The One Room Round Robin 2 [Help] [Secrets Guide released]

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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Help] [Secrets Guide release

Post by msyblade »

Well, this is about the neatest thing I've seen since they did that big collaboration dungeon awhile back! Truly appreciated by all of us, thank you for the time and effort you put into it. I'm certain we could help you get it on the Nexus if you're having trouble. Thanks again!
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Help] [Secrets Guide release

Post by boyflea »

Glad this is getting positive feedback and no one is upset by my scoring :)
Yes, it would be amazing if it could be uploaded. It seems odd that things like the secrets guide cannot be uploaded to nexus rather than the forums. Am sure this is possible.

Anyway, am actually playing it again, again. Thanks again to everyone.
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Help] [Secrets Guide release

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Love the top-trump-esque review cards! A very novel way of reviewing the rooms and fun to read.
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Help] [Secrets Guide release

Post by Diarmuid »

Wow that's super cool indeed... I'll upload the secrets guide and that review to the nexus as soon as I get some time, which is scarce for me these days. I'll also work on a patch 4 for next week.
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Help] [Secrets Guide release

Post by Avantir »

I'm stuck on
Xanalin Necromancer (John Wordsworth's room). I've got the staff and I've powered it up with the three crystals, but I cannot figure out how to hit the guy, he keeps dodging the staff of Savina. I suppose you have to block him in that grate by the entrance somehow, but I can't figure out how to open that, let alone get him in and smack him.
Hints or help please?
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Help] [Secrets Guide release

Post by Isaac »

Avantir wrote:I'm stuck on
Xanalin Necromancer (John Wordsworth's room). I've got the staff and I've powered it up with the three crystals, but I cannot figure out how to hit the guy, he keeps dodging the staff of Savina. I suppose you have to block him in that grate by the entrance somehow, but I can't figure out how to open that, let alone get him in and smack him.
Hints or help please?
Well a first hint would be to examine the unusual items you get in John's room.
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Help] [Secrets Guide release

Post by ZedDukeOfBanville »

The Arena seems to be tougher and tougher above 55 fights. My heroes keep on dying :( How do you equip, what are your tips?

I have two 300 HP fighters on front row (Human sword fighter level 16 + Minotaur mace fighter level 16) with the best weapons, shields and armors available, and 12 skulls for the Minotaur. On back row, two level 15 Human mages, one is Air+Earth usually casting Chain Lightning, the second is Fire+Ice and is usually casting Fire Carpet. They are equipped with light armor, have only 110-140 HP but are able to launch 3-4 spells each before dying (and then don't gain much experience, there is now a 60-75000 XP difference between fighters and mages :o ).

I used to evade from the center of the Arena to go in a 2-sides corner with a small monster on a side, for instance a snail or a classic skeleton, fighting whatever comes on the other side. But I'm now getting large monsters only so this is not possible anymore :/

Is there a difference between the two plates activating the fight?
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Help] [Secrets Guide release

Post by Dr.Disaster »

ZedDukeOfBanville wrote:The Arena seems to be tougher and tougher above 55 fights. My heroes keep on dying :( How do you equip, what are your tips?

I have two 300 HP fighters on front row (Human sword fighter level 16 + Minotaur mace fighter level 16) with the best weapons, shields and armors available, and 12 skulls for the Minotaur. On back row, two level 15 Human mages, one is Air+Earth usually casting Chain Lightning, the second is Fire+Ice and is usually casting Fire Carpet. They are equipped with light armor, have only 110-140 HP but are able to launch 3-4 spells each before dying (and then don't gain much experience, there is now a 60-75000 XP difference between fighters and mages :o ).

I used to evade from the center of the Arena to go in a 2-sides corner with a small monster on a side, for instance a snail or a classic skeleton, fighting whatever comes on the other side. But I'm now getting large monsters only so this is not possible anymore :/
Dunno for a whole ORRR2 v1.3 party but i can tell you how i managed 77 wins with a single mage.

1. Evasion is important!
When you don't get hit you don't get hurt thus when possible push Evasion.
With maxed Staff Defence and all available Evasion gear my mage has 103 in Evasion. Helps a lot!
2. "Spell Shield" spell is important!
The ORRR2 spell "Spell Shield" (needs Spellcraft 25+) creates a 21 second barrier vs. any(!) magic attack. With all kinds of spell casters being present in the Arena casting this spell before entering (plus re-casts when needed) is a must to survive long enough.

3. "Hold Monster" and/or "Freeze Monster" spells keep the heat down!
Use these ORRR2 spells against the real tough melee critters like Wardens, Ogres or Ice Lizards.
You need to be aware of that Ice Lizards are cold immune so they can't be frozen and that all Undead can't be Hold.

Strat is rather simple:
- Hold/Freeze strong monsters first (i.e. Wardens beside you)
- Kill the weakest monsters around you with the strongest offenses available i.e. the Chain Lightning spell for the AoE effect. You won't kill stronger monsters but they will be weakened this way.
- once you got room to move seek the corners but don't get cornered!

Once the monsters are down to 3 or less victory is almost certain unless you fall prey to a wild magic surge or something silly ;)

4. Face it: not all battles can be won!
Sometimes you're just doomed by the monster selection i.e. 3 Wardens and an Ice Lizard around you. In this case: load and retry.
ZedDukeOfBanville wrote:Is there a difference between the two plates activating the fight?
I did not notice any difference between the two plates so placing two instead of one is pure optical feature IMO.

Since you got 2 mages i would use your Air+Earth mage for offense (Chain Lightning + EarthQuake) and your Fire+Ice Mage for defense (Spell Shield + Hold Monster + Freeze Monster).

For the front row i can only give this hint: when you can't add damage add speed!
Give them the fastest weapons (i.e. Katana), the Bracelet of Tirin and Gollum's ring.
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Help] [Secrets Guide release

Post by ZedDukeOfBanville »

Thanks Dr. Disaster for your advice!

I'm using Spell Shield too -- usually just before starting a new fight -- however it only lasts 13 seconds here :( And my Hold/Freeze Monster spells are even shorter. So for instance I'm freezing two large monsters but when I'm done they are moving again :( Guess my mages don't have enough XP.
Dr.Disaster wrote:but i can tell you how i managed 77 wins with a single mage.
Was it with the current ORRR2 version? Or before Diarmuid changed the way the Arena works? (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6453&p=68444&hilit=arena#p68444)
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Help] [Secrets Guide release

Post by Dr.Disaster »

ZedDukeOfBanville wrote:Thanks Dr. Disaster for your advice!

I'm using Spell Shield too -- usually just before starting a new fight -- however it only lasts 13 seconds here :( And my Hold/Freeze Monster spells are even shorter. So for instance I'm freezing two large monsters but when I'm done they are moving again :( Guess my mages don't have enough XP.
Dr.Disaster wrote:but i can tell you how i managed 77 wins with a single mage.
Was it with the current ORRR2 version? Or before Diarmuid changed the way the Arena works? (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6453&p=68444&hilit=arena#p68444)
Perhaps the spell timers are connected to the amount of points put into spellcraft.
I did not use Hold Monster before the tougher Arena battles so i can't tell for sure.

Before Diarmuid changed it i made a v1.2 rogue and a v1.0 default party but then Arena was easier.
The rogue would now prolly perish fast, the party might hold a while.

Aye it was current v1.3 on Hard setting.
You can check+try him out if you like but at your own risk incl. any spoilers:

Right now he's at 81 wins and at a point where he need's extreme luck to win another battle because he's almost out of supplies.

make it 85 wins :D
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