version 1.3.5 buy from Humble Bundle and installed for Ubuntu (vi software center). 32bit version. Ubuntu 12.10 32bit.
When I save game or creating characters, or making note on map. I can't type anything, but i overwrite saved games, i can use BACKSPACE to remove letters i automated name (no description).
Is there any updates available for Linux ?
[Linux] can't enter text
Re: [Linux] can't enter text
No there is no update, the last update came only for windows. And the annoying thing is that all the linux question in the forum are being totaly ignored, no information given like we are working on it, somebody else is working on it, we are busy, no nothing. You see I am furusturated, I can't save, can't play on steam and can't write on map markers, and no one from almost human looks at any linux questions.
Re: [Linux] can't enter text
Ok, I did some fishing and I found they had answered some questions, I found this, but it is since 28. december --> viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4658#p48872
Re: [Linux] can't enter text
Do you want the honest answer on this? (I guess not...but you asked) Propably most of this problems (e.g. cursor bug, non-standard path problems, access right problems) are due to linux ecosystem properties by itself (unix roots, unsuitability for binary deployment, missing stable API/ABIs, distro fragmentation, bad driver support) and not due to LOG bugs.stimrol wrote:No there is no update, the last update came only for windows. And the annoying thing is that all the linux question in the forum are being totaly ignored, no information given like we are working on it, somebody else is working on it, we are busy, no nothing. You see I am furusturated, I can't save, can't play on steam and can't write on map markers, and no one from almost human looks at any linux questions.
Also, as support ressources of AH are limited, they focus on the easier supportable platforms which have also significant more users.
So, if you want a more stable and fluent working platform for LOG use a OS which has the claimed goal to be a stable platform. Linux has this goal for sure not.
Re: [Linux] can't enter text
Well, are you suggesting that is difficult to get keystrokes on linux OS to write savegame names?
Re: [Linux] can't enter text
In a compatible stable way for binary deployed applications, yes, it seems.pomate wrote:Well, are you suggesting that is difficult to get keystrokes on linux OS to write savegame names?
PS: linux is not an OS it's only a kernel. There are only a bazillion incompatible linux based distro OSs.
Re: [Linux] can't enter text
I purchased the Linux version of the game today and, I can't enter any text during the game. I thought this bug should have been fixed long ago?!?!?
Any update when this will happen?
I purchased the Linux version of the game today and, I can't enter any text during the game. I thought this bug should have been fixed long ago?!?!?
Any update when this will happen?