I need to have the player import any party of any level and have the dungeon adjust automatically for the strength of the party. It astonishes me that the game doesn't do this by default, all you'd need is to scale up the monsters according to set level bases based on the average level of the party at the beginning of the game.
Anyway, I am well on the way to finishing my 24 level dungeon and everything now walks all over the party - so what do I have to add in to have all the monsters in the dungeon autoadjust to the party on import at the beginning?
Why would you want to play a dungeon where your party is level 25 and the monsters all have 3 health points? If the monsters don't match the party, what is the point of playing?
I've just finished Master Quest and it is superb, and I enjoyed the fact that it felt like a sequal to Grimrock because I imported my party and it fitted them perfectly. I assume the amount of experience given at the end of each level is scaled too, otherwise you could start with a new party at level 1 and go up 12 levels immediately!!!
I didn't know the source was available. Is it on Nexus?
Actually, upon re-reading your post I don't think you understood what I mean by autolevelling. I don't mean to suggest that the monsters should level up as you play - as you say, that would make it pointless levelling up.
What I mean is that all monsters in a dungeon should be set at a base level when the dungeon is designed, but the first thing the game does when you import a party is go through all the monsters and scale them. Just once, at the beginning. So Goromorgs are still much stronger and higher level than snails, but everything is in relation to you.
If you start a game with level 1 characters, snails are level 1 and goromorgs are level 15
If you start a game with level 2 characters, snails are level 2 and goromorgs are level 16
So the game starts as a challenge for any imported party. Levelling up is still required because the powerful monsters are still the same number of levels ahead of you.
At the moment, there are very few dungeons I want to play because I've spent time building up a party and want them to max out in every stat. I have no interest in starting a new party all over again and learning everything from scratch because a dungeon is lower level than my characters, in the same way that I do not wish to suddenly have to go back to being a baby and live my life all over again.
Level scaling was very difficult to achieve well. There are many more considerations than just raising the monster levels (and even then you can't just raise them normally - I had to adjust the definitions of every single monster to make the leveling function in a practical manner).
But yeah, the Master Quest source file on Nexus has it all there