Playtime : 5:44hrs
Secrets 48/102
That's actually pretty quick, and a substantial amount of secrets!Numberouane wrote:Finally went through with many helps
Playtime : 5:44hrs
Secrets 48/102
Oh, who helped you?Numberouane wrote:But I received a lot of help to be honest
Indeed, a couple of hours ago I uploaded version 1.1 which corrects the stray path that Merethif took.Merethif wrote:Also I screwed up some fights at the end of story ... (because I did something that theoretically shouldn't be possible). Now mod shall be more twisted-mind-proof
I wanted tojpaf84 wrote:Was expecting more puzzles around that concept.SpoilerShowThe world shift spell.
Something about... The capital S'sNumberouane wrote:The mod is just bringing so much inovationS and new conceptS that makes it a must to play!
Can we have a spoiler for this please?mahric wrote:Sent you a pmNumberouane wrote:Hey guys
Could someone pm me how to go through the music puzzle? I dnt know how to do it as I m not good at all in sound and stuff...