Screw this game.

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Re: Screw this game.

Post by Taurondir »

FlashSoul wrote:
Asteroth wrote:
I'm pretty sure for example that it would not be impossible to one day allow full 3D exploration and combat rather then isometric movement, but I would not want it as default.
While I understand what you mean having seen the impressive things people can do, I am afraid that I am almost sure that that would be entirely impossible.(of course I know that you're not hoping for that to be done or anything. Just sayin' that it couldn't be done even if we wanted to.)
Yeah it would be pretty surprising if it was possible by simply "unlocking" the movement. I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff the devs were happy to leave aside since it wasn't necessary with LoG's movement. A proper collision detection, for instance, is a bit more complicated than just looking if the grid case in the direction of movement is empty or not.
Im actually hoping that LoG 2 will be the first ever game to have a new isometric .... errr ... HEXometric movement system :D
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Re: Screw this game.

Post by Radar6590 »

tantoedge wrote:
It's not quite the 'hate video' I promised, and it jumps to the example.
Try moving your characters as you fight? Footwork is a huge part of combat. Any single enemy can be defeated in a 4x4 square because your characters can move faster than any monster in the game. Even against the two herders it's possible to avoid most if not all of those poison clouds. Also I would like to note that unarmed isn't so successful late game due to its lack of range. With a mage in your party you can avoid all goromorg lightning spells and defeat them with your chosen discipline.
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Re: Screw this game.

Post by Isaac »

Taurondir wrote:Im actually hoping that LoG 2 will be the first ever game to have a new isometric .... errr ... HEXometric movement system :D
Hex has been around awile, but if you are (as I am) looking for a new game that uses hex movement ~at least in combat... Look no further than WL2. >>
Taurondir wrote:I'm pretty sure for example that it would not be impossible to one day allow full 3D exploration and combat rather then isometric movement, but I would not want it as default.
There isn't any isometric movement in LoG ~or most dungeoncrawlers; (or did I read this out of context? Sorry if I did).

As for free movement, there were several games of this gene that did ship with free movement instead of tile based creeping ~step at a time, but I found that I would always choose the tile based step method, and I would not want one of these (LoG2 for instance) designed to accommodate both free move and tile-step options. (IE. in the layouts, the monster AI, the puzzles, etc...)

Stone Prophet comes first to mind (as a dungeon Crawler with optional free movement):
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Re: Screw this game.

Post by Baroque »

OP: Do you realize you're just making yourself sound whiny and incompetent? You're posting in a forum full of people who beat the game week 1 with little to no complaints. Quit being a whiny little _
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Re: Screw this game.

Post by Neikun »

I don't think it's necessary to berate the guy.
Negative feedback is as important as positive feedback to a developer. (Although it could have been politely given. That helps)

I really like free movement rpgs, but at the same time I really like tilebased. What was most fun about Grimrock for me is that it was a style of play that I had never ever experienced before.
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Re: Screw this game.

Post by Sol_HSA »

First person hex based dungeon crawler? I'm not sure if that would be such a nice thing..

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Re: Screw this game.

Post by SpiderFighter »

I have no problem with people posting their opinion, but I do have a problem with elitist jerks who think their opinion is the only correct one. Personally, I don't think I'm an idiot for enjoying the frantic gameplay related to creating potions and casting on the fly. Rather, it enhances the game for me: OMG two spiders just poisoned half my party and I only have one antivenom brewed! / Starts mixing/ Now another member took crit damage! Need to heal... / swaps ingredients to make heal pot instead / heals toon / mixes more anti ven / drinks / kicks spiders asses / feels good knowing he did it all on the fly, while strafing away from attacks.

Maybe I am an idiot, but it seems more realistic and fun to me than just clicking an icon that heals my whole party and nukes everything.

(As a side note: Your frustration with timed puzzles is directly related to your computer not being able to handle the lighting (et al) without chugging. Change the settings so that you can actually do these, and don't give me any garbage about how it should be playable on every system run to man; no company releases a game geared toward the lowest common denomenator, and they'd be fools if they did. I run it just fine on a prefab system from a big box store.)

@Neikun: This is one of the most gracious, generous, friendly communities I've ever been privileged to be a part of. I think people are only giving back what they got from him.
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