List of monsters *Spoilers*
List of monsters *Spoilers*
Here's a list of monsters encountered on the island(will be updated):
Horned Turtle - First monster, easy on land, can swim in rivers
Zarchton - Merman kind of monster, attacks with a leap from 2 squares away, dodges, can swim in rivers
Mummy - Undead monster that is rather slow. Fire is its weakness. Sometimes appears in large groups
Walking Twig- Tree monster, can roll out of way, fire is it's weakness
Undead Knight - can take hits, attacks fast when turning, sometimes appears in groups of 2
Warg - Small grey wolf like thing, appears in pairs sometimes
Warg Alpha - Bigger brown Warg, can summon others
Pirats - Ratling pirates, come in 3 different types, one with a sword, one with a gun and one with throwing knives. Quick and can overwhelm you if they surround you.
Rat Swarm - Tries to occupy the same square as the party to bite them, kill with spells
Crowern(LOG1) - Bird like enemy. Can fly, pretty much same as the first game
Wyvern (LOG1) - Shoots lightning, can fly
Walking Boulder - Takes less dmg from weapons, can attack many people in front whit a spinning attack. Immune to Earth and Water magic.
Forest Ogre - Sturdy, hits like a truck, can charge. Freeze it or kite it around.
Mosquito Swarm - Hard to hit with weapons, magic kills them fast
Giant Toad - Jumps out of the way sometimes landing couple of squares to your back, can steal weapons from your hand with its tongue
Herders(LOG1) - Walking mushroom things. 3 varieties, one that hits, one that spews poison clouds and a small one that shoots poison bolts.
Giant Crab (LOG1) - A giant enemy crab! Like in the first game takes lots of punishment and hits hard
Green Slime (LOG1) - Simple looking enemy that can be a pain. Can disease the party
Giant Fly (LOG1) - Also known as a "Shrakk Torr" .Can also disease the party, fast, can fly
Undead Archers (LOG1) - Fast Moving, shoot arrows.
Giant Spider (LOG1) - Nightmare for arachnophobes. Fast, can poison you
Giant Snake - A big, blue cobra. Fast, can also poison you.
Ice Wraith - Shoots ice bolts, tries to hit you with ice shards when close, can fly, weak to fire, immune to water.
Flame Wraith (LOG1) - Also known as a Uggardian. Shoots bolts of fire at you and can fly, weak to ice.
Pyramid Guardian - Masked blue lady, Can fly and shoot arrows, can also petrify party members
Zombie - They come out of the ground, sometimes when you start digging in the cemetary, can take quit a alot of hits.
Eyebat - Can shoot lightning, can paralyze party members
Viper Root - Comes out of the ground, tries to bite or shoot you, dont let it surprise your back row
Cycloptopus - Flyign Pink octopus with one eye. Can squirt ink on you blurring your vision.
Leprechaun - Also kown as the "trickster". Annoying little bastard, jumps around, throws things at you, usually bombs.
Mimic - A monster disguised as a treasure chest, has quite a lot of stamina.
Air Elemental - Green cloud like monster, immune to most weapons, can be killed with dispel or ethereal weapons
Fire Elemental - Tries to kamikaze you, immune to most weapon, ice spells or frost bombs destroy them easily
Magma Golem - Terribly strong foe, can smash you with it crushing hits or shoot fire at you like a cannon froma distance, kite and hit it with ranged and spells
Serpent Librarian - One of the deadliest foes, can shoot multiple poison bolts at you from distance, at melee range can paralyze and poison.
2 Viper Roots - First boss. Come out underground, dont let them corner you or hit your backrow, stay moving
Herders Den - 5-6 immobile mushroom stalks that need to be dealt with, constantly summon herders on you
Ratling Boss - Shoots you with a cannon, has lot's of ratlings around to help
Xarant and Orul Wormbound - 2 bosses in the Cemetary, hit you with twin swords while summoning a bunch of zombies from the ground.
Walking Stones - Secret boss, basically lots of walking boulders. Dont get cornered.
Lindwurm - moves around and shoots at you, puts up a shield and summons a variety of adds. Defeat for regular ending.
True Island Master - Very fast, hits you with a multitude of spells and makes illusions of himself that can do the same. Defeat for ultimate ending.
