Ok i tried out SweetFX and it is by far the best choice.
Great Anti Aliasing with no drawback (blur).
Get it here.

Original Post:
So the immidiate issue i have with LoG2 is the lack of antialiasing.
My prison bars look quite jaggy. :/
Forcing in driver settings (nvidia) bared no effect.
Experimenting with compatibility settings in nvidia inspector right now.
Anyone know how to get it working?
Updates / Worarounds:
Some compatibility flags successfully force anitaliasing but produce massive GFX errors.
None of the presets in nvidia inspector has the desired effet.
GeDoSaTo tool can enable antialiasing but introduces a fair amount of blur at standard resolution.
Enabling FXAA in the driver settings works but the effect leaves much to be desired, similar to default-Res-GeDoSaTo. (Blur/uneven edges)
As alternative to GeDoSaTo you can use mrhaandi's smaa inhector with similar results. (Thanks VideoApan)
If you can live with a smaller UI you can enable Downsampling either via GeDoSaTo or via nvidia driver (GTX970/980 only). (Thanks Alfheira)