for what fire spell need air then ? )Klezzon wrote:Fire Spell, Fire Magic.Exila wrote:is meteor shower scale with air magic or only fire?
[Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0
Re: [Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0
Re: [Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0
Exila wrote:for what fire spell need air then ? )Klezzon wrote:Fire Spell, Fire Magic.Exila wrote:is meteor shower scale with air magic or only fire?
I guess to move the fireball !

Re: [Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0
Ok, having played through the game once and going through a second time cheating I think I should correct you on some things.Sandrock001 wrote:The thing is with the spells its a balance of damage and utility, they are balance alot better from LoG1
only the early spells get weaker spells ie shock cloud and fire all lvl one around mid game start to fall off in base damage even with lvl 5 in their element,
but all other damage spells scale well and never fall off, spells become more dependent on what you are fighting and where aka dont cast frost on an ice element
one major point is to get dispell its the only spell to hurt elementals almost all other damage sources are reduced to 1 or 0 to them
ps to other guy saying spells suck, just because you need them to add a game break spell that kills every thing to make yourself good at the game do not spam forums with hate full no critizing crap you call your life support the game and actually say whats so unbalanced and do not just say its unbalanced and they suck we can not have any discussion on the topic if you just say nothing but hate and adjectives.
Ahem, there is NO Balance of damage and utility in spells in the game. Fire magic is just plain better and the most useful of all the 4 magic schools, and let me break it down for you to prove it.
There is only 2 enemy in the game that can't be hurt by fire magic, Fire Elementals and the Air Elementals. Lightning has 3, the Air Elementals and 2 of the flying enemies. and finally, Water has 2 as far as I have noticed, Air and Ice Elementals, but I haven't tried casting Ice Bolt on ever enemy.
Oh wait? Earth magic? Yeah I am going to ignore that because that is just pointness and has no use. Even while cheating, I never put a single point into Earth Magic, it's just that useless.
Now going to actually break down the usefulness of each element in order of useless to useful over all.
Earth, most useless with 3 spells.
Poison Cloud, which does 1-3 dmg over a short time with a chance of poisoning enemies and you for 1-3 dmg for slightly longer.
Poison Bolt, which is the exact same thing as poison cloud, but instead of being right in front of you, it shoots out to hit the enemy and makes the cloud where they stand. But since you are not right next to them, they will move out of the cloud and take no dmg anymore. The most useless spell in the entire game right here.
Poison Shield, I guess makes you immune to Poison? Which is kinda useless with all the Crystals around the areas that have a lot of poison, like the Crystal Mines, and that when you finally get to those areas, as long as you aren't rushing right for them first, you should have plenty of cure potions and more than enough ingredients to make more, especially if you have an Alchemist to give even more through out the entire game till that point
In conclusion: Completely useless as everything else does more damage, even just sticking 2 points into Acc to be able to attack from the back row is more useful than anything in Earth Magic class.
Water, 4 spells, witch 2 of them you have to spends points into other magics just to use.
Dispel, it only has 1 use in the entire game, to slightly hurt 1 enemy that is immune to every other dmg source but it and the Etheral Dagger, which will do more damage and attack more often than Dispel.
Ice Shards, needs 1 point in water and earth, does little damage compared to other spells but can hit enemies in a row. The problem is that isn't needed often as often your fighting in open areas and very rarely are you in a long coridor with 3+ enemies lined up in a row to kill you. Situational, and pointless in one on one fights which is most of the game.
Frostbolt, in LoG1 this was the most useful spell in the game because it can freeze almost every single enemy in 1-2 hits. Here however, it is a lot less often. It needs a point in Air to use, and does more dmg than Ice Shards, slightly, but doesn't reliably freeze enemies often, and most times you'll end up killing them before you do. Also, it seems a lot of enemies you can't freeze. Mainly, bosses, very large enemies like the Ratlings with Cannons, Fire Golems, and Orges. If it freezes enemies, which doesn't even last that long either, then you can get in a very few free hits, but that's about as useful as it is. Also the most annoying enemy in the game that there are a lot of and probably kill you the most, Ice Elementals, are immune to it.
Frost Shield, used against Ice Elementals. That's it. It has no other use.
Air, 4 spells
Shock, attacks right in front of you, descent dmg, costs 1 point into air. The only problem is not many enemies are weak to Lightning, and the few that are immune to it you can end up meeting right after the first dungeon area for the Fire Orb.
Invisability, has very little use. You can use it to sneak around enemies, which is stupid as you want to kill them for exp and if they too hard you probably shouldn't be in the area, and... That's it. Also if you get too close, the enemy will see you anyways. This spell, other than the Elemetal shields, is the spell I have used the least.
Shock Shield, I think in the entire game there is only 1 enemy that actually does lightning damage, and that enemy gets healed by Lightning too, so I guess this shield is for them.
Lightning Bolt, is the same thing as Shock, with a small chance of doing more damage but not likely, but can be used at range. And that's the only use out of it. If your kiting around an enemy from afar, use Lightning Bolt, if your right next to the enemy, use Shock as it costs less does the same dmg maybe 1-5 points less.
Fire, 4 spells, with 3 of them being damaging spells and more enemies weak against fire than any other of the elements
Fireburst. It's the same as shock, only that very few enemies are immune to Fire, and a lot of them are weak against it.
Fireball, needs 1 point into air, and like Lightning Bolt is just Fireburst at range and costs more. Useful if at range, but if your right next to them, use the cheaper Fireburst.
Fire shield, Useful against the Suiciding Fire Elementals, and fighting against the Fire Golems which there are 4 of in the game. Also can be used against the Leapurcan (I totally butchered that spelling) who throws fire bombs at you.
Meteor Storm, needs 5 fire and 3 air, the most demanding of all the spells, but the more useful and damaging as it shoots out 5-6 Fireballs all at once which will kill everything in 2 casts if the first doesn't kill them instantly. The most useful and powerful spell in the game.
Concentration, I'm getting lazy now so will only say the 2 bad spells. Dark bolt which does very little damage and blinds the enemy, which just lowers their change to hit slightly and doesn't work out that well often. The other is Darkness, which has no use at all in the entire game. As one person points out casting Light does not mess with any traps or puzzles that needs there to be no light. Darkness has no use at all in any point in game for any reason at all. While Earth Magic is the most useless school of magic, Darkness is the most useless and pointless spell and is only there to be an opposite of the Light spell.
Having played threw the game once, and now doing it again while cheating to breeze threw everything, I can say that most spells in the game are just pointless and useless, and that there should have been a lot more. Heck there may even be LESS spells than in LoG1! Mainly no enchanting arrows with elements.
Here is how mages are in the game. If your going pure magic build, no points into anywhere else, you put 2 points in Con, 5 in Fire, and 3 in Air to use all the Fire spells, Light, and Shock. Then whatever points you have left, you can put into Health, armor, or whatever you want. If your going battle magic or not focusing on magic, 2 con 4 air, and 2 acc. 2 points less, but you get all the air spells, can attack from the backrow and 2 extra points you can put into something, like Armor. Thats about it. Freeze from Frost Bolt is unreliable, so no need to go down water, especially since water requires points in air AND earth, and it's 2 other damaging spells are very situational. Earth Magic is just pointless and useless.
I was hoping for more spells. Even if they all did the same damage, and nothing was different but the looks and elements, it would still be awesome and giving us choice. here tho, use either Air or Fire, no needs to use the others unless your handicapping yourself.
Re: [Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0
The forcefield can be really useful, as it will take any enemy out of the fight for a while or will protect your flank.
Re: [Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0
I agree on your thoughts on the spells, except for invisibility, which is very useful in some boss fights, ambushes and when descending into pits full of monsters.
Re: [Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0
From recent update:
Seems like this compendium needs to be updated. I hope it's some end-game water+earth equivalent of Meteor Storm.– bug fix: a spell that was cut from the game during development can be cast by fiddling with the rune panel
Re: [Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0
They delete this spell not add a new one, actually.Merethif wrote: Seems like this compendium needs to be updated. I hope it's some end-game water+earth equivalent of Meteor Storm.
Re: [Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0
Oh, ok. Somehow I've read it wrong wayXuio wrote:They delete this spell not add a new one, actually.Merethif wrote: Seems like this compendium needs to be updated. I hope it's some end-game water+earth equivalent of Meteor Storm.

