I preordered and used the steam key but its still in the preorder bit and i never received an email about anything i think its the email service i used because it didnt let me use it for these forums either but i dont know what to do about getting it.
Thank you so much for this nice piece of gaming history, i really be so happy that after the DM, EOB and Lands of Lore time, which is really gone long ago, you gave me the chance to have the real taste of excite and dungeon crawling again.
Now i really can feel this again, the fear to look around next corner, the fear to make the next step, ty, ty, ty.
How often i could say it, i really awaited the game with excitement especially today, because i preordered at your site.
I´m so happy that the gaming community with all their online acc bindings and DLC Bad Policy isn´t totally lost, i wish you that everything goes out well for you and you get the reward for your hard work
I cry it out loud. GOOD WORK, SOOO HAPPY.
If you ever bring out a Retail Collectors Edition, let me know, i´ll be first buying it.
Best wishes from Vienna, Austria
kungpowcow wrote:I preordered and used the steam key but its still in the preorder bit and i never received an email about anything i think its the email service i used because it didnt let me use it for these forums either but i dont know what to do about getting it.
I had an email titled "Thanks for purchasing Legend of Grimrock" from Humble Store.