Horned Turtle - First monster, easy on land, can swim in rivers
Zarchton - Merman kind of monster, attacks with a leap from 2 squares away, dodges, can swim in rivers
Mummy - Undead monster that is rather slow. Fire is its weakness. Sometimes appears in large groups
Walking Twig- Tree monster, can roll out of way, fire is it's weakness
Undead Knight - can take hits, attacks fast when turning, sometimes appears in groups of 2
Warg - Small grey wolf like thing, appears in pairs sometimes
Warg Alpha - Bigger brown Warg, can summon others
Pirats - Ratling pirates, come in 3 different types, one with a sword, one with a gun and one with throwing knives. Quick and can overwhelm you if they surround you.
Rat Swarm - Tries to occupy the same square as the party to bite them, kill with spells
Crowern(LOG1) - Bird like enemy. Can fly, pretty much same as the first game
Wyvern (LOG1) - Shoots lightning, can fly
Walking Boulder - Takes less dmg from weapons, can attack many people in front whit a spinning attack. Immune to Earth and Water magic.
Forest Ogre - Sturdy, hits like a truck, can charge. Freeze it or kite it around.
Mosquito Swarm - Hard to hit with weapons, magic kills them fast
Giant Toad - Jumps out of the way sometimes landing couple of squares to your back, can steal weapons from your hand with its tongue
Herders(LOG1) - Walking mushroom things. 3 varieties, one that hits, one that spews poison clouds and a small one that shoots poison bolts.
Giant Crab (LOG1) - A giant enemy crab! Like in the first game takes lots of punishment and hits hard
Green Slime (LOG1) - Simple looking enemy that can be a pain. Can disease the party
Giant Fly (LOG1) - Also known as a "Shrakk Torr" .Can also disease the party, fast, can fly
Undead Archers (LOG1) - Fast Moving, shoot arrows.
Giant Spider (LOG1) - Nightmare for arachnophobes. Fast, can poison you
Giant Snake - A big, blue cobra. Fast, can also poison you.
Ice Wraith - Shoots ice bolts, tries to hit you with ice shards when close, can fly, weak to fire, immune to water.
Flame Wraith (LOG1) - Also known as a Uggardian. Shoots bolts of fire at you and can fly, weak to ice.
Pyramid Guardian - Masked blue lady, Can fly and shoot arrows, can also petrify party members
Zombie - They come out of the ground, sometimes when you start digging in the cemetary, can take quit a alot of hits.
Eyebat - Can shoot lightning, can paralyze party members
Viper Root - Comes out of the ground, tries to bite or shoot you, dont let it surprise your back row
Cycloptopus - Flyign Pink octopus with one eye. Can squirt ink on you blurring your vision.
Leprechaun - Also kown as the "trickster". Annoying little bastard, jumps around, throws things at you, usually bombs.
Mimic - A monster disguised as a treasure chest, has quite a lot of stamina.
Air Elemental - Green cloud like monster, immune to most weapons, can be killed with dispel or ethereal weapons
Fire Elemental - Tries to kamikaze you, immune to most weapon, ice spells or frost bombs destroy them easily
Magma Golem - Terribly strong foe, can smash you with it crushing hits or shoot fire at you like a cannon froma distance, kite and hit it with ranged and spells
Serpent Librarian - One of the deadliest foes, can shoot multiple poison bolts at you from distance, at melee range can paralyze and poison.
2 Viper Roots - First boss. Come out underground, dont let them corner you or hit your backrow, stay moving
Herders Den - 5-6 immobile mushroom stalks that need to be dealt with, constantly summon herders on you
Ratling Boss - Shoots you with a cannon, has lot's of ratlings around to help
Xarant and Orul Wormbound - 2 bosses in the Cemetary, hit you with twin swords while summoning a bunch of zombies from the ground.
Walking Stones - Secret boss, basically lots of walking boulders. Dont get cornered.
Lindwurm - moves around and shoots at you, puts up a shield and summons a variety of adds. Defeat for regular ending.
True Island Master - Very fast, hits you with a multitude of spells and makes illusions of himself that can do the same. Defeat for ultimate ending.
Last edited by armass81 on Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:52 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Re: List of monsters *Spoilers*
There is also a nasty one with multiple snakes on it's body, probably a medusa, poisons etc.
There are also magna golems, fire elementals, air elementals, flying squids and same fire-dudes as in LoG1.
