How to play Farmer?

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How to play Farmer?

Post by Boxleitner »

Can someone please tell me what works best with Farmer in terms of:

1) When to eat
2) What weapons to use
3) Any skills , abilities, bonuses or strengths this class gets we arent aware of?

I'm trying to understand!
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Re: How to play Farmer?

Post by daede »

You can farm for food in the bog - herder's den. :mrgreen:
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Re: How to play Farmer?

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Boxleitner wrote:Can someone please tell me what works best with Farmer in terms of:

1) When to eat
2) What weapons to use
3) Any skills , abilities, bonuses or strengths this class gets we arent aware of?
Farmers eat to gain experience so they eat whenever you want them to gain experience. If you are able to farm a lot of food a Farmer will prolly speed-level while all other classes struggle to keep up. Beside that Farmers work like any other class and learn new abilities like others do.
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Re: How to play Farmer?

Post by UknowsI »

I've got a level 13 farmer now. She turned level 4 while my other characters were still level 1, but I am a bit more careful now since I ran out of food afterwards... I haven't had any problems keeping the farmer as leveled as the others, but I still don't feel like it makes up for the lack of traits.

Lakes are a great source of food. I can often get 2-3 levels from a single lake.

These items will help:
There is an amulet which gives +25% experience. I usually let another character wear it, then switch it to the farmer before eating. Haven't actually checked if it makes a difference, but I assume so.
Also, put the amulet which removes starvation on your minotaur or fast metabolism lizard.
I would say the strength of the farmer is that it gets quite a lot of skill points, but lacks traits and good stats. The farmer would make a decent mage, since a mage basically just need the appropriate skills. I wouldn't dream of putting the farmer on the first line. In my game I use her as an alchemist, and my actual alchemist is my Light Weapon specialist. This works out pretty well since I save skill points for a front liner who needs them more. The disadvantage is that I have to move the herbs each time I want to make potions. I was planning to let her use ranged weapons, but haven't decided which weapon style to chose, so I have just let her hold potions for faster access during battle ;) I'm basically playing with only 3 characters...
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Re: How to play Farmer?

Post by Boxleitner »

Thank you Guys!

Yes i just tried these things, and have decided not to continue to keep Farmer in the front line :D
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Re: How to play Farmer?

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Since in LoG2 any class can learn pretty much every skill I can see a Farmer right in the front as a tank or damage dealer, in the back as a ranged character (throwing/missiles/firearms), even as a caster. It just takes a bit more planning than the other classes to keep him going because he starts out with 1 skill point (Human + Skilled trait) at best. On the other hand he should be able to make up for this by reaching levels 15+ rather easy which is about the top end for the other classes; unless you want to keep grinding experience like crazy.
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Re: How to play Farmer?

Post by Luj1 »

Boxleitner wrote:Can someone please tell me what works best with Farmer in terms of:

1) When to eat
2) What weapons to use
3) Any skills , abilities, bonuses or strengths this class gets we arent aware of?

I'm trying to understand!
Hello there Boxleitner :D

Farmer starts off quite weak, but eventually is supposed to be the highest level in your party (several levels ahead of the rest) and possibly the strongest character.

For best effect, take Human with Fast learner and Skilled (both racial perks). I believe that gives you +20% experience amount from whatever food you eat. Eat a stake and watch half of your exp bar fill :D And Skilled is there because Farmers cant pick skills on lvl 1.

When to eat ? I ate all I can with my farmer, which sometimes resulted in problems for the rest of the party, but it was okay. Now my Human Farmer is lvl 12, while rest of the party is 7 :D (By the way Its not a big deal if your farmer dies and misses some combat exp, as he gets it only by eating food)

About weapons/skills ..... use whatever you can. Youre supposed to build this character normally, it's just that he has insane progression. This allows you to learn a greater number of skills than what you'd normally be able to. This is *the* class to theorycraft since it can develop into both hybrids and effective specialists

PS My farmer has points in Armor, Dodge, Athletics, Light Weapons and Critical. He backstabs with a Longsword and stands in the front. He is an average but balanced fighter with 16 str, 11 dex, 17 vita and has around 30 Evasion and Protection.
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