That's why i'm confused, thanks for help

Hmm.. sounds weird. I will try to upload new version soon, where is lots of grammar corrected thanks to Komag and also some minor improvements... so lets hope this will correct this issue as wellLightangels wrote:Oooooh thanks, i understand now, I'm thinking the earth like the ground not the planet.
That's why i'm confused, thanks for help
Earth is one of the hint you can buyRyeath_Greystalk wrote:I downloaded this one from nexus last night but the game crashes on start up right after the intro ends. Some kind of problem with the defineMaterial for a ring actuator.
There is a system, just watch and find it while evading all the fireballs.Bonder wrote:I see a place at the right side with a button, but it is not possible to run over the opening and closing traps. There is no system they close and open in my opinion.... Anybody can help?
viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4708&p=59705&hilit ... ead#p59705Happel53 wrote:Need Help.Level 36:Frostbite Tower Level2 The Four Ways
I Read :listen to the dead:one step and my Party dies.What must i do?
Thanks, but didn't get it.... Maybe my party (or me) is to slow for thatDr.Disaster wrote:There is a system, just watch and find it while evading all the fireballs.Bonder wrote:I see a place at the right side with a button, but it is not possible to run over the opening and closing traps. There is no system they close and open in my opinion.... Anybody can help?
That's the way you have to go if you want to continue the mod so one can say that it is necessary.Bonder wrote:Thanks, but didn't get it.... Maybe my party (or me) is to slow for thatDr.Disaster wrote:There is a system, just watch and find it while evading all the fireballs.Bonder wrote:I see a place at the right side with a button, but it is not possible to run over the opening and closing traps. There is no system they close and open in my opinion.... Anybody can help?
Is it necessary, I mean, what could be found behind this?