How does armor work?

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dark jelly
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:22 pm

How does armor work?

Post by dark jelly »

The game does a good job of explaining damage, but I currently have no idea what armor does. Anybody know yet?

1. How does armor affect a basic attack? Like a 50 damage attack vs 20 armor.

2. Does armor affect fire/ice/lightning damage at all, or do only the resistances affect those?

I've been planning on dual wielding, but when I thought about armor I realized dual wielding might even be worse than single wielding a light weapon, let alone a heavy weapon.
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Re: How does armor work?

Post by Jad »

I don't know the exact formula for protection, but it only reduces physical damage.

Shields don't actually give any protection. They give evasion instead. To be honest they aren't that great unless you are a knight.
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Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:22 am

Re: How does armor work?

Post by UknowsI »

My heavy armour character often receive 1 damage, which makes me believe it gives some kind of flat reduction with 1 as a minimum. This would most likely favour heavy hitters instead of dual wielding as you suggested. I haven't been able to get my evade high enough to make a real difference yet.
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