Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Talk about anything related to Legend of Grimrock 2 here.
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by eispfogel »

Controller support could work like this:
Left stick - movement (forward, backward left and right)
Right stick - move cursor - execute magic, be it a small ring menu or something else

buttons (1,2,3,4 or a,b,x,y) - character attack - action

upper shoulder button - switch characters

lower shoulder buttons - strafe left and right

select, start - menu and map

When in inventory you can use the digipad to choose items and another button to select. Maybe a quickslot for potions can be used(digipad switchable). like a belt in diablo. you can switch various stuff on the fly during gameplay and have the selected character drink a potion or stuff like that.

It would be possible that when one character attacked to switch to the next one(automatically) and so and so forth.

you have the 2 stick buttons left and the digipad for additional functions - i think this would work great.
I played Stonekeep with a controller and it worked fine, but that is because you just need to point and click to attack. in grimrock you need to hit the attack buttons which would not work so well :/

Since grimrock has just a hit calculation and not point and click attacks you could map that function to a button. with a modifier one can use another button to access the right hand/second attack.

Dont get me wrong...i like mouse and keyboard. but the thing is...i was far mor emersed in stonekeep then in any other game and that was because i did not have to click on interface buttons but on the actual gamescreen. In Grimrock when a fight starts i keep my main focus on the characters and inventory not on the main game screen which is not that great because i want to see how i fight.

When the Characters are switched automatically we could use the A button for attack/click/confirm/select. We then would have 3 more buttons to perform stuff like opening the magic menu and choose the proper spell.
Last edited by eispfogel on Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by Komag »

I did about half the game with an Xbox 360 controller back in Aug/Sep, playing on "Easy" so the monster reactions were slower just as mine were, and it worked pretty reasonably, fun to play from the couch like that!
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by Neikun »

I'm interested in this style too, because who doesn't think Grimrock running through Steam Big Picture sounds awesome?

I think that if the right stick is the cursor, then either R1 or R2 will need to be the click feature just for ease of use.
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by eispfogel »

You are right with the clicking since the shoulderbuttons are always free when you move and point with the sticks. I hope they do something with that.

Oh and since the Overworld map is out of the window... are they now going the route of Metroid/Castlevania? A huge world all interconnected with a hub? That would be awesome. Metroid(Prime in this case) has that solitary/dungeoney/adtventurous feeling like grimrock has. I think it could work.
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by aladin676 »

Probably looks skewed because of the weird aspect ratios.

Controller support sounds like an interesting spin on the original gameplay, but I think it'd be kind of awkward to use if you were trying to "switch" active characters in the middle of battle. The player would be more focused on tracking which character was active rather than what was going on in front of them, which would probably lead to some nasty falls and missing out on a few secrets. Here's what I think the control would be like:

Attacking/using an item: Select party member by holding corresponding ABXY/D-pad button, then tap left or right trigger to use to corresponding hand
Open inventory: Select party member with corresponding ABXY/D-pad button, then hit select
Turn/move: Left analog stick
Free look: Press in on Left analog stick, turn to look around
Strafe Left/right: bumpers
Cursor: Right bumper
Pick item up (with cursor to drag around the screen): Press in on Right Analog stick, move with cursor controls. Press in again to use/drop/throw.
Menu: Press the Start button (duh)

It might work, then again, it might not. I'm a keyboard guy myself, but this is the most intuitive setup I could think of for a universal controller.

9. Why is Grimrock so square-shaped? It's because all of the walls are flat. Maybe some Round walls, you know, like in the castle tower shown in the LoG2 screenshot? Eh? Eh?

No clue what button the map would be linked to. Maybe it could be an option you could open in the inventory? :?
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by aladin676 »

10. I've been playing some Fire Emblem recently, and if this game is going to go on a long-term adventure, you might be able to meet new people to put into your party along the way. It might not work as well for grimrock, but maybe it'll spawn some new ideas out there for this brainstorming activity here.
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by Shivreign »

I would strongly challenge the dev team to come up with a good way to implement cooperative multiplayer for LoG II and/or future installments. This could come in the form of two independent campaigns (one for solo, one for duo), as I know I'd be willing to pay the extra cost that would create. A separate campaign may be required as rooms may need to be slightly larger to account for a second player-controlled party but still allow for the possibility to be cornered by mobs. Mob damage and hit points could scale with the addition of a second player as well. I believe multiplayer in a game like this would create quite the following for all of us gamers that appreciate D&D style dungeon crawlers like LoG that range in difficulty up through Dark Souls.
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by eLPuSHeR »

I have the impression that implementing coop gameplay within a game like LoG could prove quite difficult. I could be wrong though and AH could surprise everyone. Not a high priority for me.
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by Shivreign »

I only brought it up because I've been hoping for a game that plays like the traditional paper & pencil D&D but in a digital form since the friends I play with are several hundred miles apart at this stage of our lives. I know games like D&D Online exist, but you don't get the grid-based feel that LoG brings. Does anyone know of other good grid-based games like this, potentially with decent cooperative campaign play?
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by Neikun »

Bumping this thread to have it moved.
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