- 34/34 Zones, 77/77 Secrets, 17/17 Epic Items, 11/11 Treasures, 20/20 Power Gems, 11/11 Gold Keys, 9/9 Skulls, The Relic, All Uncommon Items (Doesn't include common items such as bread, rocks, and blooddrop cap), All Writing (Notes, Letters, Scrolls, Tablets, Signs, Plaques, Hieroglyphics, & Tombstones), Location of every hidden button, the location of most teleporters (Only ones that teleport the player a long distance), and a complete item/weapon/armor compendium/index.

- 1 2 3 - Numbers represent items, look under the map for the corresponding number to see the item(s) in that tile.
A B C - Letters represent text (notes, letters, scrolls, tablets, signs, plaques, & hieroglyphics), look under the map for the corresponding letter to see what is written there. (Work in progress)
A* B* - Tombstones with writing and randomized buried items. Look for the letters under the map for the writing. Look in the item section for the buried items with an asterisk (*). (Work in progress)
? - Question marks represent secrets (total of 77 in the game).
X - X marks the spot for buried treasure (total of 11 in the game).
₪ - This symbol represents a teleporter.
¤ - This symbol represents hidden buttons.
If a tile has two or more of these symbols on it (example: C12) then that simply means both of those occupy the same tile.

- Item Index: (COMPLETE)
- SpoilerShowRacial Food
Cheese (18) [Twigroot Basement, Forgotten River, Ruins of Desarune, Archives, Lexiconary, Cemetary, Wormbound Catacombs, Orul's Crypt, Sewers, Tomb of Rites]
Horned Fruit (11) [Shipwreck Beach, Forgotten River, Keelbreach Bog, Sleet Island, Cemetery, Orul's Crypt, Twisted Passage]
Turtle Egg (8) [Shipwreck Beach, Twigroot Tunnels, Hamlet of Stormbreach]
Broadhead Arrow (35) [Twigroot Basement, Forgotten River, River Tunnels, Keelbreach Bog, Ruins of Desarune, Archives, Cemetery, Hamlet of Stormbreach, Crystal Mines, Crystal Mine Core, Crystal Mine Abyss, Tomb Underground, Ceremonial Chamber, Library]
Crossbow Quarrel (29) [Forgotten River, Keelbreach Bog, Archives, Lexiconary, Wormbound Catacombs, Orul's Crypt, Crystal Mines, Tomb Underground, Void]
Pellets (600) [most zones]
Cannon Balls (68) [Twigroot Forest, Cemetery, Wormbound Catacombs, Sewers, Crystal Mines, Pyramid of Umas, Tomb of Rites, Ceremonial Chamber, Castle Nex, Test Chamber, Void, Trickster's Lair]
Dart (11) [Shipwreck Beach, Lexiconary, Pyramid of Umas]
Throwing Axe (12) [Wormbound Catacombs, Sewers, Hamlet of Stormbreach, Crystal Mine Core, Castle Nex]
Shuriken (16) [Forgotten River, Ruins of Desarune, Lexiconary, Pyramid of Umas, Tomb Underground]
Crystal Shards
Crystal Shard of Healing (7) [Herder's Den, Archives, Lexiconary, Wormbound Catacombs, Crystal Mine Abyss, Tomb Underground]
Crystal Shard of Protection (4) [Lexiconary, Sewers, Hamlet of Stormbreach, Crystal Mines]
Crystal Shard of Recharging (3) [Keelbreach Bog, Lexiconary]
Potions of Attribute
Potion of Strength (3) [Shipwreck Beach, Archives, Castle Nex]
Potion of Dexterity (4) [Twigroot Tunnels, Flooded Dungeon, Barren Desert, Test Chamber]
Potion of Vitality (5) [Twigroot Tunnels, Sewers, Tomb of Rites]
Potion of Willpower (3) [Twigroot Tunnels, Orul's Crypt, Tomb Underground]
Crystal Flower (14) [Sleet Island, Flooded Dungeon, Archives, Lexiconary, Cemetery, Wormbound Catacombs, Crystal Mine Core, Crystal Mine Abyss, Ceremonial Chamber, Barren Desert]
Tome of Leadership (1) [Twigroot Forest]
Tome of Knowledge (3) [Twigroot Forest, Hamlet of Stormbreach, Castle Nex]
Tome of Health (2) [Twigroot Basement, Crystal Mine Core]
Tome of Energy (2) [Archives, Hamlet of Stormbreach]
Tome of Fire (1) [Lexiconary]
Tome of Water (1) [Wormbound Catacombs]
Tome of Air (1) [Tomb Underground]
Tome of Earth (1) [Ruins of Desarune]
Rites of the Moon (1) [Cemetery]
Power Gem (20) [Shipwreck Beach, Twigroot Forest, Twigroot Tunnels (x2), Forgotten River, Keelbreach Bog (x2), Herder's Den, Ruins of Desarune, Lexiconary, Cemetery, Wormbound Catacombs, Orul's Crypt, Sewers, Hamlet of Stormbreach, Crystal Mines, Crystal Mine Abyss, Tomb of Rites, Barren Desert, Castle Roof]
Skull (9) [Forgotten River, Herder's Den, Sleet Island, Archives, Cemetery, Sewers, Castle Nex]
Gold Key (11) [Shipwreck Beach, Twigroot Forest, Forgotten River, River Tunnels, Flooded Dungeon, Cemetery, Hamlet of Stormbreach, Crystal Mine Core, Crystal Mine Abyss, Tomb Underground, Barren Desert]
Lock Picks (30) [Dead Sailor's Cave, Twigroot Tunnels, Twigroot Basement, Forgotten River, River Tunnels, Keelbreach Bog, Herder's Den, Sleet Island, Ruins of Desarune, Archives, Lexiconary, Cemetery, Wormbound Catacombs, Orul's Crypt, Sewers, Crystal Mines, Crystal Mine Core, Pyramid of Umas, Tomb Underground, Tomb of Rites]
Potion of Ressurection (15) [Ruins of Desarune, Sewers, Hamlet of Stormbreach, Crystal Mine Core, Barren Desert, Castle Nex, Library, Test Chamber, Void]
Sack (20) [Shipwreck Beach, Twigroot Forest, Herder's Den, Flooded Dungeon, Lexiconary, Cemetery, Orul's Crypt, Sewers, Crystal Mines, Crystal Mine Core, Twisted Passage, Void]
Wooden Box (9) [Shipwreck Beach, Dead Sailor's Cave, Twigroot Forest, Forgotten River, Keelbreach Bog, Sleet Island, Crystal Mine Abyss]
Compass (1) [Twigroot Tunnels]
Timepiece (1) [Herder's Den]
- Strength Based WeaponsDexterity Based WeaponsSpoilerShowHeavy Weapons:
Two-Handed Longsword (2-Handed)
● Location: Sewers (Item #16)
● Damage: 14-42 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 3)
● Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
● Special: Cleave (Requires Heavy Weapons 4) 1 second buildup, 1.5x cooldown, 2.5x attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), +10 armour piercing
