I have tried 4 farmer(all rats) party and managed them all level 24 (2 tanker:1 heavy 1 light weapons 1 throwing and 1 mage at back ) They didnt go as I expected at the end. low damage output for most and low mana for mage. compare to my former party (2 tanker 1 throw 1 mage but correct race all level 18) level 24 farmers nearly doing same dps . yes you can level up with farmers easy but at the end even level 18 team can beat them at dps/clear speed.
Now I am trying 4 lizard battle mages (with regen) . if you tried such a party please share your opinion starting all over will take too much time and there are lots of party combinations to try

I am relying on fast metabolism and concentaration but I am worried about food problem because at the end food become real problem for me there are little food at dungeons and they will need lots of rest = lots of food

I wish we can use all traits at all races lol imagine insectoids with fast metabolism + mutation lolz

PS: with farmers you can get correct stats for each of them just save the game before level up .
PS2: without an alchemist you can play but need to play very carefully.
PS3: instead of throwing I will try bow next time.throw minotaur isnt bad(high carry cap not bad dps) but still I want to try bow