Copy/paste of a post I created elsewhere.
I used it for a while now, and tried to make atmospheric dungeons, with odd walls and rooms, strange proportions, lights and so on. We can have different stages inside a level, floors above other floors, ...
I started with general shape of the level, so with just floor elevation and ceiling elevation. And it's a pain in the ass. Let me be honest : the way the Editor works is good, but it's difficult to know where the floor is (0? -5? -4?) or the ceiling. As the "undo" function doesn't exist, it's really difficult to build a level with good floor/ceiling elevations. We know the X,Y location of the mouse, it would be great to have also the elevations next, so 4 numbers: X,Y,FLOOR,CEILING. Is it possible to do that?
Other thing : Alongside the items/elements of the assets, you have small icons on the left. Filtering the icons would be great.
Last thing I noticed : Working with layers would be really useful : Isolating elements/items as we want could save a lot of time to focus on gameplay/reward/item and so on, we could isolate areas (if we want to test the level without monsters for example, or without the boss), etc.
Last last note (

) : An actual "feature" that is annoying. the party is somewhere. It goes in a room that has -2 in elevation. Each time I refresh, the party is in elevation 0, and fells on the floor. Irritating, after a while.
I can see that point 1°) is asked a lot...