● Location: Twigroot Forest (Item #2)
● Damage: 16-49 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 3)
● Critical: +5%
● Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
● Special: Flurry of Slashes (Requires Heavy Weapons 4) 1 second buildup, half attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), 3 attacks at 0.2 second intervals, 1.5x cooldown, +20 accuracy
Ancient Claymore (2-Handed)
● Location: Pyramid of Umas (Item #21)
● Damage: Cold 22-67 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 5)
● Cooldown: 5.0 seconds
● Special: Cleave (Requires Heavy Weapons 4) 1 second buildup, 1.5x cooldown, 2.5x attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), +10 armour piercing
Scythe (2-Handed)
● Location: Orul's Crypt (Item #1)
● Damage: 11-34 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 2)
● Critical: +5% (Critical hit deals x3 damage)
● Cooldown: 3.5 seconds
● Special: Harvest Time (Requires Heavy Weapons 4, Critical 2) Damage is separate from the weapons base stats, 1 second buildup, energy cost 40, attack power 23, critical chance +10%, critical multiplier 10, cooldown 3.5
Poleaxe (2-Handed)
● Location: Pyramid of Umas (Item #2)
● Damage: 13-39 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 2)
● Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
● Special: Cleave (Requires Heavy Weapons 4) 1 second buildup, 1.5x cooldown, 2.5x attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), +10 armour piercing
● Location: Ruins of Desarune (Item #14)
● Damage: 14-43 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 3)
● Cooldown: 4.2 seconds
● Special: Flurry of Slashes (Requires Heavy Weapons 4) 1 second buildup, half attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), 3 attacks at 0.2 second intervals, 1.5x cooldown, +20 accuracy
Great Axe (2-Handed)
● Location: Lexiconary (Item #18), Orul's Crypt (Item #9)
● Damage: 18-55 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 3)
● Cooldown: 7.0 seconds
● Special: Cleave (Requires Heavy Weapons 4) 1 second buildup, 1.5x cooldown, 2.5x attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), +10 armour piercing
Bane (2-Handed)
● Location: Wormbound Catacombs (Item #12)
● Damage: 27-82 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 5)
● Cooldown: 6.3 seconds
● Special: Devastate (Requires Heavy Weapons 5, Critical 1) 1 second buildup, 2x cooldown, 2.5x attack power (goes off of base weapon damage)
● Location: Forgotten River (Item #6)
● Damage: 9-27 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 1)
● Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
● Ignores 5 points of enemy's armor
● Special: Stun (Requires Heavy Weapons 3) 1 second buildup, 1.5x cooldown, 2x attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), 30% chance to stun
Morning Star
● Location: Lexiconary (Item #20)
● Damage: 11-34 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 1)
● Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
● Ignores 5 points of enemy's armor
● Special: Stun (Requires Heavy Weapons 3) 1 second buildup, 1.5x cooldown, 2x attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), 30% chance to stun
● Location: Wormbound Catacombs (Item #16)
● Damage: 12-36 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 3)
● Cooldown: 5.0 seconds
● Ignores 10 points of enemy's armor
● Special: Stun (Requires Heavy Weapons 3) 1 second buildup, 1.5x cooldown, 2x attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), 30% chance to stun
Maul (2-Handed)
● Location: Hamlet of Stormbreach (Item #23)
● Damage: 14-43 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 3)
● Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
● Ignores 25 points of enemy's armor
● Special: Knockback (Requires Heavy Weapons 5) 1 second buildup, 1.5x attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), 1.5x cooldown, knocks back
Meteor Hammer (2-Handed)
● Location: Crystal Mine Abyss (Item #2)
● Damage: Fire 24-72 + Strength (Requires Heavy Weapons 5)
● Accuracy: +20
● Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
● Special: Meteor Storm (Requires Heavy Weapons 5, Fire Magic 1) 1 second buildup, energy cost 50, charges 9, cooldown 10, casts Meteor Storm at power level 5
Light Weapons:
Tribal Spear (2-Handed)
● Location: Ruins of Desarune (Item #18), Wormbound Catacombs (Item #11)
● Damage: 5-15 + Strength
● Cooldown: 3.5 seconds
● Reach Weapon
● Special: Throw (Energy Cost: 10) 0.1 second buildup, 1.5x attack power (goes off of base weapon damage)
● Location: Twigroot Forest (Item #4)
● Damage: 5-15 + Strength
● Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
● Special: Bash (Requires Light Weapons 2) 1 second buildup, 1.5x cooldown, +10 armour piercing, 2x attack power (goes off of base weapon damage)
● Location: Herder's Den (Item #10)
● Damage: 6-19 + Strength
● Accuracy: -5
● Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
Venomfang Pick
● Location: Sleet Island (Item #12), Test Chamber (Item #3)
● Damage: 9-27 + Strength (Requires Light Weapons 2)
● Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
● Ignores 20 points of enemy's armor
● Special: Bite (Requires Light Weapons 3, Earth Magic 1) Damage is separate from the weapons base stats, 1 second buildup, energy cost 30, attack power 10, pure poison damage, no stat bonus to damage, accuracy +50, causes poison status, cooldown 4.5
Zarchton Harpoon (2-Handed)
● Location: Sleet Island (Item #7), Ruins of Desarune (Item #6)
● Damage: 7-22 + Strength
● Accuracy: +10
● Cooldown: 5.0 seconds
● Reach Weapon
● Can attack underwater
