Back to the Beholder
- Disasterrific
- Posts: 212
- Joined: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:47 pm
Back to the Beholder
Dusted off the original EOB1 - I never got very far first time around, got down to the final lair today. It's good fun, aged surprisingly well all told. It's a shame that levels 10 and 11 feel completely rushed compared to all that's come before - got high hopes for a fiendish last level though!
A good deal of the puzzles (and traps) are really well thought out, I really appreciate the way that keys aren't simply a one key-one door deal. Modern gamers are all too spoiled in this regard whereas a real dungeon wouldn't be this tidy - it really adds to the atmosphere. Did you guys do all the special quests? There's one ridiculous one where you have to fill shelves in a specific order with certain items from way earlier, did I miss some text somewhere that would have clued me in on this?! Hoping for at least a bread crumb or two for anything like that in Grimrock.
Going to finish it off tomorrow - what is the general consensus on EOB2? I literally just started it first time I played it, found it pretty hard - apparently there's a huge difficulty gap between starting with new characters and importing, what would you guys recommend? I think I'll be skipping EOB3 - I managed to get to the city back first time around, came across as really hack-n-slash, no proper puzzling to speak of - I love the way whole swathes of EOB1 are just abandoned, they really nailed the right places where to put and not put wandering monsters, i.e. just enough to give you a nasty fright but not so many that they ruin the atmosphere or clog up the corridors whenever you try to go from A to B. Still if it's worth sticking out it would be nice to do the trilogy...
I might on the other hand dust off Dungeon Hack. I watched some videos of Stonekeep and that game has aged really badly. There's also always Bloodwych and Dungeon Master, neither of which I actually managed to finish through to the end.
A good deal of the puzzles (and traps) are really well thought out, I really appreciate the way that keys aren't simply a one key-one door deal. Modern gamers are all too spoiled in this regard whereas a real dungeon wouldn't be this tidy - it really adds to the atmosphere. Did you guys do all the special quests? There's one ridiculous one where you have to fill shelves in a specific order with certain items from way earlier, did I miss some text somewhere that would have clued me in on this?! Hoping for at least a bread crumb or two for anything like that in Grimrock.
Going to finish it off tomorrow - what is the general consensus on EOB2? I literally just started it first time I played it, found it pretty hard - apparently there's a huge difficulty gap between starting with new characters and importing, what would you guys recommend? I think I'll be skipping EOB3 - I managed to get to the city back first time around, came across as really hack-n-slash, no proper puzzling to speak of - I love the way whole swathes of EOB1 are just abandoned, they really nailed the right places where to put and not put wandering monsters, i.e. just enough to give you a nasty fright but not so many that they ruin the atmosphere or clog up the corridors whenever you try to go from A to B. Still if it's worth sticking out it would be nice to do the trilogy...
I might on the other hand dust off Dungeon Hack. I watched some videos of Stonekeep and that game has aged really badly. There's also always Bloodwych and Dungeon Master, neither of which I actually managed to finish through to the end.
Re: Back to the Beholder
I did some digging and look what I found! - Dungeon Eye - An open source clone of Eye of the Beholder II.
I normally wouldn't post something like this, but I don't believe it will be competing with Legend of Grimrock in any meaningful way. Plus, being open source, it could be of interest to any programmers who may be present. Something to tinker with. - Dungeon Eye - An open source clone of Eye of the Beholder II.
I normally wouldn't post something like this, but I don't believe it will be competing with Legend of Grimrock in any meaningful way. Plus, being open source, it could be of interest to any programmers who may be present. Something to tinker with.
Re: Back to the Beholder
Downloading source code atm.Alaric wrote:I did some digging and look what I found! - Dungeon Eye - An open source clone of Eye of the Beholder II.
I normally wouldn't post something like this, but I don't believe it will be competing with Legend of Grimrock in any meaningful way. Plus, being open source, it could be of interest to any programmers who may be present. Something to tinker with.

