[HELP]reset level?

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[HELP]reset level?

Post by hecktickxx »

is it possible to reset an entire level or the entire dungeon? as I need to make it where you get teleported back to the beginning which will be set back to its default self. thanks for the help
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Re: [HELP]reset level?

Post by maneus »

I think it is only possible by scripting a lot. You could destroy all entries that are changed and spawn them again on their first locations.
Also you could destroy all items in inventory, so the player must start again with nothing.
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Re: [HELP]reset level?

Post by uggardian »

You could also make an exact copy of the replayable area and teleport the player there instead.. unless the replayable area is insanely huge, like the whole dungeon.
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Re: [HELP]reset level?

Post by Darsithis »

hecktickxx wrote:is it possible to reset an entire level or the entire dungeon? as I need to make it where you get teleported back to the beginning which will be set back to its default self. thanks for the help
I'm just curious why you'd like to do something like this. I know as a player I'd be super frustrated if a wrong move erased my entire progress in a level and reset me back to the start.
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Re: [HELP]reset level?

Post by Komag »

You would just have to script everything, and make sure you think of everything.
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Re: [HELP]reset level?

Post by hecktickxx »

Thanks for the advice and the reason I am doing this is because I am doing a showcase to the public on personal work; as the dungeon is gonna be a small adventure for them to go through so I need a reset point.
Last edited by hecktickxx on Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [HELP]reset level?

Post by leewroy »

Darsithis wrote:
hecktickxx wrote:is it possible to reset an entire level or the entire dungeon? as I need to make it where you get teleported back to the beginning which will be set back to its default self. thanks for the help
I'm just curious why you'd like to do something like this. I know as a player I'd be super frustrated if a wrong move erased my entire progress in a level and reset me back to the start.
Yeah. That's why I gave up playing ghouls and ghosts :lol:
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Re: [HELP]reset level?

Post by msyblade »

I think it sounds like the most straightforward approach would be to copy/paste everything into new floors, and have a teleporter send the party to the "next starting point", when the group is ready to move on. You could theoretically do this infinitely, dependent on your needs. Komag's words of warning should be heeded in every sense, depending on the connections between assets (triggers that set things off), and the complexity of scripting, it could become a very convoluted process. I would second his recommendation by suggesting you playtest all iterations thoroughly before presenting to any group you care to impress. The good news is, if this is that GORGEOUS church you are working on, unless you've built complex, multi-tiered puzzles into it, it should be pretty straight forward for you. One thing of note that comes to mind, is that while the editor WILL change the asset ID's (TempleAltar_23 to TempleAltar_36, or whatever) as long as you do it IN THE EDITOR (no Notebook, or Wordpad!) it WILL NOT change the ID's in your scripts. this becomes especially problematic if you use scripts to create connections on the fly, which many of the ninja's around here do. In summary, if it is an overall simple design, and you need multiple iterations, it is not all that difficult (with playtesting). However, if you're trying to make multiple iterations of mahric's marble puzzle, Xanathar's Nonogram puzzles, or diarmuids ORRR2 hub, you are looking at a monumental task, for each iteration created. In THAT case, you would need a master coder to actually write an entire framework to reset all instances, connections, and trips that occured. I THINK you're project falls into the first category, to which I would say, release that beautiful beast into this world, and these guys will make it fall into the second category. . .Which is a roundabout way of saying "We could find many uses for what you built, it is innovative, and pleasing to the eyes"! Again, great work, And I hope this helps you accomplish what you are striving toward!
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Re: [HELP]reset level?

Post by hecktickxx »

Thanks Mysblade for explaining the multiple ways I could do this =] I may end up making a loop of 5 as I am at the showcase myself, therefore after the 5 loops are up I could manually reset them as I know I am no master coder ;D
And yes I will be showcasing the custom work for the chapel I have done; best part of the showcase is that I can get plenty of feedback from people's point of view on what they prefer and what can change! so hopefully after this show is done I will be improving the dungeon even further >:D
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Re: [HELP]reset level?

Post by hecktickxx »

Managed to actually make everything reset to its default self through scripting! not duplicating the levels over and over!

for the levers I used

Code: Select all

function CheckLeverStates()
 if lever1:getLeverState() == "activated" and lever2:getLeverState() == "activated" and lever3:getLeverState() == "activated" and lever4:getLeverState() == "activated" and lever5:getLeverState() == "activated" then
and made it so if activated it will toggle, then attached that script with a invisible pressure plate
from viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4718

and for the Curtains that are rippable I added

Code: Select all

function reset()
	spawn("curtain", 1, 16, 9, 3, "curtain_3")	
	spawn("curtain", 1, 16, 11, 3, "curtain_1")
and for any assets I destroyed,I basically respawned them in with the same name as they must be destroyed to progress!

soo now the entire dungeon is loopable!
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