● Special: Thrust (Requires Light Weapons 3) 1 second buildup, double attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), +50 accuracy
● Location: Shipwreck Beach (Item #5)
● Damage: 4-13 + Strength (Requires Light Weapons 1)
● Accuracy: +10
● Cooldown: 3.4 seconds
● Special: Thrust (Requires Light Weapons 3) 1 second buildup, double attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), +50 accuracy
● Location: Twigroot Tunnels (Item #12)
● Damage: 6-18 + Strength
● Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
● Location: River Tunnels (Item #3), Orul's Crypt (Item #16)
● Damage: Fire 8-24 + Strength (Requires Light Weapons 1)
● Cooldown: 3.7 seconds
● Special: Fireball (Requires Concentration 1) 1 second buildup, energy cost 25, charges 9, cooldown 5, casts Fireball at power level 4
Lightning Blade
● Location: Crystal Mine Abyss (Item #10)
● Damage: Shock 8-24 + Strength (Requires Light Weapons 1)
● Cooldown: 3.7 seconds
● Special: Lightning Bolt (Requires Concentration 1) 1 second buildup, energy cost 25, charges 9, cooldown 5, casts Lightning Bolt at power level 4
● Location: Flooded Dungeon (Item #1)
● Damage: 12-36 + Strength (Requires Light Weapons 1)
● Cooldown: 3.3 seconds
● Special: Flurry of Slashes (Requires Light Weapons 4) 1 second buildup, half attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), 3 attacks at 0.2 second intervals, 1.5x cooldown, +20 accuracy
● Location: Cemetery (Item #9)
● Damage: 12-37 + Strength (Requires Light Weapons 2)
● Accuracy: +10
● Cooldown: 3.4 seconds
● Special: Leech (Requires Light Weapons 4) Damage is separate from the weapons base stats, 1 second buildup, energy cost 25, attack power 35, accuracy +20, cooldown 4.5, user is healed 50% of damage dealt (the user takes 70% damage dealt if the monster attacked is undead, and has no healing effects if the monster attacked is construct or elemental)
Sickle Sword
● Location: Tomb of Rites (Item #7), Void (Item #5)
● Damage: 15-46 + Strength (Requires Light Weapons 3)
● Accuracy: +5
● Cooldown: 4.3 seconds
● Special: Flurry of Slashes (Requires Light Weapons 4) 1 second buildup, half attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), 3 attacks at 0.2 second intervals, 1.5x cooldown, +20 accuracy
Throwing Weapons:
Orb of Vilson
● Location: Hamlet of Stormbreach (Item #19)
● Damage: 1-4 + Strength
● Cooldown: 4.0 seconds
Throwing Knife
● Location: Dropped by Ratlings
● Damage: 4-13 + Strength
● Cooldown: 4.0 seconds
● Location: Forgotten River, Ruins of Desarune, Lexiconary, Pyramid of Umas, Tomb Underground
● Damage: 6-19 + Strength
● Cooldown: 3.5 seconds
● Special: Volley of Stars (Requires Throwing 3) Damage is separate from the weapons base stats, 1 second buildup, energy cost 30, attack power 14, 3 attacks at default repeat interval (0.2 seconds?), spread of 0.4 (whatever that means)
Throwing Axe
● Location: Wormbound Catacombs, Sewers, Hamlet of Stormbreach, Crystal Mine Core, Castle Nex
● Damage: 9-27 + Strength
● Cooldown: 5.0 seconds
● Special: Power Throw (Requires Throwing 4) Damage is separate from the weapons base stats, 1 second buildup, energy cost 30, attack power 36, armour pierce 10, cooldown 5 (with throwing master, the offhand is thrown normally and doesn't benefit from power throw)Attribute Neutral WeaponsSpoilerShowLight Weapons:
● Location: Shipwreck Beach (Item #2)
● Damage: 3-10 + Dexterity
● Accuracy: +5
● Cooldown: 2.5 seconds
● Special: Throw (Energy Cost: 10) 0.1 second buildup, 1.5x attack power (goes off of base weapon damage)
Fist Dagger
● Location: Ruins of Desarune (Item #1)
● Damage: 9-27 + Dexterity (Requires Light Weapons 3)
● Cooldown: 2.7 seconds
● Special: Thrust (Requires Light Weapons 3) 1 second buildup, double attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), +50 accuracy
● Location: Shipwreck Beach (Item #1)
● Damage: 5-15 + Dexterity
● Accuracy: +5
● Cooldown: 3.0 seconds
● Special: Leech (Requires Light Weapons 3) Damage is separate from the weapons base stats, 1 second buildup, energy cost 25, attack power 20, accuracy +20, cooldown 4.5, user is healed 70% of damage dealt (the user takes 70% damage dealt if the monster attacked is undead, and has no healing effects if the monster attacked is construct or elemental)
Venom Edge
● Location: Keelbreach Bog (Item #7)
● Damage: 5-15 + Dexterity
● Cooldown: 2.5 seconds
● Special: Poison Bolt (Energy Cost: 25) 1 second buildup, energy cost 25, charges 9, cooldown 5, casts Poison Bolt at power level 3
Ethereal Blade
● Location: Cemetery (Item #6)
● Damage: Ethereal 10-30 + Dexterity
● Accuracy: +15
● Cooldown: 4.0 seconds
● Can damage Air Elementals
● Location: Pyramid of Umas (Item #14)
● Damage: 10-31 + Dexterity (Requires Light Weapons 4)
● Accuracy: +10
● Cooldown: 2.8 seconds
● Special: Flurry of Slashes (Requires Light Weapons 4) 1 second buildup, half attack power (goes off of base weapon damage), 3 attacks at 0.2 second intervals, 1.5x cooldown, +20 accuracy
Serpent Blade
● Location: Barren Desert (Item #7)
● Damage: 13-39 + Dexterity (Requires Light Weapons 5)
● Accuracy: +15
● Cooldown: 3.5 seconds
Missile Weapons:
● Location: Shipwreck Beach (Item #4)
● Damage: 3-10 + Dexterity
● Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
● Ammunition: Rock
● Damage: 5-15 + Dexterity
● Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
● Special: Sleep Dart (Requires Missile Weapons 2) Damage is separate from the weapons base stats, 1 second buildup, energy cost 25, attack power 5, cooldown 6, fires sleep dart (If a sleep dart hits a monster it will set the value of its "sleep" condition to 20 (seconds), regardless of its current value. Sleeping monsters do not act, but damaging them will remove the condition.)
