Glad to present you the Old Dungeon Style TileSet, based on the Germanny's DM !
This tileset was done to permit you to begin an Old Dungeon Style mod. It's a very light version of the Germanny's DM and can not replace it. Thanks to all modders who helped to correctly find definitions, and to Germanny who made all this possible.
Pack containing :
Walls - Thin wood wall - Floors - Ceilings - Centered pillar - Clickable/Unlockable Doors ( Wood, Iron, Portcullis ) - Stairs - Alcove - Bed ( as Altar ) - Pit Trapdoor - Pits ( Floors/Ceiling ) - Buttons - Pressplate - Gem Socket ( and Gem item ).

Credits :
Original Tileset : DM by Germanny
LoG2 Design : Germanny
LoG2 Models : Germanny
LoG2 Coding : Germanny
Edit : Removed myself to the credits.