[Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1.3

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Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1

Post by Doridion »

Thanks OGDA ^^

For the pack, please, if you use mine, also credit Germanny, he's done the graphics and first version's creator. For the elevation, i didn't study the case actually because there's a lot of thing to convert/recreate. I think i'll do it after because this "first" pack is firstly destinate to "re"do most of the old dungeon ( with no elevations ).
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Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1

Post by OGDA »

>For the pack, please, if you use mine, also credit Germanny

Will do :)

Can't wait for it to be finished, so nervous. :D
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Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1

Post by Fori »

Hello everyone and Doridion

I have downloaded your pack to experiment with things, because I making a mod with custom assets. Im a graphic designer not too much a programmer, thats why all my questions code related.
Thanks in advance
I want to let you know I will give credit in the mod to everyone who helps me also for the sample packs ive downloaded and using etc..

Im using your code to define and set up the tile sets.
I have few questions however

It looks like this currently.
Question 1:
If I want to rise the ceiling the texture will loop, Is there any way to set in the code that "if the ceiling is higher than 1 use the 'user_wall_stone2' -defined texture/model"
See IMG reference below
Objects lua ('user_wall_stone' is the one you see in the picture 'user_wall_stone2' would be the one that can loop above ceiling level1)

Code: Select all

	name = "user_wall_stone",
	components = {
      class = "Model",
      model = "mod_assets/models/env/user_wall_stone.fbx",
  placement = "wall",

	name = "user_wall_stone2",
	components = {
      class = "Model",
      model = "mod_assets/models/env/user_wall_stone2.fbx",
  placement = "wall",
Tiles lua (I guess we need to put the 'user_wall_stone2' somewhere?)

Code: Select all

  name = "user_floor",
  editorIcon = 192,
  color = {110,130,110,255},
  solid = false,
  builder = "dungeon",
	ceiling = {
		"user_ceiling_flat_00", 50,
	wall = {
		"user_wall_stone", 100,
	floor = {
		"user_floor", 100,
	ceilingEdgeVariations = false,
	automapTile = “rocky_wall”,
Materials lua

Code: Select all

	name = "user_wall_stone",
	diffuseMap = "mod_assets/textures/env/user_wall_stone_dif.tga",
	specularMap = "mod_assets/textures/env/user_wall_stone_spec.tga",
	normalMap = "mod_assets/textures/env/user_wall_stone_normal.tga",
	doubleSided = false,
	lighting = true,
	castShadow = true,
	ambientOcclusion = true,
	alphaTest = true,
	blendMode = "Opaque",
	textureAddressMode = "Wrap",
	glossiness = 20,
	depthBias = 0,

	name = "user_wall_stone2",
	diffuseMap = "mod_assets/textures/env/user_wall_stone2_dif.tga",
	specularMap = "mod_assets/textures/env/user_wall_stone2_spec.tga",
	normalMap = "mod_assets/textures/env/user_wall_stone2_normal.tga",
	doubleSided = false,
	lighting = true,
	castShadow = true,
	ambientOcclusion = true,
	alphaTest = true,
	blendMode = "Opaque",
	textureAddressMode = "Wrap",
	glossiness = 20,
	depthBias = 0,
Question 2:
Is there a way to fix the gap if I rise the ceiling?
Question 3:
If the scene is not lit up by lights on wall It looks like im behind one tile of my own light radius, I dont know what im doing wrong
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Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1

Post by Doridion »

Hi Fori, glad my pack can help you to create your own tileset ;)

So, to anwser your questions in ordre :

1 - For the "double" level of walls, there's ( in my knowing ) only one way : subwater walls. I can try to configure the tileset definition to obtain that this or this wall will be used for basement or basement+1, but not sure at all. However, underwater can be add like wall or floor, as models reference, and these will be used for subtiles ( tiles placed at -1 ).

For the object, tiles and material files, they're ok like that. Just remember to add your user_wall_stone2 to the wall class in the tiles.lua.