● Ammunition: Dart
Short Bow
● Location: Forgotten River (Item #21)
● Damage: 6-18 + Dexterity
● Cooldown: 4.0 seconds
● Special: Volley (Requires Missile Weapons 5) 1 second buildup, 1.5x cooldown, 2 attacks
● Ammunition: Broadhead Arrow
Crookhorn Longbow
● Location: River Tunnels (Item #8)
● Damage: 8-24 + Dexterity
● Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
● Special: Volley (Requires Missile Weapons 5) 1 second buildup, 1.5x cooldown, 2 attacks
● Ammunition: Broadhead Arrow
Lightning Bow
● Location: Crystal Mine Core (Item #12)
● Damage: 9-28 + Dexterity
● Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
● Special: Shock Arrow (Requires Missile Weapons 4, Air Magic 1) Damage is separate from the weapons base stats, 1 second buildup, energy cost 30, attack power 30, pure shock damage, cooldown 4.5
● Ammunition: Broadhead Arrow
● Location: Wormbound Catacombs (Item#4), Crystal Mines (Item #12)
● Damage: 11-33 + Dexterity
● Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
● Ammunition: Crossbow QuarrelSpoilerShowFirearms:
● Location: Dead Sailors' Cave (Item #3)
● Damage: 7-21 (Requires Firearms 1)
● Range: 3
● Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
● Ammunition: Pellets
● Location: Sleet Island (Item #19)
● Damage: 17-52 (Requires Firearms 3)
● Range: 3
● Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
● Ammunition: Pellets
● Location: Crystal Mines (Item #10)
● Damage: 19-57 (Requires Firearms 4)
● Range: 3
● Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
● Special: Repeat Fire (Requires Firearms 5) Damage is separate from the weapons base stats, 1 second buildup, energy cost 30, attack power 17, 6 attacks at 0.15 second intervals, jam chance 15%, cooldown 6
● Ammunition: Pellets
Dragonbreath Revolver
● Location: Archives (Item #13)
● Damage: 11-33 (Requires Firearms 3)
● Range: 3
● Cooldown: 1.5 seconds
● Special: Reload (Requires Firearms 3) 1 second buildup, energy cost 0, sets loaded ammo count to 6 (consuming as many pellets as necessary)
● Ammunition: Pellets
Hand Cannon
● Location: Dropped by Ratling Boss (Sewers, Hamlet of Stormbreach, Castle Roof)
● Damage: 40-120 (Requires Firearms 4)
● Range: 3
● Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
● Special: Big Shot (Requires Firearms 5) Damage is separate from the weapons base stats, 1 second buildup, energy cost 50, attack power 120, backfire chance 15%, cooldown 6 (Upon attacking, if the party is not moving, they will be knocked backwards 1 square. If this knockback causes them to hit a wall, or anything else prevents them from moving, the back two party members will take 1d5 damage each.)
● Ammunition: Cannon Ball
Whitewood Wand
● Location: Twigroot Tunnels (Item #21)
● Energy: +5
● Requires Concentration 1
Nectorbranch Wand
● Location: Forgotten River (Item #7)
● Energy: +5
● Willpower: +1
● Requires Concentration 2
Shaman Staff
● Location: Sewers (Item #14)
● Energy: +25
● Vitality: +2
● Requires Concentration 2
● Earthbound (Poison spells deal 25% more damage)
● Special: Poison Bolt (Requires Concentration 2) 1 second buildup, energy cost 25, cooldown 5, casts Poison Bolt at power level 3
Acolyte Staff
● Location: Flooded Dungeon (Item #2)
● Willpower: +2
● Requires Concentration 1
● Special: Dispel (Requires Concentration 1) 1 second buildup, energy cost 40, cooldown 0, casts Dispel at power level 3
Silver Scepter of Isochronos
● Location: Barren Desert (Item #4)
● Energy: +20
● Resist All +10
● Requires Concentration 1
● Special: Invisibility (Requires Concentration 2) 1 second buildup, energy cost 40, cooldown 0, casts Invisibility at default power
Jeweled Scepter of Ruling
● Location: Hamlet of Stormbreach (Item #16)
● Willpower: +4
● Requires Concentration 1
● Special: Force Field (Requires Concentration 1) 1 second buildup, energy cost 35, charges 5, cooldown 0, casts Force Field at power level 9
Wizard's Virge
● Location: Trickster's Lair (Item #2)
● Energy: +50
● Requires Concentration 2
● Special: Disintegrate (Requires Concentration 3) 1 second buildup, energy cost 80, cooldown 0, casts Disintegrate at default power
Orb of Radiance
● Location: River Tunnels (Item #5)
● Energy: +15
● Requires Concentration 1
● Special: Light (Requires Concentration 1) 1 second buildup, energy cost 25, cooldown 0, casts Light at default power
Stormseed Orb
● Location: Sleet Island (Item #13)
● Energy: +15
● Dexterity: +2
● Requires Concentration 2
● Special: Lightning Bolt (Requires Concentration 2) 1 second buildup, energy cost 25, charges 9, cooldown 0, casts Lightning Bolt at power level 1
Melee Staves:
Lightning Rod
● Location: Twigroot Forest (Item #3), Lexiconary (Item #14)
● Damage: Shock 7-21
● Cooldown: 4.0
● Special: Shock (Requires Concentration 1)
Serpent Staff
● Location: Herder's Den (Item #12)
● Damage: 2-6 + Strength (regular melee attack has a 20% chance to poison monsters it hits)
● Cooldown: 3.0
● Special: Spit (Energy Cost: 15) 1 second buildup, energy cost 15, cooldown 4, casts Open Serpent Door at power level 1
Wand of Fear
● Location: Pyramid of Umas (Item #13)
● Damage: 3-10 + Strength
● Cooldown: 3.0
● Special: Cloud of Nightmares (Requires Concentration 2) 1 second buildup, energy cost 30, cooldown 5, casts Cause Fear at default power
- Armor SetsUnique ArmorSpoilerShowClothes
Embalmer Set:
Stats - Each piece gives: Protection +2, Vitality +1
Head - Embalmer's Headpiece [Pyramid of Umas, #8]
Body - Embalmer's Robe [Shipwreck Beach, #11]
Legs - Embalmer's Pants [Sleet Island, #9]
Feet - Embalmer's Shoes [Twigroot Forest, #3]
Rogue Set:
Stats - Each piece gives: Protection +5, Dexterity +1
Head - Rogue Hood [Forgotten River, #17]
Body - Rogue Vest [Twigroot Tunnels, #7]
Legs - Rogue Pants [Archives, #1]
Feet - Rogue Boots [Hamlet of Stormbreach, #14]
Hands - Rogue Gloves [Forgotten River, #15]
Archmage Set:
Stats - Each piece gives: Protection +3, Willpower +1, Resist All +10
Head - Archmage's Cap [Sewers, #13]