Boss list should also have a dragon and the island master in it
There are also magna golems, fire elementals, air elementals, flying squids and same fire-dudes as in LoG1.
Boss list should also have a dragon and the island master in it

Re: List of monsters *Spoilers*
Ive only seen so far, this list will be updated. Thanks.Depili wrote:There is also a nasty one with multiple snakes on it's body, probably a medusa, poisons etc.
There are also magna golems, fire elementals, air elementals, flying squids and same fire-dudes as in LoG1.
Boss list should also have a dragon and the island master in it
- Unkillable Cat
- Posts: 57
- Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:06 pm
- Location: Iceland
Re: List of monsters *Spoilers*
Rat Swarm - you can melee attack these as long as they're in the square in front of you.
Walking Boulders are immune to Water and Earth spells.
Ogres will immediately make a slashing attack if they end their charge standing next to you.
A few more monsters:
Fire Wraith (LOG1): Floats around and throws fireballs. Heals from fire-based attacks. (Probably vulnerable to Water spells.)
Pink octopus: A flying octopus with one glowing red eye that loves to shoot Dark Bolt at you which does minor damage but blurs your vision. (It can also shoot it from its behind!)
Beneath are some of the tougher monsters:
Here be boss monsters:
And finally...
Walking Boulders are immune to Water and Earth spells.
Ogres will immediately make a slashing attack if they end their charge standing next to you.
A few more monsters:
Fire Wraith (LOG1): Floats around and throws fireballs. Heals from fire-based attacks. (Probably vulnerable to Water spells.)
Pink octopus: A flying octopus with one glowing red eye that loves to shoot Dark Bolt at you which does minor damage but blurs your vision. (It can also shoot it from its behind!)
Beneath are some of the tougher monsters:
Serpent Librarian: Creepy. One of the tougher enemies in the game. Spits a hail of poison bolts at a distance.
Air Elemental: A green-yellowish swarm that faintly resembles a Wraith. Is immune to all damage except Etheral, use the Etheral Dagger or the Dispel spell to kill them.
Fire Elemental: A fiery shape resembling a crowern, these are the second fastest enemy in the game, behind the insect swarm. They'll do kamikaze runs at you and do tons of damage, but a lucky Dispel spell can kill them first for 275 XP.
Mimic: Except for its sneak attack and surprising appearance, the Mimic is just a medium-strength monster.
Magma Golem: The slowest enemy in the game, but also the toughest non-boss enemy and the hardest hitting one. It hits multiple squares at once, can also attack at range, and that ranged attack will also hit several squares (Incoming!). Immune to fire. Try to attack it from behind, as it has "spinning attack" similar to the Walking Boulders.
Air Elemental: A green-yellowish swarm that faintly resembles a Wraith. Is immune to all damage except Etheral, use the Etheral Dagger or the Dispel spell to kill them.
Fire Elemental: A fiery shape resembling a crowern, these are the second fastest enemy in the game, behind the insect swarm. They'll do kamikaze runs at you and do tons of damage, but a lucky Dispel spell can kill them first for 275 XP.
Mimic: Except for its sneak attack and surprising appearance, the Mimic is just a medium-strength monster.
Magma Golem: The slowest enemy in the game, but also the toughest non-boss enemy and the hardest hitting one. It hits multiple squares at once, can also attack at range, and that ranged attack will also hit several squares (Incoming!). Immune to fire. Try to attack it from behind, as it has "spinning attack" similar to the Walking Boulders.
Lindworm: The final boss of the game. Usually just sits there under its shield while summoning minions to do his dirty work. Will melee attack if party gets too close, though. Eventually he'll lower the shield to attack, attacks include a charging attack that covers 3 squares and kills his own minions and a Freezing Shards spell measuring 3 squares long and 3 squares wide. When he raises the shield again he summons a new group of minions. Engage from a distance once the shield is down, keep a healthy distance. Oh, and it LOVES to smacktalk. 
Trickster: He'll try to keep his distance from you, don't let him. If you keep him in an adjacent diagonal square you can usually land in a few good blows once he decides where he'll go. If you can't keep him close just take potshots at him from a distance while avoiding his bombs. You'll run into him several times, only the last encounter offers anything different (won't spoil that for you).

