[MOD] Beneath the sands Dungeon

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[MOD] Beneath the sands Dungeon

Post by LocalFire »

Here's my new(ish) dungeon Beneath the sands

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =131828908

I've tried to get it up to speed and it doesn't have any game breaking bugs (that I or any testers have found) but anything you find can be posted here or on steam and I'll look into it

I'll also answer any questions if anyone gets stuck


EDIT: I should mention that this is HIGH LEVEL DUNGEON for imported parties, about lvl 10 or so (but feel free to challenge yourself with a low level party, I did it with a lvl 5 starting party, it was a grind)

Fairly short 5 levels, with an extended sidequest to get into the treasury, this requires you to solve optional side areas and puzzles in the correct order to get in (not so hard serveral players have done this without any help)

THE VIDEO GUIDE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4wKHP- ... 0Yo3wC9l13

SECRETS LIST: For seekers of secrets who want to avoid the spoilers of a video guide, a count of the dungeons secrets by floor
Secret Counts and Contents

Floor 1: NONE Floor 2: 7 Floor 3: 5 Floor 4: 2 Floor 5: 9 Floor 6: 5

Floor 1: NONE

Floor 2: (Sack: Knife, Food) (Steel of the Desert) (Arrows) (Fire Torc) (Dragons chamber + Hallways) (Dragons Hoard) (Center Path)

Floor 3: (Conjurers Hat) (Assassin Dagger, Heart of the Flame) (Crystal Rose) (Soul of the Storm + various items) (Drakes Shield)

Floor 4: (Milkreed, Helm of the Legion) (Treasury)

Floor 5: (Alchemy items) (Box + items) (Box + items) (Box + Items) (Box + items) (Circlet of War, Pointy shoes) (Fire Torc, Chitin Armour, Alchemic Shield, Plate Boots) (Huntsmans Cloak, Diviner Cloak) (Golden Chalice, Spirit Mirror)

Floor 6: (Treasure) (Treasure + Tomes) (Treasure + Tomes) (Tomes).
The Side Quest Guide: it takes a bit more effort to get into the treasury, its optional but if you wanted to get in there heres how (Spoilers) (duh)
On Level 2 hit the hidden switch outside the Battle Chamber (its right next to the wall text: Give battle or fall into darkness), Go down the hallway that opens find the items and Dragons Room thats it for now

On Level 3, Find the Two elemental orbs (Air and Fire) and place them on the correct altars at the northern edge of the map. Fire Orb is found by placing a torch in the only empty sconce in the Teleporter Maze, it removes a nearby teleporter. The Storm Orb is on the reverse path, theres a hint in the Barracks on the southwest corner of the map.

Go up the revealed stairs and enter the teleporter on Level 2, this will take you to the Golden Dragon Statue, take it back to the Dragon Room. This will open the path to the Dragons Horde, collect the treasures, most important here is the Gray Steel Blade

Go down to Level 4 open the western way in the Infinite Hall by using the hidden switch in the Red Axe Room, find the clues in the Archive get a Tower shield from a skeleton and the Helm of the Legion from the Heraldry Room there is a clue to this puzzle in the library just to the north of this room.

Take the Shield and Helm and palce them on the correct statues in the Red Axe Room enter the hidden chamber and place the Gray Steel Blade in the Trapped Dragon

Enter the Captains Quarters and defeat the captain take the Captains Shield and hang it as the clue from the Archive suggests, on the hook in the large room with two rose shields on the north wall.

This will open the Treasury
Last edited by LocalFire on Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:23 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Beneath the sands Dungeon

Post by Numberouane »

thanks i will try it:)
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Re: Beneath the sands Dungeon

Post by LocalFire »

New update for this going going up, now up to version 1.3. See below for changes; if any further bugs are found let me know here or on the dungeons steam page (hopefully bug free now)

Version 1.1 update

-Ramped up the EXP on the custom monsters, (left the standard monsters alone)
-Added more food
-Added skulls for minotaur players
-Tweaked shield stats, (removed protection values since they don't work, upped evasion to compensate)
-Fixed the script in reliquary, no longer gives infinite EXP and items if gear is left on the altar
-Fixed the Secret found message from appearing on the "Twin Rose" puzzle if wrong answer is given
-Retextured the fountains so they match the rest of the wallset.