Body - Archmage's Scapular [Tomb of Rites, #10]
Legs - Archmage's Mantle [River Tunnels, #6]
Feet - Archmage's Loafers [Crystal Mines, #13]
Full Set Bonus - Energy +50
Light Armors
Tribal Set:
Stats - Each piece (except the shield) gives: Protection +3, Energy +5
Head - Thraelm Tribal Mask [Shipwreck Beach, #18]
Body - Thraelm Tribal Chestplate [Forgotten River, #8]
Legs - Thraelm Tribal Legplates [Forgotten River, #15]
Shield - Thraelm Tribal Buckler [Keelbreach Bog, #2]
● Evasion +2, Energy +5
Reed Set:
Stats - Each piece gives: Protection +4, Evasion +2
Head - Reed Helmet [Twigroot Tunnel, #3]
Body - Reed Cuirass [Twigroot Tunnel, #13]
Legs - Reed Legmail [Forgotten River, #19]
Feet - Reed Sabatons [Forgotten River, #16]
Hands - Reed Gauntlets [Forgotten River, #1]
Mirror Set:
Stats - Each piece gives: Protection +8, Resist All +5
Head - Mirror Tagelmust [Pyramid of Umas, #9]
Body - Mirror Chestplate [Lexiconary, #28]
Legs - Mirror Cuisse [Sleet Island, #4]
Feet - Mirror Greaves [Pyramid of Umas, #3]
Hands - Mirror Gauntlets [Pyramid of Umas, #17]
Heavy Armors
Meteor Set:
Stats - Each piece (except the shield) gives: Protection +18
Head - Meteor Helm [Crystal Mines, #15]
Body - Meteor Plate [Barren Desert, #5]
Legs - Meteor Legplate [Ceremonial Chamber, #4]
Feet - Meteor Greaves [Wormbound Catacombs, #1]
Hands - Meteor Gauntlets [Crystal Mines, #6]
Shield - Meteor Shield [Sewers, #10]
● Evasion +7, Fire Resistance +10, Special: Fire Shield (Energy Cost: 30) 2 second buildup, energy cost 30, charges 9, cooldown 0, casts Fire Shield at default power
Full Set Bonus - 100% Fire Resistance
Crystal Set:
Stats - Each piece (except the shield) gives: Protection +15, Health +5
Head - Crystal Helmet [Wormbound Catacombs, #25]
Body - Crystal Cuirass [Flooded Dungeon, #7]
Legs - Crystal Greaves [Crystal Mine Core, #14]
Feet - Crystal Boots [Crystal Mines, #15]
Hands - Crystal Gauntlets [Sewers, #1]
Shield - Crystal Shield [Sewers, #2]
● Evasion +10, Immune to Petrify, Special: Heal (Energy Cost: 30) 2 second buildup, energy cost 50, charges 9, cooldown 0, casts Heal at default power
Full Set Bonus - Health +75CloaksSpoilerShowHead - Bear Skull Helmet
● Location: Ruins of Desarune, #8
● Protection +4, Strength +4
Hands - Bearclaw Gauntlets
● Location: Forgotten River, #4
● Strength +4
Hands - Knuckles of Steel
● Location: Orul's Crypt, #3
● Protection +5, Strength +2, Dexterity +2
Shield - Pearl Shield
● Location: Tomb of Rites, #1; Archives, #4
● Evasion +5, Energy +25
Shield - Shield of the Elements
● Location: Flooded Dungeon, #1
● Evasion +7, Resist All +15NecklacesSpoilerShowTattered Cloak
● Location: Twigroot Tunnels (Item #17)
● Evasion +2
Huntsman Cloak
● Location: Ceremonial Chamber (Item #8)
● Evasion +4
● Dexterity +1
● Vitality +1
Scaled Cloak
● Location: Barren Desert (Item #6), Void (Item #8)
● Protection +5
Bear Pelt
● Location: Lexiconary (Item #12), Crystal Mine Core (Item #2)
● Vitality +2
● Resist Cold +20
Spidersilk Cloak
● Location: Twigroot Tunnels (Item #4)
● Evasion +5
● Strength -2
Shaman's Cloak
● Location: Keelbreach Bog (Item #10), Flooded Dungeon (Item #5)
● Evasion -2
● Energy +30
Diviner's Cloak
● Location: Orul's Crypt (Item #5), Sewers (Item #14)
● Energy Regeneration Rate +20%BraceletsSpoilerShowAmulet of Nergal
● Location: Wormbound Catacombs (Item #9)
● Health +50
Crystal Amulet
● Location: Crystal Mine Core (Item #9)
● Wearer gains immunity to poison, disease, paralysis, slow, blindness, and petrify conditions.
Frostbite Nacklace
● Location: Twigroot Forest (Item #13)
● Resist Cold +50
Gear Necklace
● Location: Ceremonial Chamber (Item #3)
● Health +15
● Energy +15
Jewel Pendant
● Location: Ruins of Desarune (Item #16)
● Willpower +2
Neck Chain
● Location: Lexiconary (Item #4)
● Wearer gains immunity to starvation and burdened conditions.
Ring on a String
● Location: Flooded Dungeon (Item #4)
● Wearer gains 1 level while equipped
● Does not give a skill point
● Does not increase the total amount of experience points required for next level
● Ring on a String is an easter egg reference to Lord of the Rings
Runestone Necklace
● Location: Sleet Island (Item #4)
● Willpower +1
Spirit Mirror Pendant
● Location: Flooded Dungeon (Item #3), Hamlet of Stormbreach (Item #9)
● Wearer gains experience points 25% faster
Spiritwalker Pendant
● Location: Tomb Underground (Item #7)
● Energy +50
● Dexterity +2
Storm Amulet
● Location: Pyramid of Umas (Item #24)
● Willpower +2
● Resist Shock +50SpoilerShowBracelet of Tirin
● Location: Cemetery (Item #8)
● Protection +1
● 15% faster cooldown
Brace of Fortitude
● Location: Orul's Crypt (Item #14)
● Strength +1
● Health Regeneration Rate +20%
Bronze Brace
● Location: Ruins of Desarune (Item #4)
● Resist Shock -20
● Critical Chance +3%
● Location: Twigroot Forest (Item #11)
● Evasion +2
Fire Torc
● Location: Orul's Crypt (Item #16)
● Resist Fire +50
Hardstone Bracelet
● Location: Wormbound Catacombs (Item #10)
● Protection +3
● Accuracy +10
Leafbond Bracelet
● Location: Flooded Dungeon (Item #5)
● Energy Regeneration Rate +20%
● Food Consumption Rate +20%
Serpent Bracer
● Location: River Tunnels (Item #2), Ruins of Desarune (Item #18)
● Protection +2
● Resist Poison +50
Steel Armband
● Location: Twigroot Forest (Item #8)
● Protection +1
● Strength +1

- Shipwreck Beach
Dead Sailors' CaveSpoilerShow
1 - Backbiter, Potion of Strength, Pellets (10)
2 - Dagger, Ornate Key, Healing Potion
3 - Power Gem
4 - Sack [Sling, Rock (3)]
5 - Wooden Box [Shovel, Rapier, Scroll of Poison Cloud, Note]
6 - Gold Key
7 - Xafi Robe
8 - Turtle Egg
9 - Letter
10 - Iron Key
11 - Embalmer's Robe, Healing Potion
12 - Dart (3)
13 - Horned Fruit
14 - Scroll of Fireburst
15 - Turtle Egg
16 - Shoes, Food, Torch
17 - Horned Fruit
18 - Thraelm Tribal Mask, Healing Potion
A - Sign: "Windgate Terminus West"
B - Tablet: "Welcome to the location of your first challenge. When you are ready stand in the circle and call out to the guardians."
