Any misgivings I have about the spell system are very closely related to how familiar I am with the one in DM. I can say for certain though that it definitely beats all other spell systems besides DM!
Thinking back to DM, besides potion creation there were only really a few spells anyone ever used. Fireball, poison cloud, light, poison ball, anti-elemental... Lightning bolt was nice but took too long to cast, spells like magical footprints had their uses but could be ignored and the whole priest class was largely there just so you could level up in it to gain health/stamina/mana (ditto for the ninjas) I do find it slightly more fiddly to switch between casters and spells in Grimrock but it really isn't any more mouseclicks, and you can queue up your next spell for each caster in a similar way.
I do prefer the skill system in DM, getting experience by doing stuff still works better for me than gaining arbitrary skill points for levelling up and then spending them to gain skills and spells and I was a bit disappointed to learn that my wizard couldn't ever learn to cast a spell just by practicing it. Still, it's very early on in my game and the excitement that I have from seeing that there are still plenty of skills and spells to unlock is outweighing the nostalgia I feel for the way things worked in the olden days