+1 to better Paper Dolls (that nude bit you were talking about) I would really like to see a character model that is dress-able than a body silhouette with slots on it.FlashSoul wrote:I'd like to see a different inventory system. A nude character would only have slots to hold things in his hands and over his body (shirt, leg-wears, boots, helmet, etc.). He would need a backpack, pockets on his clothes, a belt, a quiver, a bag on his hands, etc. to have extra slots. We could have bag of holdings, greased backpacks to resist water, etc. In fact, instead of slots, it would be even better if there was a volume & weight system, each item having these characteristics while the containers have corresponding capabilities. Moreover, the level of encumbrance could take a deeper role in the combat system. For instance, the blows a fighter deals could be influenced by the strength he can give them, which is influenced by his natural strength and his burden. Same thing with speed and evasion.
As for Encumbrance Mechanic, I think it's a good way to go if it's kept simple. For instance
- Light load = No penalty
Medium load = small penalty to relevant stats. (combat cooldown, evasion)
Heavy load = bigger penalty to relevant stats. (combat cooldown, evasion, movement speed)
Over encumbered = As heavy load with larger penalties, and inability to move.
Thanks Petri!petri wrote:This is a great thread! Thanks Neikun! As always we'll be following most of the traffic in these forums, but we can't respond to all of your suggestions -- otherwise we wouldn't have any time to work on the game
I like many of the suggestions in this thread and there are some great ideas that we haven't thought about. Keep 'em coming
Re: thirst, we are not keen on implementing another ticker mechanic. If there will be thirst in log2 it has to have different kind of gameplay mechanic than food.
I don't expect you to respond to all the suggestions. I pictured this thread more as a reference for you guys, where you could browse by orange keywords for later thinking.
Obviously not all of the ideas can work out due to feature creep and two ideas that might oppose one another.