C - Sign: "Windgate Terminus East"
D - Note: "At the lone oak, in the shadow of the blue light, I buried it."
E - Tablet: "Legend of Kilhagan ~ The second most important thing in the life of a seafaring captain is his sword, because without it he cannot command his crew...."
F - Letter: "Dear Visitor, Welcome to my island...."
G - Tablet: "X marks the spot"Twigroot ForestSpoilerShow
1 - Lock Picks
2 - Scroll of Shock
3 - Wooden Box [Flintlock, Pellets (20)]
4 - Horn of Summoning
5 - Iron Key
A - Plaque: "Halls of the Dead"Twigroot TunnelsSpoilerShow
1 - Xafi Khakis
2 - Wooden Box [Pellets (20), Cannon Ball (5), Sabre, Food]
3 - Embalmer's Shoes, Lightning Rod
4 - Xafi Robe, Xafi Shemagh, Baton
5 - Essence of Fire
6 - Pellets (10)
7 - Tome of Leadership
8 - Gold Key, Steel Armband, Shield Potion
9 - Power Gem
10 - Sack [Healing Potion, Food, Scroll of Poison Bolt]
11 - Buckler, Pellets (10)
12 - Pellets (10)
13 - Frostbite Necklace
14 - Sack [Mortar and Pestle, Recipe, Letter]
15 - Tome of Knowledge
A - Face: "This is another way out"
B - Face: "This is the elemental shrine of fire...."
C - Face: "Bring forth four power gems to fuse them into the essence of the element...."
D - Sign: "AR E. UHU KO. AR E. UHU E."
E - Letter: "I see you have made some minor progress. Good, good. But don't let it get to your head. This is just the beginning. Or it could be almost the end, it all depends entirely on you! Here is a tool you might find useful. Surely you can figure it out! The Island Master"Twigroot BasementSpoilerShow
1 - Turtle Egg
2 - Scroll of Shield
3 - Reed Helmet
4 - Potion of Willpower, Spidersilk Cloak
5 - Brass Key
6 - Power Gem
7 - Rogue Vest
8 - Compass, Food, Lock Picks, Note
9 - Leather Brigandine
10 - Lock Picks
11 - Recipe, Scroll of Force Field
12 - Machete
13 - Reed Cuirass
14 - Pellets (10)
15 - Potion of Vitality, Energy Potion
16 - Brass Key (Dropped by Trickster)
17 - Tattered Cloak
18 - Iron Key
19 - Power Gem
20 - Round Key, Scroll of Ice Shards, Frost Bomb
21 - Whitewood Wand
22 - Potion of Dexterity, Pellets (10)
23 - Quarter Staff
A - Plaque: "There is no turning back"
B - Plaque: "Famine"
C - Plaque: "Cold"
D - Plaque: "Be Quick"
E - Plaque: "Battle"
F - Plaque: "Disease"
G - Plaque: "The Four Plagues"
H - Plaque: "The Nest"
I - Note: "I had more equipment than I could carry so I buried some of it right between the two lanterns in eastern Twigroot Forest."
J - Note: "I can see the shrine right beneath here. I wish I had packed more provisions..."
K - Plaque: "Philosopher's Stone"Forgotten RiverSpoilerShow
1 - Fire Bomb
2 - Broadhead Arrow (2)
3 - Tome of Health
4 - Leather Gloves
5 - Speed Potion
6 - Lock Picks, CheeseRiver TunnelsSpoilerShow
1 - Reed Gauntlets
2 - Power Gem
3 - Crossbow Quarrel (2)
4 - Bearclaw Gauntlets, Shield Potion
5 - Pellets (10)
6 - Warhammer
7 - Nectorbranch Wand
8 - Thraelm Tribal Chestplate, Torch
9 - Lock Picks, Leather Gloves
10 - Poison Bomb (3)
11 - Horned Fruit
12 - Wooden Box [Gold Key, Leather Cuiss, Torch]
13 - Horned Fruit
14 - Cheese
15 - Rogue Gloves, Thraelm Tribal Leggings
16 - Cheese, Reed Sabatons, Shuriken (3)
17 - Rogue Hood, Fire Bomb
18 - Scroll of Invisibility
19 - Reed Legmail
20 - Skull
21 - Short Bow, Broadhead Arrow (3)Keelbreach BogSpoilerShow
1 - Essence of Balance
2 - Rope, Scroll of Poison Shield, Serpent Bracer
3 - Heavy Shield, Fireblade, Healing Potion
4 - Gold Key (Dropped by Ratling)
5 - Orb of Radiance, Energy Potion
6 - Archmage's Mantle
7 - Broadhead Arrow (4), Speed Potion
8 - Crookhorn Longbow, Lock Picks (2)Herder's DenSpoilerShow
1 - Power Gem
2 - Horned Fruit, Crystal Shard of Recharging, Thraelm Tribal Buckler
3 - Crystal Shard of Recharging, Torch
4 - Lock Picks
5 - Crossbow Quarrel (4), Lightning Bomb (3), Torch
6 - Pellets (10)
7 - Venom Edge
8 - Wooden Box [Broadhead Arrow, Poison Bomb (2), Shoes]
9 - Lock Picks
10 - Shaman's Cloak
11 - Pellets (10)
12 - Essence of Earth
13 - Power Gem
14 - Round Shield, Antivenom, Torch
15 - Pellets (10)Sleet IslandSpoilerShow
1 - Sack [Fire Bomb (3), Crystal Shard of Healing, Hub Key]
2 - Pellets (10)
3 - Pellets (10)
4 - Skull
5 - Lock Picks
6 - Power Gem
7 - Sack [Recipe, Mudwort, Etherweed]
8 - Pellets (10)
9 - Iron Basinet, Antivenom
10 - Pickaxe
11 - Mine Key, Battle Axe, Map
12 - Serpent Staff
13 - TimepieceFlooded DungeonSpoilerShow
1 - Crystal Flower
2 - Recipe
3 - Meteor
4 - Wooden Box [Mirror Cuisse, Pellets (20), Runestone Necklace]
5 - Tribal Shield, Note
6 - Horned Fruit
7 - Zarchton Harpoon, Shield Potion
8 - Essence of Water, Scroll of Frost Shield
9 - Wooden Box [Embalmer's Pants]
10 - Food (2), Rage Potion
