Isaac wrote:Except that it is all in native game format, and impossible to convert to something editable in Blender; not without a commercial tool like 3Dstudio and/or custom scripted exporters.Leki wrote:This is already supported in LoG 1. You can find all monsters and theirs animations in asset pack - this one: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6304 is custom skeleton who uses mixture of asset pack animations of skeleton archer (let me say 'legs' and walking) and custom animations ('hands' - sword and shield + special animations).
This one: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6572 is "asset pack spider" with his model and animations (used for "floor movements") + custom animations for "ceiling and wall movement/attack animations".
I meant having the data in a readily importable standard format like FBX, or other.
Well, for fbx format, there is John's GrimFBX ... k/grimfbx/ and it works for Blender as far I know, because maneus made his servoskull monster with it (model and animations). If you made model with bones and skin, you can name the nodes as original model has and you can use asset pack animation (human archer is that case - new model - original animations). There also is 30 day trial for 3dsMax: ... free-trial as far I know and you can use it to convert models and animations to fbx using wallasaurus max script: ... You can use it in as well...