-sever model. The PC model consist on of the idea of a local, self-administrated computing device which is a open platform, hardware and software wise. The user (not the admin) was empowered to select hardware and software like he want from independent producers. And it that sense, neither a Mac nor a Linux-PC could be called a PC in some point of view. Mac has restricted Hardware freedom (even when running on mostly PC hardware) and linux distros restrict software selection freedom (even when running on arbitrary PC hardware) by not having stable platform apis (distro fragmentation) and problematic binary ISV software support. Basically, because the linux distro concept is still modeled on the old workstation-server role model from the 60/70s ...the user focussed PC concept was never really adopted in Linux.
So, it makes sense to speak from PCs as synonym for the PC+Windows combo.
(also, despite what Wine is saying, Wine is partly an emulator which mimicks windows behaviour)
They are called dumb computers at this stage because although all the parts are working correctly electrically, they don't know what to do. But why, what's missing? When the hardware is fully assembled and operating, the computer needs an operating system.
An Operating System (OS) is software for a computer that manages the hardware and the way different programs use the hardware. The OS also regulates the ways a user can control the computer.
An operating system is software, but it's needed to control and tell all the PC's hardware what to do and at what time to do it. Different operating systems examples are like 'Windows xx' and 'Linux', either can be installed as well as a multitude of additional software to perform the operator's desired functions.
About wine emulates part of a windows no.
Wine (originally an acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator") is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, Mac OSX, & BSD. Instead of simulating internal Windows logic like a virtual machine or emulator, Wine translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls on-the-fly, eliminating the performance and memory penalties of other methods and allowing you to cleanly integrate Windows applications into your desktop.