Indestructible Enemies + some smaller problems

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Re: Indestructible Enemies + some smaller problems

Post by eduran »

Digging this up because I am starting to run into air elementals now. Dispel does really low damage, to the point that my Wizard will use all of his energy and the elemental is still alive. So I can't even deal with a single elemental, and there are lots of them. What's up with that? Due to that, the Forgotten River area is now off-limits for me. Any hint on where I could find the weapon that damages them?
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Re: Indestructible Enemies + some smaller problems

Post by Tojann »

Well you got 2 options to Kill the airelementals.

First option: ist to "Dispel" them. Wenn i entcountert them, i needed 3 Dispelmagic spells to Kill one.

Second option: I found a Etherial Dagger. It hits and kills the nasty airelemtals.
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Re: Indestructible Enemies + some smaller problems

Post by eduran »

Does Dispel's damage scale with the Water Magic skill? My guy has only one point in it to be able to cast Dispel and I need 6-8 casts of Dispel for one elemental. Do you still remember where you found the dagger?
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Re: Indestructible Enemies + some smaller problems

Post by Tojann »

Well dispel magic adds extra damage for each level of the spellstree. I do about 60 damage with one dispel magic.

I dont remember where i found the Etherial Blade,... damm it! ... =327909859
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Re: Indestructible Enemies + some smaller problems

Post by Chimera005ao »

Do you still remember where you found the dagger?
Pretty sure I found it in the crypt (or whatever that place is called) in the middle of the cemetery.
I was using it, then I realized it didn't hit the skeletons. I took a look at it and saw "ethereal" damage, and immediately went out to kill an air elemental to make sure it worked.
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Re: Indestructible Enemies + some smaller problems

Post by Rig »

UglyBastard wrote:Could you be a bit more specific? Are you referring to dispel? The damage is pathetic, I can't dps it down before it wrecks my whole party (especially in the house of needles where you are either cornered and have to facetank it or die to the spikes).

Would prevent me from throwing my laptop out of the window. :S

€: Ok nevermind, I guess I was alternating dispel and lightning spells before thinking that green was the color of lightning damage. This somehow seems to have increased the survivability of the bastard. :roll: Had to down quite some pots, but at least it is dead now...

After hitting the 3rd lever and I ran out of the House of Needles and lured it far, far away. Then I went back and grabbed the orb in relative safety. I can't seem to do any damage to them either.

Found the ethereal dagger - in the cemetery on a pedestal.
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Re: Indestructible Enemies + some smaller problems

Post by Ki-Rin »

When I picked up Dispel. I assumed these monsters would be like the Ghosts in Dungeon Master 2 and just die. Oh. How wrong was I? No matter how many times I hit them with Dispel They just would not die. I now just avoid them. Not worth the effort.
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Re: Indestructible Enemies + some smaller problems

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Is the
Ethereal Blade
supposed to be able to damage crates?
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Re: Indestructible Enemies + some smaller problems

Post by Amaror »

Seriously?! That's just horrible, horrible game design. One of two things that is 100% necessary to progress the game is a secret, while the other is in a pretty late area (cemetery requires you to have gone through the archives first).
I enjoy a challenge, but a secret should not be 100% mandatory to success, especially if it's as hard a secret to get as this.
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Re: Indestructible Enemies + some smaller problems

Post by Citrus1303 »

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