2 - Yeah, there's a fix ^^. I'll before explain you how models are integrated to LoG2 graphics.

Firstly, models got "nodes" ( points in the space where are attached all structures of the model ). The first one ( Root Node ) is to define the basement of all ather nodes. After, you got the "MainObject" node, where is attached the fix structure of the model. On this one, will be also attached the texture of the model, based on the model construction in blender. Why these nodes are important in grimrock ? Because LoG2 take theses points to "place" them in the graphical space. So, like you undestrand, by modifying the placement of the structure node ( Root node ) you modify where grimrock will place your structure in-game.

To modify simply nodes/texture of the models, take the GMT from JohnWordsworth and open it. Select the root node and in the matrix, you can move in the space your model by the last column ( in order X,Y,Z ). In your case, you must up the ceiling by 0.5 point ( I think ).

So open the ceiling model with GMT, select the root node, enter 0,5 in the case at the second line of last column, click on "update node". Save the model and reload your map, it'll take effect immediatly. Readjust until it'll be good.

3 - For your textures ... before all, you must know that Grimrock1 and 2 are really differents with the shaders. That's why your mapping not lighted normally. To resolve it, you must modify the normal maps of your textures. For it, Leki gives us an excellent tutorial in 4 simple points there. I advise you to use it ;)

I hope these answers will help you ;)
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Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1

Post by Fori »

Hey, Yes you helped a lot.

all 3 got fixed
I have a feeling I will be back soon with new questions but for now im good.
Thanks again
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Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1

Post by Doridion »

Let me guess, you made the first floor as underwater and done it to -1, and standard walls as upside walls ;)

Good trick
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Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1

Post by Fori »

No, actually I used the 2nd texture as the base for the wall set and where I need those smaller tiles and blue bar, I use a decoration type of model. the base model is the same, it just have an alpha on top part so that is see through. and moved the model couple of pixels in front of the other so they dont overlap.
I have to do put this manually everywhere.

Im not too sure what you mean by the water thing. is it something thats part of the wall set?
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Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1

Post by Doridion »

Fori wrote:Im not too sure what you mean by the water thing. is it something thats part of the wall set?
In the tileset definition, you got an "underwater" class, wich is used for tiles who where -1 floor.

Using decorations is a good idea, but not a bit heavy for all map ?
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Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1

Post by Fori »

Doridion wrote:Using decorations is a good idea, but not a bit heavy for all map ?
Probably ur right, so how would u insert that to this script?
its already defined with the name of "asylum_decor_clean1" - so this is what I used for the decoration and I guess we want to implement this to the -1 lvl? sorry im bad at coding
the base wall that can repeat thru hight lvls is "asylum_wall_clean1"

Code: Select all

  name = "asylum_floor_clean1",
  editorIcon = 192,
  color = {110,130,110,255},
  solid = false,
  builder = "dungeon",
	ceiling = {
		"asylum_ceiling_clean1", 50,
	wall = {
		"asylum_wall_clean1", 50,
	floor = {
		"asylum_floor_clean1", 100,
	ceilingEdgeVariations = false,
	automapTile = “rocky_wall”,
Oohhh and btw what are those 100 and 50 in the script?
thanks a lot <3
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Re: [WIP][Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1

Post by Sutekh »

Those numbers after each object determine how likely they are to be used by the editor, compared to each other.
So, if you have only 1 type of ceiling object, like in your code, then setting it to 50 won't be any different than setting it to 1, since it will be placed on every tile.
If, however, you wanted to add more types of ceiling objects, you could have them set to different numbers to make them more or less likely to be placed by the editor.

For example, you could do something like this:

Code: Select all

ceiling = {
   "asylum_ceiling_clean1", 4,
   "asylum_ceiling_clean2", 1,
This would tell the editor to place an average of 4 out of 5 ceiling objects using "asylum_ceiling_clean1", and an average of 1 out of 5 using "asylum_ceiling_clean2".
If you wanted them to be placed equally, then you'd just set them both to 1.
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