Re: [Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0
Your thoughts on Poison Bolt, as far as I can tell, are actually completely untrue.Jirodyne wrote: Earth, most useless with 3 spells.
Poison Cloud, which does 1-3 dmg over a short time with a chance of poisoning enemies and you for 1-3 dmg for slightly longer.
Poison Bolt, which is the exact same thing as poison cloud, but instead of being right in front of you, it shoots out to hit the enemy and makes the cloud where they stand. But since you are not right next to them, they will move out of the cloud and take no dmg anymore. The most useless spell in the entire game right here.
Poison Cloud ticks for terrible damage, sure. Although you can cast it through a gate. Unsure if that's wAI.
But Poison Bolt does substantially more damage. This is not ticking for 1-3. I'm seeing more like several ticks of 8-15, which results in damage comparable or superior to other elements if allowed to run the duration (read: while kiting and taking no damage). Granted, you have to actually find something that isn't flat-out immune. And that is a big problem with the school. But I do take issue with saying it's worse than poison cloud. It's actually significantly stronger.
Re: [Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0
I like that when you hit a monster with poison bolt or it walks into a poison cloud (and gets poisoned)...
...the monster actually becomes poisoned!! Good times! They will keep taking damage wherever they go
(originally no such thing happened, monster would only take poison damage while standing in the cloud)
I would have to say also, I found poison bolt decent enough, when equipped with serpent staff (triggering game effect)
And poison cloud is more effective when you freeze monsters, cast it on them and then start hacking away....
Fireburst them too while youre at it, they dont last long taking lingering poison and fire damage while frozen in their tracks
...the monster actually becomes poisoned!! Good times! They will keep taking damage wherever they go
(originally no such thing happened, monster would only take poison damage while standing in the cloud)
I would have to say also, I found poison bolt decent enough, when equipped with serpent staff (triggering game effect)
And poison cloud is more effective when you freeze monsters, cast it on them and then start hacking away....
Fireburst them too while youre at it, they dont last long taking lingering poison and fire damage while frozen in their tracks

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