After having defeated the Lord of Chaos (see Back Into the Dungeon), Gothmog went to seek the source of his dark power. He traveled the world, fought many enemies... and the rumor said that he finally found what he was seeking. However, we never heard of him again.
Many years later, four novice adventurers have just found the entry of a dark dungeon, in the deep of the Storm Peaks.
This dungeon of 13 levels is in line with the spirit of the original Dungeon Master. It rests on Comscript's scripts and assets and on Germanny's assets' pack. It also includes some new enhancements that I hope you will enjoy.
The game is designed for 4 new characters, imperatively with a mage (yes Dr.Disaster, really this time). The gameplay is defined to:
- shortly increase charaters' level for each secret found,
- prevent a mage to use a spell that has not been learnt,
- randomly produce some side effects (fumble) on cast,
- manage food and water.
Some recommendations now:
- buttons are globally near to doors/traps,
- find imperatively some key assets, such as the mirror of dawn, the lock picks and the rope,
- some treasures might be usefull until the end.
Change Log:
v1.00 (2014/07/26)
The final release with all new assets, modified weapons and deco on all level.
v0.94 (2014/07/16)
- update all magic weapons and staffs with different hand's aptitudes
- add new secrets
v0.93 (2014/07/15)
- update staffs to allow spell casting from rangers
- add new secrets
- update the Dragonspit skill (use differently on right or left hand...)
- add deco to level 9
v0.92 (2014/07/12)
- allow ranger to learn corresponding spells
- fix empty staffs bonus
- add 3 new secrets
- enhance dragon's skills and immunities
- add deco to level 7
v0.91 (2014/07/05)
- fix intro.lua
- rebalance of xp (secret reward from 25%/50%/100% to 6%/12%/25% and no more xp on onCast hook)
- reduce water consumption by 60%
- fixed issues with empty staffs
- improved skull's challenge difficulty
- add two new secrets
- add some assets (staff and melee daggers)
- add tomes of wizardry to convert non mage to mage
v0.90 (2014/06/30)
- everything is done except the highlight of Germanny's work (I have to add some wall/floor/pillar deco such I did in my first mod (see The Tomb of Tiggy Tamal), but I have a lack of free time to do it).
- Assets: Comscript, Germanny, Gizmojunk, Phitt
- Monsters: Comscript, FrEEsiD, Leki
- Scripting: Comscript, Grimw0ld, John Wordsworth
- Tools: John Wordsworth
- Dungeon on Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/grimrock/mods/378/?
- Dungeon on Steam (not recommended): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =292782281