Version 1.2 Update

-Fixed the heraldry puzzle, it should work now, but I have included a reset switch, remove all the shields from the wall and hit the button to reset
-Added more food out in the open, theres more hidden in the floor gratings on certain floors

Version 1.3 Update
-Reworked the heraldry puzzle (again) after much testing I have been unable to mess it up, hopefully this will now work 100%.
-Removed the reset switch from outside the heraldry chamber.
-added a lore scroll to make the lore here consistant with the lore in Paths of the Earth.
-More monsters added to the Archive.

Make sure the file you download is version 1.3
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Re: Beneath the sands Dungeon

Post by leewroy »

Playing your module, and guess I near the end, but...
I´m stuck. I reached level 6 by a hole on level 6, but nothing much to do there yet. On level 5 now. Got the sword faith and the mail...what to do next? Can't access some places and didn't find mny secrets until now. also, I´ve got the eys of the storm and guess I have put it in the right place, but I don't know what's the item for the next altar nor where to find it. Ant clue or spoiler will be appreciated, and thanks in advance!
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Re: Beneath the sands Dungeon

Post by LocalFire »

so if you have the eye of the storm then you need another item also on that level
The heart of the flame, which is in a secret area off the teleport maze, you just have to light the way to gain access, once you have these you can open the center path by placing them onto the altars, (the text behind the gobelins will tell you which is which), this in turn gets you into the area with the golden dragon

The rest of lvl5 is a maze with shifting walls, the pressure plates and hidden switches move the walls around changing the paths and letting new monsters in
Hopefully this will help you get to the end (lvl 6)
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Re: Beneath the sands Dungeon

Post by LocalFire »

Since half the secrets are interlocking in this dungeon, all leading to the treasury in the Archive, I figure I'd best post a spoiler revealing the order of the secrets, obviously if you want to figure this out yourself don't look
First on level 2, find the secret switch near the monster cells (room with the key on altar surrounded by pits) This will give you access to the dragon room, which has a alcove asking "restore to us our golden kinsman. You can do nothing more for now.

Second, find the heart of the storm and the body of the flame (mage orbs) on Level 2, One is in the maze near the start of the level, the other hinted at by a note in the barracks. Take these and place them on the altars to the north (the text behind the gobelins will hint at which is which.

Third, completing the above will open the center path, go up the stairs and find the golden kinsman, return him to the dragon room.

Completing the above opens the dragons horde, take the items you will need one of them later, head down to level3.

Pass through the infinite hall, and find the switch that opens the western way (a message will print alerting you if this is done) fond the scrolls they will hint at what you need for the axe room

One of those items should be easily aquired, the other is in the heraldry room, a scroll in the chamber to the north of this room will provide information needed to solve this puzzle

return to the axe room and open the path, the next room will be solved by reading the story of sir grey and the dragon (from the western chamber) complete this room and move on

Mini boss fight, enter the captains chamber and defeat him, take his shield, go to the treasury chambers, hang the shield on the south wall this will open the treasury
all other secrets are self-contained
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Re: Beneath the sands Dungeon

Post by lurker »

Quite enjoyed it. Thank you. There was only a couple of puzzles I didn't solve, the one most irritating to me was on level 4 in the room with all of the banners and healing crystals.
I'm guessing I needed to put certain shields on certain hooks, but the sequence wasn't obvious to me.
Anyway, thanks for the few hours of diversion!
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Re: Beneath the sands Dungeon

Post by LocalFire »

Ok glad to hear you enjoyed it

A question about the shield puzzle did you find the scroll that gave you clues as to the sequence?
If yes do you know which version you have (1.3 being the latest)

I ask because that puzzle has been playing up, I'm pretty sure the 1.3 update fixed it but if there was a problem with it I'd like to know

Thanks for your feedback
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Re: Beneath the sands Dungeon

Post by lurker »

LocalFire wrote:A question about the shield puzzle did you find the scroll that gave you clues as to the sequence?
If yes do you know which version you have
Yes, it looks like I was playing 1.3. I'm not sure if I found that scroll or not. I had a lot of scrolls in my possession at the end so it is possible I had the answer in my hand but just didn't realize it. But again, I had a good ride. Hope the next mod will entertain me as much.
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Re: Beneath the sands Dungeon

Post by LocalFire »

Cool glad you enjoyed it and yes there are alot of scroll, but nowhere near as bad as my first dungeon paths of the earth

As for my next project I'm trying to make a short stealth dungeon; but its an experiment so it may or may not turn out.
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