UPDATE 1 (15/11/2014):
- We are looking for a Level Designer! (you need to have Steam or Skype!)
UPDATE 2 (15/11/2014):
- Team is full, but if u still interested you can join
We doing great progress, that im not going to reveal here just yet but ofc I share the details with the person who joins the team.
People still can join for positions that got filled.
Level designer person - FILLED -
Someone who can use the Dungeon Editor and create levels, also able to come up with puzzles
we have a google doc, so once you read it, you will catch up easy
Assets Person - FILLED - Fori
Creating all custom textures / 3d models / extra assets we need like intro video and cutscenes
Also helping designing the levels and create riddles
Coder person - FILLED - Ninjanerdbgm
Able to create simple lua scripts to make some puzzles interesting (mod will be story driven it wont be about showing off of the complexity of crazy scripts and puzzles)
Able to help defining in the lua my models with textures what I produce
The story will be placed in an abandoned asylum, silent hill type of hospital.

I lead the project but everyone who puts any time in it will get full credit ofc
We going to do this in our free time so I wont push anyone to hurry or anything. no deadlines this is just for fun.
if you are interested let me know how can I contact you. or just add me. Skype or Steam would be better for faster communication
My steam acc name: forikaaa
My skype name: gergoforgony