[MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

That's weird, in my playthrough, it took like approx 4-5s. Maybe Xanathar changed something along the way?
No, honestly I never touched that and I was already in doubt whether it was too long or not. In theory the time needed is 12" per each piece of orichalcum (thus 120 sec if you put 10 pieces in one shot, 12 sec if you put just one). But it's not done with a timer and it's quite a complex state machine done in lua with not really a FSM logic.. so a bug where the time is lower at times is likely.

Anyway I agree that 2.30 is too much so I'll decrease that.
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

Ah, went back to try "open behind" again, now I see the path
left side lever, back through middle to lower right, up right side to lever, over and up middle, just enough room to get by there!
Of course, I felt it was worth it to get those potions at the ends, and the first time I reached one of the ends I had just quick-saved and now was committed, so I got all prepped up to fight the tough ghosts which I had been putting off, worked out fun. :)

I didn't actually console search the chitin boots, just was missing them for a full set :( Maybe you could add them (move them I guess) somewhere, replace some reward/treasure

I don't know what that missing treasure stat might have been. I did have the extra treasure relic item.

I guess I didn't really get all the secrets on my own, as I needed strong hints for about 3 of them. 8-)

PS - I realize sometimes in my notes of grammar corrections I added a ... in my quotes so I could type just a part of a sentence, but then later actual quoted "..." became an issue, and sometimes I didn't include false ... quotes and sometimes did - I hope this inconsistency on my part doesn't cause too much confusion!
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by leewroy »

Day 3, 17th hour...

We were so tired...we're just looking for a place to rest, we're looking for shelter. We found a good place to rest, but it's useless...that damn song keeps echoing in our ears..."never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down..." I guess we're getting crazy after all.

But...it's ok. We´ve been rick-rolled, and that's what matter! :mrgreen:
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

Two more things I thought of:

- my framerate/performance was pretty poor for most of this mod. It got especially bad on the last levels, but I also noticed it in early levels, where, for instance, I would often fail to attack with my usual quick right-clicks on weapons, and would have to click again, or make slower longer clicks to be sure my attacks would happen, which was often frustrating and but a damper on my fast fighting style. Not sure what can be done, but perhaps things under the hood could be streamlined, maybe short circuit anything that is on a different level, etc.

- I really wanted more containers, especially sacks. I think adding one or two more would be nice. I ended up dropping tons of stuff near runes, not because my champions couldn't carry the weight, but because they didn't have room in their inventory!
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

Re: containers - sure!

Re: performance.. I've spent literally weeks (well, some of the evenings of those weeks, let's say all the free time available in those weeks :) ) trying to optimize performance of the mod.. and actually it improved a lot (believe me). I honestly finished ideas and energies on that topic, at least without any tool to measure what's wrong. I tried disabling hooks(*), disabling timers(**), disabling ui(***).. and I saw no real big impact, at least on my machine. But if you can try them and tell me if you see any difference, it's welcome!


Code: Select all

hooks.g_HooksToSkip["<hookname>"] = true;
Where <hookname> is party_onMove, party_onTurn, party_onDamage, party_onRest, party_onWakeUp, party_onLevelUp, party_onPickUpItem, party_onReceiveCondition, party_onCastSpell, door_shelter_onOpen, door_shelter_onClose, item_onArmorChanged.


Code: Select all

This removes all timers, cannot be recovered


Code: Select all

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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by leewroy »

Hey dude
what is that green teleporter?
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by gentilkurgan »

Hi Xanathar,

Just finished the mod. Great work.

I enjoyed the storytelling and the level design very much. This mod is in my top 3 with the 'Mines of Malan Vael' and maybe 'The Chaos Key' (dont remember well).
I didnt notice any low framrate or bugs (i also dont use notes on the map very much).

I might return to complete one or two section of the maps in the last levels. I still dont know what for is the Ornate key we find in the frost plane, and i didnt check the 2 secrets you hinted me (in level 4 and 5, because i didnt discover how to solve them for myself ;)).

If i could change something it will be :
-The difficulty of the fights : way too easy i think, Eugene and Jill are too strong. I can kill any monster in 3 or 4 shots (full builded maces and axes). With more challenging monsters this mod could be my favorite ;).
-In level 3, i discovered the section of the crypt lately. I still dont understand how a player can guess...
...to remove the torch to open the wall, it's more like to be lucky or to need light?

And btw: i took me 10 hours to finish.

Thx again, keep up the good work.
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

In level 3, i discovered the section of the crypt lately. I still dont understand how a player can guess...
In theory, as soon as you enter that area the first time and then rest, you have a dream where the skeletons scream "free us to darkness", "bring us darnkess" or whatever and darkness :) That's the hint that the area must be put in .. darkness by removing the torches.

The things you mentioned as not explored/understood are all interlinked together.. ;)
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

leewroy... are you using console cheats of any kind and/or watching the sources ?

Because you're mentioning all areas which should be not reachable from standard play.. :)

Just to know because if you reached the rickrolling or green teleporters in standard play.. we've a trouble! :mrgreen:
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by leewroy »

Hey Xanathar!

Yeah, I´m using them :mrgreen:

The thing is: your module is REALLY awesome, if not the best so far.
I´ve got curious about many unreachable areas and started messing with the console just to see, using a different save, but you have put some cool stuff there, and my curiosity got higher, lol. I´ll keep playing in a normal way with a previous save, tough
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