Trickster: He'll try to keep his distance from you, don't let him. If you keep him in an adjacent diagonal square you can usually land in a few good blows once he decides where he'll go. If you can't keep him close just take potshots at him from a distance while avoiding his bombs. You'll run into him several times, only the last encounter offers anything different (won't spoil that for you).
Island Master: The final FINAL boss of the game. He whizzes around at blinding speeds, spams all kinds of spells, loves to put up a shield and can summon 2 clones of himself to aid him. The clones never put up a shield and have roughly 100 HP each, otherwise they act just like him. As for the original, try to shake off his clones and approach him without getting in his line of fire. Getting in his face is often fatal but a distance of 2-3 squares usually makes him try to whizz past you and melee you, his melee doesn't do much damage but it has knockback, try to use the pause in spellspam to your advantage and hit him with your best shot.
Last edited by Unkillable Cat on Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: List of monsters *Spoilers*
Bombs also work well on rat swarms
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
My end game stats LoG 1st play through
My end game stats LoG 1st play through
- ZedDukeOfBanville
- Posts: 16
- Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:21 pm
Re: List of monsters *Spoilers*
Lindworm: The final boss of the game. Usually just sits there under its shield while summoning minions to do his dirty work. Will melee attack if party gets too close, though. Eventually he'll lower the shield to attack, attacks include a charging attack that covers 3 squares and kills his own minions and a Freezing Shards spell measuring 3 squares long and 3 squares wide. When he raises the shield again he summons a new group of minions. Engage from a distance once the shield is down, keep a healthy distance. Oh, and it LOVES to smacktalk. 

Re: List of monsters *Spoilers*
his shield fades after you kill MOST of the minions he summons.
tip: leave a couple of minions. his shield will fade, then ignore the minions and attack. keep dodging to flank him, and make your attacks count. use rage potions and speed potions if you have them.
if the minions are giving you problems early, move to a corner railing so you don't get surrounded by them. meteor storm is great for the early waves.
if you get to the fire wave? yeah, you're not doing damage to the boss fast enough. you shouldn't even let it get that far. you should be able to kill him before the second wave is done. I disagree with the "attack from distance" advice. your melee guys have the strongest attacks late game. get up in his grill and pound that sucker. he's big and slow, so you can dodge around him to flank attack.
...oh, one more thing...
that isn't the final boss.
this boss is the easy one.
tip: leave a couple of minions. his shield will fade, then ignore the minions and attack. keep dodging to flank him, and make your attacks count. use rage potions and speed potions if you have them.
if the minions are giving you problems early, move to a corner railing so you don't get surrounded by them. meteor storm is great for the early waves.
if you get to the fire wave? yeah, you're not doing damage to the boss fast enough. you shouldn't even let it get that far. you should be able to kill him before the second wave is done. I disagree with the "attack from distance" advice. your melee guys have the strongest attacks late game. get up in his grill and pound that sucker. he's big and slow, so you can dodge around him to flank attack.
...oh, one more thing...
that isn't the final boss.
this boss is the easy one.
Re: List of monsters *Spoilers*
lightning bombs work great on golems and fire elementals as well, often times taking them out in a single hit.Saice wrote:Bombs also work well on rat swarms
very useful when you pick up "Bane" in the cemetary.
Re: List of monsters *Spoilers*
Possible big spoiler
NEVERMIND - I found it.
Does the Dragon boss drop a power gem or should you already have all 20 before you fight him? I have 19 of 20 and can't find the last gem anywhere.
NEVERMIND - I found it.
- ZedDukeOfBanville
- Posts: 16
- Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:21 pm
Re: List of monsters *Spoilers*
Can't kill him even with lots of potions, cannon, melee attacks or anything else. I did try more than ten times and won't try again. It's only brutal force -- and it's no fun at all. In LOG 1 you always had a way to retreat, same in the original Dungeon Master. Here you're basically in an arena without anything to help you and he's calling endless waves of new minions. He has no weaknesses or trick you can use. That's definitely not fun.Ichthyic wrote:if you get to the fire wave? yeah, you're not doing damage to the boss fast enough. you shouldn't even let it get that far. you should be able to kill him before the second wave is done. I disagree with the "attack from distance" advice. your melee guys have the strongest attacks late game. get up in his grill and pound that sucker. he's big and slow, so you can dodge around him to flank attack.