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Re: [MOD] The CHAOS Key

Post by Drakkan »

just finished - 12h 21min.
here are some my notes and feedback. But before that, let me thank you for giving us players this wonderfull mod, I know lots of effort is in it as I am dungeon master as well.

First of all, this dungeon is hard. I started with party around level 10 and I had some minor problems somewhere. Not mentioning ending part. I cant imagine that you start this dungeon with new party. I think you should offer player some choices here (like import of some stronger characters or something like that).
This could be also taken from the good part - there were lots of epic fights with hordes of spiders etc... but not sure if every player like such a mess :)

Second - I really enjoyed the lenght of the dungeon. There is not so many long dungeons around nowadays and it was cool to have really maxed characters.

next - giving so many books to player is discutable (I never do this in my dungeons), but it is really helpfull at the end, so why not.

food - too many.i had still like three full chests of food, and another chest full of water bottles. And I even not opened any food "shop".

As for the dungeon layout it definitely has some harder parts (some more or less logicall), but usually solution is nearby, which I appreciated. Otherwise it was perfect, lots of custom assets, which players like, lots of original ideas etc. no complaints here, really perfect work !

What was lets say dissapoiting for me was ending part. Filling room with hordes of random monsters... cruel. It was also needlesly hard, I think there are better ways for epic ending than this. And killing the chaos lord was sooo easy. I mean, I spent hour clearing this floor and then I killed the chaos in few seconds. Wtf : )
Well thats it, as overall I liked this dungeon a lot, I think it is for players who are bored with starting some dungeon from scratch, so it is good opportunity for them to use some advanced party and go for some real fight.
Breath from the unpromising waters.
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Re: [MOD] The CHAOS Key

Post by waltwolf »

I got thru the 'secret code' by pure luck, anybody figure out what the pattern was??
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Re: [MOD] The CHAOS Key

Post by leewroy »

Pandafox wrote:
leewroy wrote:I´m stuck inside a room...
"fire and ice" tried to shoot fireballs and ice bolts at every corner burt with no luck...what t do in this room? need a clue
ohh!! how can you be stuck there ?? :mrgreen:
check the lamps on the wall... I can't say more, it is easy :roll:
Dumb me :P
I wasn't noticing that one of the flames was a TORCH! The next was not really hard...Thanks!

Now I´, having problms with two things: can't find the second plate to open the green windows and can't pass that room wich a note gaves several steps 1)kill the monster to the left. 2) throw something to the left (where? right in the hole or across the air?) 3)killed the moster near the receptor, but the one in the plate is always facing the wall, no way to shoot the poison bolt to the receptor...so I could not go on. Any tips will be appreciated :)
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Re: [MOD] The CHAOS Key

Post by Drakkan »

leewroy wrote:
Pandafox wrote:
leewroy wrote:I´m stuck inside a room...
"fire and ice" tried to shoot fireballs and ice bolts at every corner burt with no luck...what t do in this room? need a clue
ohh!! how can you be stuck there ?? :mrgreen:
check the lamps on the wall... I can't say more, it is easy :roll:
Dumb me :P
I wasn't noticing that one of the flames was a TORCH! The next was not really hard...Thanks!

Now I´, having problms with two things: can't find the second plate to open the green windows and can't pass that room wich a note gaves several steps 1)kill the monster to the left. 2) throw something to the left (where? right in the hole or across the air?) 3)killed the moster near the receptor, but the one in the plate is always facing the wall, no way to shoot the poison bolt to the receptor...so I could not go on. Any tips will be appreciated :)
room with plates -
kill monster over the pit (with arrows / spells), then throw there something, which should close the pit. now you need provoke monster on another side to spit poison cloud on you and evade it, so enemy spell will hit the receptor. Then there is secret button.
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Re: [MOD] The CHAOS Key

Post by Pandafox »

Drakkan wrote:just finished - 12h 21min....
Thanks for this complete report !
12h21 ! impressive ! You are a very good player ;)

About the final fight. There are 2 rooms with teleporters to find to make this giant battle become strategic...
And about the final final fight against the dark soul, yes you are right, it is a little easy now... The first version was too much difficult, almost impossible but now.... Anyway...
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Re: [MOD] The CHAOS Key

Post by Pandafox »

waltwolf wrote:I got thru the 'secret code' by pure luck, anybody figure out what the pattern was??
you must make the "small noise" by pressing the good plates the number of times it is written on the wall
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Re: [MOD] The CHAOS Key

Post by Pandafox »

leewroy wrote:
I wasn't noticing that one of the flames was a TORCH! The next was not really hard...Thanks!

Now I´, having problms with two things: can't find the second plate to open the green windows and can't pass that room wich a note gaves several steps 1)kill the monster to the left. 2) throw something to the left (where? right in the hole or across the air?) 3)killed the moster near the receptor, but the one in the plate is always facing the wall, no way to shoot the poison bolt to the receptor...so I could not go on. Any tips will be appreciated :)
Drakkan gave the answer :)
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Re: [MOD] The CHAOS Key

Post by leewroy »

Thanks for replying.

I killed all three monsters in this room, but the one in front of the iron bars respawn. Well, I got that it needs to respawn or we would be stuck forever. My problem is how to close the pit. I tossed stones to the left but they fall to the room below. Guess I have to try harder...?!?!?

And what about the second plate to open the green windows?
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Re: [MOD] The CHAOS Key

Post by Pandafox »

into this small puzzle room,
1. first you must kill the green monster on your left (bahing a pit)
2. now the monster is dead, you must throw something on a plate behing the monster was. (use throw action with trhowing knifve or use bow)
3. the pit opens
4. kill the second monster on the left (in front of the receptor). Don't kill the one on the right.
5. make the monster on the right throw poison into the receptor
6. another pit is open
7. you can kill the monster. walk on the plate and go quickly 3 steps behind (or 4...?)
8. secret button
finished :)

Then you will find the second plate for the green windows ;)
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Re: [MOD] The CHAOS Key

Post by leewroy »

Got it. thanks dude :mrgreen:
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