11 - Lock Picks, Scroll of Shock Shield, Pellets (10)
12 - Venomfang Pick
13 - Stormseed Orb
14 - Skull
15 - Skull, Antidote
16 - Lock Picks
17 - Wooden Box [Recipe, Horned Fruit, Food]
18 - Island Map, Letter
19 - ArquebusRuins of DesaruneSpoilerShow
1 - Cutlass, Shield of the Elements, Frost Bomb (3)
2 - Acolyte Staff
3 - Potion of Dexterity, Spirit Mirror Pendant, Greater Energy Potion
4 - Ring on a String, Note
5 - Shaman's Cloak, Leafbond Bracelet, Sack [Falconskyre (3), Mudwort (2), Crystal Flower]
6 - Gold Key
7 - Crystal CuirassArchivesSpoilerShow
1 - Fist Dagger
2 - Iron Key
3 - Scroll of Fireball, Round Key
4 - Bronze Brace
5 - Potion of Ressurection
6 - Zarchton Harpoon, Rage Potion
7 - Leg Plate
8 - Bear Skull Helmet
9 - Power Gem
10 - Scroll of Light
11 - Pellets (10)
12 - Scroll of Darkness
13 - Healing Potion (2)
14 - Ax
15 - Heavy Shield, Shuriken (3)
16 - Jewel Pendant, Speed Potion
17 - Iron Key
18 - Serpent Bracer, Tribal Spear
19 - Broadhead Arrow (3)
20 - Tome of Earth, Lock Picks
21 - Cheese
22 - Pellets (10)LexiconarySpoilerShow
1 - Rogue Pants
2 - Crossbow Quarrel (2)
3 - Frost Bomb (2)
4 - Pearl Shield
5 - Broadhead Arrow (3)
6 - Broadhead Arrow (2)
7 - Crystal Shard of Healing, Fire Bomb (3)
8 - Full Helmet
9 - Tome of Energy
10 - Scroll of Dispel
11 - Lock Picks
12 - Plate Cuirass
13 - Potion of Strength, Dragonbreath Revolver, Lock Picks (2)
14 - Cheese
15 - Skull
16 - Crystal FlowerCemeterySpoilerShow
1 - Ogre Figurine
2 - Crystal Shard of Protection
3 - Ornate Key (Dropped by Mimic)
4 - Neck Chain (Dropped by Mimic)
5 - Lock Picks
6 - Fire Bomb
7 - Longsword
8 - Pellets (10)
9 - Tome of Fire
10 - Lock Picks
11 - Power Gem
12 - Bear Pelt
13 - Skeleton Figurine
14 - Lightning Rod
15 - Crystal Shard of Recharging
16 - Crystal Flower
17 - Healing Potion, Energy Potion
18 - Great Axe
19 - Crowern Figurine
20 - Morning Star
21 - Cheese (2), Food, Torch
22 - Round Key (Dropped by Crab)
23 - Sack [Cheese (2), Pellets (10)]
24 - Shuriken
25 - Crystal Shard of Healing
26 - Plate Gloves, Dart (3)
27 - Crossbow Quarrel (3)
28 - Mirror Chestplate
29 - Shuriken (2)
30 - Snail FigurineWormbound CatacombsSpoilerShow
1 - Crystal Flower
2 - Pellets (30)
3 - Sack [Hub Key, Scroll of Lightning Bolt, Antidote]
4 - Power Gem
5 - Skull, Note
6 - Ethereal Blade
7 - Sack [Horned Fruit, Food (2)]
8 - Bracelet of Tirin, Cannon Ball (5)
9 - Boneblade
10 - Shovel, Food
11 - Broadhead Arrow (2)
12 - Lock Picks
13 - Rites of the Moon, Gold Key, Letter
14 - Recipe
*Randomized Buried Items:
1* - Antivenom
2* - Leather Gloves
3* - Frost Bomb
4* - Pellets (8)
5* - Skull
6* - Sack [Cheese, Food (2)]Orul's CryptSpoilerShow
1 - Meteor Greaves
2 - Pellets (10)
3 - Skull Key
4 - Crossbow
5 - Frost Bomb
6 - Full Helmet
7 - Cheese
8 - Crystal Shard of Healing
9 - Amulet of Nergal (Dropped by Xarant Wormbound)
10 - Blooddrop Cap (2), Hardstone Bracelet
11 - Tribal Spear
12 - Bane
13 - Lock Picks
14 - Pellets (10)
15 - Lightning Bomb (2)
16 - Flail
17 - Throwing Axe (2)
18 - Cheese
19 - Gear Key
20 - Plate Gauntlets
21 - Shovel, Note
22 - Tome of Water
23 - Crystal Flower
24 - Ice Guardian Figurine
25 - Crystal Helmet
26 - Cannon Ball (5)
27 - Full Helmet
28 - Crossbow Quarrel
29 - Power GemSewersSpoilerShow
1 - Scythe
2 - Skull Key
3 - Knuckles of Steel
4 - Skull Key
5 - Diviner's Cloak, Horned Fruit, Food
6 - Sack [Blooddrop Cap (3), Etherweed, Falconskyre]
7 - Greater Energy Potion, Scroll of Fire Shield
8 - Rage Potion
9 - Great Axe
10 - Lightning Bomb (2)
11 - Horned Fruit, Note
12 - Power Gem
13 - Crossbow Quarrel (3)
14 - Potion of Willpower, Brace of Fortitude
15 - Shield Potion
16 - Fire Torc, Fireblade
17 - Lock Picks
18 - Pellets (10)
19 - Crossbow Quarrel
20 - Cheese
21 - Skull Key
22 - Lightning BombHamlet of StormbreachSpoilerShow
1 - Crystal Gauntlets, Throwing Axe (3)
2 - Crystal Shield
3 - Pellets (10)
4 - Lock Picks
5 - Pellets (10)
6 - Greating Healing Potion
7 - Recipe
8 - Sack [Potion of Vitality, Poison Bomb (3)]
9 - Pellets (10)
10 - Meteor Shield
11 - Ornate Key, Fire Bomb (Dropped by Trickster)
12 - Lightning Bomb (2)
13 - Archmage's Cap
14 - Diviner's Cloak, Shaman Staff
15 - Crystal Shard of Protection
16 - Two-Handed Longsword
17 - Blooddrop Cap, Food
18 - Cheese (3), Note
19 - Lightning Bomb
20 - Lock Picks
21 - Skull
22 - Cannon Ball (5)
23 - Brass Key
24 - Cannon Ball
25 - Brass Key
26 - Power Gem
27 - Cannon Ball
28 - Hand Cannon (Dropped by Ratling Boss)
29 - Throwing Axe
30 - Cannon Ball
31 - Sack [Mortar and Pestle, Etherweed (2), Blooddrop Cap (2), Falconskyre (3)
32 - Potion of Vitality
