Scripting time in real-time seconds

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Re: Scripting time in real-time seconds

Post by antti »

Passing parameters are unfortunately not supported. In this case I would modify the script so that the for-loop would be in the lightOn-function.
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Re: Scripting time in real-time seconds

Post by gambit37 »

OK, great, thanks for the quick reply :-)

EDIT: Ah, that doesn't work because it resets the loop every time it re-enters the function, so all the lights come on at the same time.
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Re: Scripting time in real-time seconds

Post by Komag »

gambit37 wrote:Can parameters be passed to functions in a delayedCall?
Maybe try it like this:

Code: Select all

function lightsOn()
	for e = 1, #lanterns_levEntrance do
		delayedCall(, e/5, "lightOn()")
		e = e + 1
f = 1
function lightOn()
	f = f + 1
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Re: Scripting time in real-time seconds

Post by cromcrom »

I checked, it stays consistent over different levels.
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Re: Scripting time in real-time seconds

Post by MrChoke »

gambit37 wrote:Can parameters be passed to functions in a delayedCall?

For example, if I use delayedCall in a loop and pass a parameter based on the value of the loop, I receive an error: "Warning! invalid message: script_entity_5.lightOn(lanterns_levEntrance([e]))"

My code is a loop to turn on all lanterns on the level sequentially with a small delay between each one. "lanterns_levEntrance" is a table already created which contains entity references for all the lanterns on the level. The code works fine if I enable the lights/particles directly (the lines commented out below), but fails with the delayed call.

Code: Select all

function lightsOn()
	for e = 1, #lanterns_levEntrance do
		delayedCall(, 0.2, "lightOn(lanterns_levEntrance[e])")

function lightOn(lightID)

Try to reference using "go" in the function. Like this:

function lightOn(lightID)

I am not sure but I think it may be the answer.
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Re: Scripting time in real-time seconds

Post by DrKojak »

i am scripting some lights to activate at a point in the bossfight, i just put lights where i wanted them and made them unclickable and lights off etc, then made a spawner that triggers when i want them too that just spawns the light normally... there arent any clipping or weird textures etc which is nice too, so that's easy.
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Re: Scripting time in real-time seconds

Post by Doridion »

DrKojak ? Could I propose the old good solution ? :D

Step by step script ? ( controlled by timer or just the boss life of course )

Got example in the skugg's tuto part 6 ( Boss tuto )
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Re: Scripting time in real-time seconds

Post by DrKojak »

Doridion wrote:DrKojak ? Could I propose the old good solution ? :D

Step by step script ? ( controlled by timer or just the boss life of course )

Got example in the skugg's tuto part 6 ( Boss tuto )
well it is scripted to the time, so far ive scripted about 70 seconds of events of traps and spawners, aswell at spawning more light when the boss teleports in. i may also, at a certain point in the battle's song, spawn some pitfalls if they will work being spawned in or created during-game
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