Re: Back to the Beholder
EOB1 looks like it could have been rushed in the end... Even on level 1 (or was it 2?) there are unfinished rooms that cannot be reached without no-clipping.Disasterrific wrote:Dusted off the original EOB1 - I never got very far first time around, got down to the final lair today. It's good fun, aged surprisingly well all told. It's a shame that levels 10 and 11 feel completely rushed compared to all that's come before - got high hopes for a fiendish last level though!
A good deal of the puzzles (and traps) are really well thought out, I really appreciate the way that keys aren't simply a one key-one door deal. Modern gamers are all too spoiled in this regard whereas a real dungeon wouldn't be this tidy - it really adds to the atmosphere. Did you guys do all the special quests? There's one ridiculous one where you have to fill shelves in a specific order with certain items from way earlier, did I miss some text somewhere that would have clued me in on this?! Hoping for at least a bread crumb or two for anything like that in Grimrock.
I once read a posting by a guy that said he was unable to complete EOB1 in 5 years of play; (which I can't fathom, because I got to where I could beat it in three hours ~speedrun). EOB2 is fantastic. EOB3 is SSI and no Westwood... Not worth it's kilobytes IMO.Going to finish it off tomorrow - what is the general consensus on EOB2?
I might on the other hand dust off Dungeon Hack. I watched some videos of Stonekeep and that game has aged really badly. There's also always Bloodwych and Dungeon Master, neither of which I actually managed to finish through to the end.
The one to really get (and some consider it a spiritual EOB3), is Lands of Lore:Throne of Chaos.
Stonekeep is one to play ~aged or not; seriously.
Both LoL1 and Stonekeep are on GoG.
Dungeonhack is the ultimate in crawler customization; I've not seen anything else with that kind of granular control over what you'll find in a mysterious dungeon... This is both good and bad IMO.
Re: Back to the Beholder
So Dungeon Eye appears to be quite broken. That, or I am too stupid to figure it out. The enemies just stand there and don't attack, nor can you attack them other than by throwing your sword at them. Then you have to pick up the sword and trow it again. And if there is no wall behind the enemy, your sword flies too far to be picked up and you are now swordless. Fail.
I did some more digging, however, and found another attempt at a dungeon crawler. This one is more of an FPS/FPM than a proper dungeon crawl, and it doesn't look all that amazing. Again, I don't feel that it can compete with Grimrock, and plus it's still very early in development, so I'll post a link:
(By the way, should the Grimrock devs feel that this is no place for such links, please do erase this post, and I will not do anything like that again.)
I did some more digging, however, and found another attempt at a dungeon crawler. This one is more of an FPS/FPM than a proper dungeon crawl, and it doesn't look all that amazing. Again, I don't feel that it can compete with Grimrock, and plus it's still very early in development, so I'll post a link:
(By the way, should the Grimrock devs feel that this is no place for such links, please do erase this post, and I will not do anything like that again.)
- Disasterrific
- Posts: 212
- Joined: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:47 pm
Re: Back to the Beholder
Yeah, EOB2 seems much better thought out - the deep catacombs were absolutely excellent and the wind tower definitely has a bunch of cool challenges. It's like after building all the tools they now had the chance to do everything that they were held back from doing. That's definitely one thing I'm really looking forward to with Grimrock - the dungeons and puzzles that other people come up with using the editor are definitely going to be fiendish and exciting to play.
Will definitely look into Lands of Lore - exciting to see what they did next!
I did actually finish Stonekeep - it was really worthwhile but at the end of the day had some substantial flaws, all too evident looking back on it now.
Dungeon Hack was amazing fun at the time, haven't played it in a long while but I do feel I had exhausted it and seen all there was to be seen. The real death option which deletes all your saves added a great sense of excitement - I really appreciate that in modern games like Hinterlands and Realm of the Mad God.
One other game I might go on to next is Etrian Odyssey - I finished no.3, working my way through no.1 and have no.2 lying around for later. I heartily recommend the 3rd one at least, it's got plenty of dungeon crawling, mapping and exploring, some good lighter puzzles, and a really deep combat and skill system that takes all the best elements from JRPGs and adds a few new ideas of its own.
Will definitely look into Lands of Lore - exciting to see what they did next!
I did actually finish Stonekeep - it was really worthwhile but at the end of the day had some substantial flaws, all too evident looking back on it now.
Dungeon Hack was amazing fun at the time, haven't played it in a long while but I do feel I had exhausted it and seen all there was to be seen. The real death option which deletes all your saves added a great sense of excitement - I really appreciate that in modern games like Hinterlands and Realm of the Mad God.
One other game I might go on to next is Etrian Odyssey - I finished no.3, working my way through no.1 and have no.2 lying around for later. I heartily recommend the 3rd one at least, it's got plenty of dungeon crawling, mapping and exploring, some good lighter puzzles, and a really deep combat and skill system that takes all the best elements from JRPGs and adds a few new ideas of its own.
Re: Back to the Beholder
HiAlaric wrote:So Dungeon Eye appears to be quite broken. That, or I am too stupid to figure it out. The enemies just stand there and don't attack, nor can you attack them other than by throwing your sword at them. Then you have to pick up the sword and trow it again. And if there is no wall behind the enemy, your sword flies too far to be picked up and you are now swordless. Fail.
Thank you for giving some time to test my game. As you could see it, the game is still in early beta. Monster AI is the next milestone (among auto map, magic and so on...).
I hope to have enough free time to make it asap. If you have any suggestions to make, I would be happy to talk about them with you.
By the way, did you know that you can create your own maze or edit the current ones (hint: press 'insert' during the game) ?
Re: Back to the Beholder
Hi iliak!
I guess I didn't realize the game was still in beta. I saw a "stable build" and figured that it meant a release version. Since I was obviously wrong, I take back what I said about the game being broken or a fail.
I'll just wait until it's done to comment on it further.
Thank you for working on it, and best of luck!
I guess I didn't realize the game was still in beta. I saw a "stable build" and figured that it meant a release version. Since I was obviously wrong, I take back what I said about the game being broken or a fail.

Thank you for working on it, and best of luck!
Re: Back to the Beholder
Retro Remakes for all your old school needs

Re: Back to the Beholder
You should all replay Dungeon Master series. Here is an excellent windows remake for DM1&2 and also Chaos strikes back. Great stuff really.
Speaking of Stonekeep. The game was decent and still worth replaying but you guys should try Anvil of Dawn. Released approximately at the same time as Stonekeep but much better dungeon crawler imho. ... +Dawn.html ... re=related
Speaking of Stonekeep. The game was decent and still worth replaying but you guys should try Anvil of Dawn. Released approximately at the same time as Stonekeep but much better dungeon crawler imho. ... +Dawn.html ... re=related