Unarmed Character: Rogue or Warrior?

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Alpha Stryke
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Unarmed Character: Rogue or Warrior?

Post by Alpha Stryke »

So, I want to play a martial arts master as one of my party members. A front line guy. Race will be Human, no compromise on this.

Should I go Rogue or Warrior?

With Warrior I can max out Unarmed and pump rest into Athletics. So, a Monk type master.
With Rogue I can max out Unarmed and pump the rest into Dodge. A Ninja type master.

Which is more powerful/effective on the frontline?

Also, does an unarmed attack count as a melee weapon, for the purpose of determining if it is affected by skills such as Assassination?

Lastly, what does 3 Point Strike do? I assume it is a chance for an insta kill...but need confirmation.

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Re: Unarmed Character: Rogue or Warrior?

Post by Dr.Disaster »

The Unarmed skill is the same for Fighters and Rogues so the "more effective" part has to come from either higher stats or other skills for higher Accuracy and/or Damage. Non-Headhunter Fighters can't really get ahead of the Rogue; they are basically the same. Now Headhunter Fighters can be more effective in the short- and middle-run depending on the number of skulls collected but in the long-run a Rogue building up Assassination outclasses even him.

oops! Headhunter trait can be added to both Warrior and Rogue so no difference here. Yet at least the low/mid-lvl Assassination skills Reach Attack and Backstab work with Unarmed skill so the Rogue becomes more effective the more damage he does.
Last edited by Dr.Disaster on Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Alpha Stryke
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Re: Unarmed Character: Rogue or Warrior?

Post by Alpha Stryke »

Doesn't assassination need melee weapons?
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Re: Unarmed Character: Rogue or Warrior?

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Unarmed is melee

Did a little test out of interest. It looks like the higher Assassination technics do really require a weapon. While Backstab and Reach Attack work with Unarmed attacks the special attacks Piercing and Master Assassin do not occure.

Edit 2
It does indeed seem that a Dagger is required to make full use of the Assassination skill. All other melee weapon types are limited to Reach Attack and Backstab as Unarmed is.
Alpha Stryke
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Re: Unarmed Character: Rogue or Warrior?

Post by Alpha Stryke »


What about 3 Point Strike? What does that do?
Alpha Stryke
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Re: Unarmed Character: Rogue or Warrior?

Post by Alpha Stryke »

Well? Anyone?
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Re: Unarmed Character: Rogue or Warrior?

Post by Komag »

I believe it's just a big strong hit
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