33 - Cheese, Potion of ResurrectionCrystal MinesSpoilerShow
1 - Healing Potion
2 - Tome of Knowledge
3 - Potion of Resurrection
4 - Turtle Egg
5 - Turtle Egg
6 - Pellets (10)
7 - Turtle Egg
8 - Tome of Energy, Map
9 - Spirit Mirror Pendant
10 - Turtle Egg (2)
11 - Greating Healing Potion
12 - Power Gem
13 - Greater Energy Potion
14 - Rogue Boots
15 - Hand Cannon, Letter (Dropped by Ratling Boss)
16 - Jeweled Scepter of Ruling, Crystal Shard of Protection
17 - Hub Key
18 - Pellets (10)
19 - Orb of Vilson
20 - Throwing Axe (2)
21 - Iron Key
22 - Essence of Air
23 - Maul
24 - Broadhead Arrow (3), Gold KeyCrystal Mine CoreSpoilerShow
1 - Broadhead Arrow (2)
2 - Sack [Torch, Antivenom (2), Food]
3 - Poison Bomb
4 - Sack [Blooddrop Cap (4), Etherweed]
5 - Pellets (20)
6 - Meteor Gauntlets
7 - Pellets (10), Blackmoss
8 - Pellets (50), Cannon ball (10)
9 - Recipe
10 - Repeater
11 - Power Gem
12 - Crossbow, Crossbow Quarrel (3)
13 - Energy Potion
14 - Cannon ball (5)
15 - Crystal Boots
16 - Scroll of Meteor Storm
17 - Food, Speed Potion
18 - Crystal Shard of Protection
19 - Pellets (10)
20 - Lock Picks
21 - Mine KeyCrystal Mine AbyssSpoilerShow
1 - Sack [Food]
2 - Bear Pelt
3 - Mine Key
4 - Potion of Resurrection
5 - Gold Key
6 - Crystal Flower
7 - Rope
8 - Throwing Axe
9 - Crystal Amulet, Antivenom
10 - Sack [Antivenom, Lock Picks]
11 - Pellets (10)
12 - Lightning Bow, Broadhead Arrow (2)
13 - Throwing Axe
14 - Crystal Greaves, Lock Picks
15 - Meteor Helm
16 - Lightning Bomb
17 - Tome of HealthPyramid of UmasSpoilerShow
1 - Crystal Flower, Crystal Shard of Healing
2 - Meteor Hammer
3 - Mine Key
4 - Antivenom
5 - Broadhead Arrow (2)
6 - Power Gem
7 - Food
8 - Lightning Bomb (3)
9 - Antivenom
10 - Lightning Blade
11 - Wooden Box [Blooddrop Cap (2), Etherweed (2), Falconskyre (2)]
12 - Gold Key
13 - Archmage's Loafers, Crystal Shard of Healing
14 - Crystal FlowerTomb UndergroundSpoilerShow
1 - Tomb Key
2 - Poleaxe
3 - Mirror Greaves
4 - Shuriken (2)
5 - Pellets (10)
6 - Poison Bomb
7 - Tomb Key
8 - Embalmer's Headpiece
9 - Mirror Tagelmust
10 - Cannon Ball (4)
11 - Pellets (10)
12 - Dart (2)
13 - Wand of Fear, Note
14 - Moonblade, Note
15 - Shuriken
16 - Lock Picks
17 - Mirror Gauntlets, Note
18 - Shuriken (2), Pellets (10)
19 - Greater Healing Potion
20 - Recipe
21 - Ancient Claymore
22 - Xafi Khakis, Pellets (10)
23 - Greater Energy Potion
24 - Storm Amulet, Lock PicksTomb of RitesSpoilerShow
1 - Antivenom
2 - Broadhead Arrow (2)
3 - Gold Key
4 - Map
5 - Antivenom
6 - Crystal Shard of Healing
7 - Spiritwalker Pendant
8 - Lock Picks
9 - Tome of Air
10 - Crossbow Quarrel (3), Speed Potion
11 - Shuriken (2)
12 - Potion of Willpower, Poison Bomb (3)Ceremonial ChamberSpoilerShow
1 - Pearl Shield
2 - Healing Potion
3 - Poison Bomb (2)
4 - Tomb Key
5 - Cannon Ball (4)
6 - Blueberry Pie, Potion of Vitality (2), Cheese, Food
7 - Sickle Sword
8 - Tomb Key
9 - Power Gem
10 - Archmage's Scapular
11 - Pellets (10)
12 - Lock PicksBarren DesertSpoilerShow
1 - Cannon Ball (3), Frost Bomb (2)
2 - Energy Potion
3 - Gear Necklace
4 - Meteor Leg Plate
5 - Crystal Flower
6 - Crystal Flower
7 - Crystal Flower
8 - Huntsman Cloak
9 - Pellets (10)
10 - Scroll of Darkbolt
11 - Broadhead Arrow, Lightning Bomb (2)Castle NexSpoilerShow
1 - Crystal Flower
2 - Pellets (10)
3 - Pellets (10)
4 - Potion of Dexterity, Silver Scepter of Isochronos, Potion of Resurrection
5 - Meteor Plate, Gold Key, Power Gem (Dropped by 2 Golems)
6 - Scaled Cloak
7 - Serpent Blade
8 - Crystal Flower
9 - Plate Greaves, Energy PotionLibrarySpoilerShow
1 - Tome of Knowledge
2 - Skull
3 - Throwing Axe (2)
4 - Cannon Ball (5)
5 - Cursed Compass, Letter
6 - Potion of Strength, Greater Healing Potion, Potion of ResurrectionTwisted PassageSpoilerShow
1 - Greater Healing Potion
2 - Broadhead Arrow (3)
3 - Potion of Resurrection, Note
4 - Ancient Map
5 - Blooddrop Cap (4)
6 - Etherweed (3)
7 - Pellets (10)Test ChamberSpoilerShow
1 - Sack [Horned Fruit, Food]VoidSpoilerShow
1 - Potion of Resurrection (2)
2 - Cannon Ball (3)
3 - Venomfang Pick
4 - Pellets (10)
5 - Potion of DexterityCastle RoofSpoilerShow
1 - Crossbow Quarrel (4)
2 - Sack [Food]
3 - Sack [Blooddrop Cap (4), Falconskyre (2), Etherweed (7)
4 - Cannon Ball (5)
5 - Sickle Sword, Poison Bomb (3)
6 - Potion of Resurrection (2)
7 - Pellets (20)
8 - Scaled Cloak
9 - Fire Bomb (4), Frost Bomb (4)
10 - Greater Energy Potion
11 - Pellets (10)
12 - Cannon Ball (5)Trickster's LairSpoilerShow
1 - Power Gem (Dropped by Lindworm)SpoilerShow
1 - Greater Energy Potion, Greater Healing Potion
2 - Wizard's Virge, Master Key, Testament (Dropped by The Island Master)
3 - Cannon Ball (5)