Numberouane wrote:Im now cruising level 4 and I miss one golden key....
I hope that the key is not in the cell I did not opened.
I got the dragon gem and sword key ... I put one in mouth dragon
I fed all alcoves (including beds)
I tried removing all torches and put them back
I got 4 messages
Just dont know right now what i missed
Hey, i was desperate there too, same as you tried torches and so..
and in the end, i found the second dragon gem in brimp's room.. unfortunately, i dont remember, where i found first gem, if its the one you missed
beach55 wrote:thanks very much !!!
now is all clearer
but now I'm in level 8 Basement with 2 problems
Centre puzzle = I have 6 round keys (find in level 7 Air) and I remove glass walls
I find 6 locks...but the round keys don't work !!!!
perhaps I must jump in the pit first ???
or there is a precise order for open the locks ?
Western puzzle = I understand how working...but I'm too slow for take dragon gem and escape from jail...
perhaps without all I'm carring I run too fast ???
thanks in advance and again many congartulations for the gorgeous work
Round keys:
The round keys opens a secret wall in the north east corner of the room where there is an iron door level. However, the iron door is not in the same room. No need to jump into the pits first.
Western puzzle.
You got it right. Stack your stuff somewhere and run.
Pecen wrote:Well, i managed to bypass certain death at lvl7, but i left closed iron doors at the end of levels 3 and 4.. you mention earlier something about 4 alcoves on lvl3, but i dont know where it is.. on lvl4 i have no idea, maybe the statue nearby.. any hint?
oh, and the gold armor sets, its alright, when i take them with me? i feel little bit overpowered and insectoid, which is able to carry 200kg is pretty weird
Iron door lvl 3
Only the good students can open the iron door. The altar row lets you into a room with 4 alcoves. You couldn't finnish the altar row because of the lighting rod so you won't get the iron door.
Iron Door lvl 4
Dragons likes shiny things. You don't have to have dragon gems to make the ones in Master Arakks secret chamber happy.
Golden armours:
Yes, take them. The thought is that it's a game about greed and that you'll need some extra power to drag the goodies with you.
Numberouane wrote:Im now cruising level 4 and I miss one golden key....
I hope that the key is not in the cell I did not opened.
I got the dragon gem and sword key ... I put one in mouth dragon
I fed all alcoves (including beds)
I tried removing all torches and put them back
I got 4 messages
Just dont know right now what i missed
About the keys:
Did you find the Pjofa key earlier? Then you don't need the gold keys, just use the Pjofa key. If not then you'll find one in Master Arakk's room later on.
Dragon gems:
One is in Brimp's room. The other can be found in Galten's room.
Need more detail to find the dragon gems?
In Brimp's room. Put something in the bookshelf.
In Galten's room. There is a button under one of the gobelins that open a secret wall. You need to break some furniture to get in there.
I have been feeding the dragons and open the iron door fine but :
- there is a set of doors after master Master Arakk room that i cant open
- in his room , upper north there is a tapestry I cant destroy and cant go behind this wall
I put things now in very alcoves/beds/bookshelves/torches/demons....
-where was this famous thief key??????
The key can be found in a wall drainage after Pjofa's altar. The atar opens a room with alcoves in it. By taking the things in the alcoves and putting something back you'll open a secret room where the drainage is.
The tapestry in Master Arrak's room hides a bed, but there is nothing there to do. It's just a red herring.
To open the steel doors:
One of the statues it holding a golden treasure in its hands. Take it and the doors will open.
Yes I remember this wall very well but it was closed by the time I reach it. THere is a red gem behind this wall but I played again with the alcoves and the wall never opens again!
Thanks for real time support
Last edited by Numberouane on Sat May 11, 2013 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dragons likes shiny things. You don't have to have dragon gems to make the ones in Master Arakks secret chamber happy.
I still dont understand, im afraid.. right now i have access to the treasury, but it seems there is no way back from that point of game.. but this iron doors still keeps closed, i tried various things with dragon gems, but no luck, so please tell me, otherwise i will not sleep today
and the round keys, that was clever
Dragons likes shiny things. You don't have to have dragon gems to make the ones in Master Arakks secret chamber happy.
I still dont understand, im afraid.. right now i have access to the treasury, but it seems there is no way back from that point of game.. but this iron doors still keeps closed, i tried various things with dragon gems, but no luck, so please tell me, otherwise i will not sleep today
and the round keys, that was clever
You need ordinary gems, not dragon gems. It's easy to teleport back and grab some at the level 3 daemon heads if you left them there. That opens a secret door to the south in the golden statue chamber.
You'll have access to the golden statue area once you've finished the treasury. So it's safe to leave the iron door until you've finished it if you wish.
I found a room full of gems but I cant enter becauss of "glass wall"
I found 4 alcoves and 2 blood soaked skulls. Are the other two on this level or shall I go down?
I found a second set of stairs going down from a new cemetery but no skulls there..
Any idea why the secret wall for the thief key never opens again?